In The Verges

Today was sunny and warmer. I made my way this morning down to Roger’s footpath and back. This was more of a hobble than a ramble, but the swelling on the knee has subsided and I have left off the Ibuprofen.

To be found in the verges of Downton Lane are:Crocuses





More celandinesDaffodil

DaffodilsGrape hyacinth

Grape HyacinthsBudweiser can

and drink cans, like this one from Budweiser which will soon be nestling in ladies’ bedstraw.Celandine blue

We have blue celandines in the garden, whereNew bed

Jackie has continued work on the new bed,Chain

and we have erected a plastic chain to enhance the barrier at the end of the drive. This seems at least to have deterred a plumber’s van.


When the tits give them a chance, chaffinches are now visiting the bird feeders.

This afternoon Jackie drove us to Lymington Hospital for my pre-assessment to see whether I am fit for surgery for the fasciectomy. After completion of a questionnaire, checking of blood pressure and pulse rate; measuring height and weight and calculating BMI; taking swabs from nostrils and groin to check for MRSA; applying an ECG; taking blood tests; and anything else I might have forgotten, it seems that I am. The operation should take place some time in April.

Elizabeth came for a visit and, later, we drove off to Lymington’s Lal Quilla in our separate cars, and enjoyed the usual excellent meal and friendly service, including a chat with the chef who really loves his work. My meal was king prawn naga and special fried rice. We all had onion bhajis for starters and drank Kingfisher.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful pics. They are indeed welcome here in the Upper Midwest of the USA, as we are just now seeing hopeful signs of what is yet to arrive. Also, you sound remarkably calm in describing your medical visit, tests and anticipated wait for surgery. Are you merely resigned or actually peaceful about this process? At any rate, thanks for the cheery photos.

    1. Many thanks. Actually I am calm about the surgery. It does seem to be quite straightforward, although it will take some time for the hand to be back to normal.

  2. Good to see your improving knee allowed you a short walk today, Derrick. The Spring flowers are so lovely. I love the way the sun reflects off the Celandines making them like more little suns themselves.

  3. What wonderful photos! I love the hidden gems to be found in hedgerows and verges, primroses especially – the litter aside of course! Good luck with your hospital tests ๐Ÿ™‚

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