The Tour Continues

This morning we drove to Highcliffe for coffee with Caroline and Keith Martin, with whom Margery had put us in touch. This was a very enjoyable meeting. All thanks to Margery.

Meanwhile our garden tour continues.

Rose - red climber

We call this Elizabeth’s red climbing rose, because it is in a bed she cleared last autumn.

Bee on rhododendron

A bee burrowed into one of the recently blooming rhododendron flowers,

Phantom path

which can be seen alongside the Phantom Path, so called because of an eponymous ghost-like hydrangea, not yet flowering and not seen in this shot.

Heligan path 1Heligan path 2

These are views from each end of the Heligan Path.

Jackie watering at end path

Another winding path leads from the proposed rose garden to the back drive. Jackie, on this very hot day, is to be seen watering her new tub planting.

Oval bed

Forming a kind of clef in branching off from this is a gravel track surrounding the Oval Bed. Along the back fence is Elizabeth’s Bed.

Foxglove and blue hydrangea

It is only this year that we have paid due attention to the small front garden. The freshly planted blue hydrangea has yet to mature, and is consequently dwarfed by the red potted foxglove.

Front garden path

It was the creation of this previously ill-defined path that gave us the necessary impetus.

Brick path

The head gardener correctly informs me that two days ago I incorrectly termed The Brick Path The Agriframes Arch Path,

Gothic arch because it also contains The Gothic Arch. We erected this last year and, on one side, retrained two roses that had been lost in the jungle, and on the other, planted two clematises.

Just a few yards down Downton Lane



Roses - white

and white roses festoon the hedgerows. (are those spider’s eggs behind the central bloom?)

After the usual long stint in the garden, Jackie roasted the succulent pork, and the crunchy crackling; baked the crisp Yorkshire pudding; and produced the tasty gravy for our dinner, whilst I prepared the vegetables. These latter included carrots, green beans, and mange tout; but I was particularly proud of the Anya potatoes, three weeks past their best before date, that, after complete desprouting and partial peeling, tasted as good as new, although they were somewhat reduced in size. I drank Casillero del Diablo cabernet sauvignon reserva 2013, but I was enjoying the potatoes before I began it.


  1. Life is sweet, Derrick. A garden like that and then roast pork with crackling. PG Wodehouse would have had trouble marrying it all – early summer day etc, etc.

    Ps Your garden looks amazing.

  2. It was difficult to scroll past Elizabeth’s red rose; what a beauty. Enjoyed the stroll around the rest of your garden; looking good! Crackling – yum. Haven’t had pork since I’ve been in Turkey.

  3. This garden keeps looking better! I am so impressed by all the changes since I first began reading. It must be restorative to spend your time out there – if you ever give yourself a chance to sit in the shade and soak it in.

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