‘You Don’t Know Me…..’

This morning Jackie and I joined Helen and Bill, Shelly and Ron on a visit to the exhibition at The First Gallery. We had an enjoyable time together with Paul and Margery.

On the road from Brockenhurst to Beaulieu, a herd of cattle, complete with a number of calves, streamed out of the forest to our right, crossed the road with their customary insouciance, and came bearing down upon our little Modus.

Cattle on road 1

The car ahead of us edged forward. But, having enlarged the image by clicking on it, keep an eye on the two white calves towards the rear of the file on our left.

Cattle on road 2

They brought the optimistic driver to a halt by, oblivious of the cumbersome gait they would soon grow into, frolicking across the front of his vehicle like a pair of spring lambs. As can be seen we were already at a standstill.

Cattle on road 3

The animals had free access to the road from our right, but the forest was fenced on our left so, wherever they were going, they travelled, at what seemed an increasing rate the nearer they approached, along the tarmac.

Cattle on road 4

As I have mentioned before, they are inquisitive beasts,

Cattle on road 5

and are convinced that they own the road.

Cattle on road 6

I really think they imagined

Cattle on road 7

that, if they kept on coming,

Cattle on road 8

the obstruction that was our little car

Cattle on road 9

would simply move aside.

On our way home, having a hankering for an awesome Needles Eye Cafe breakfast, we took a diversion to Milford on Sea where

Isle of Wight and The Needles

the waves were becoming choppy,

Yacht passing The Needles

a yacht skimmed past The Needles lighthouse,


gulls glided on the wing,

Families on Promenade

and family groups promenaded.

In the cafe, as we sat with our drinks awaiting our fry-ups, I was approached by an attractive woman who opened with ‘You don’t know me, but I know you. You’re Derrick, aren’t you?’ Naturally I was keen to learn more. ‘I own this place, and I read your blog’. This was Simone. Not only had she remembered the photograph I had put on a post practically two years ago, but she recollected that on that day my toast had been forgotten. I did remind her that I would not have been able to eat it anyway.

Needle Eye Cafe

At least one couple were hardy enough to use the tables outside, and families enjoyed the children’s playground that was provided for customers.

This evening Jackie dined on her excellent lamb jafrezi and savoury rice, with a paratha. Well she had not had the maxed up breakfast and chips for lunch.


  1. Great post! It must have been outstanding to meet a fan of you blog, Derrick! With these pictures on-line, she’ll have even more reason to follow you!!

      1. Well Jackie – I was counting Derrick – but I presumed he foisted a daily reading of his blog upon you and I wasn’t counting it. The second person (the first being himself) was Queen Elizabeth II herself – although she’d never admit to it.

  2. There you are – famous in your own breakfast/lunch time 🙂 I think it must be wonderful to suddenly run into a fan of your blog like that – I never have! If there is cow slobber to clean off Jackie’s little car they got too close!!

    1. Many thanks, Pauline. I once sat in a tube train opposite someone working on one of my crosswords. I didn’t own up, but that was pretty exciting, too. I’m not investigating for slobber 🙂

      1. When I was the librarian at a certain school – just a nobody issuing books – the Head of Music composed a new musical for the school. How fantastic! I never said anything, but it was one I had written twenty years earlier. He was being paid $37 an hour and I was on $12.70 I never said anything, so thrilled I was that someone considered one of my compositions worth stealing!

  3. Great post! I love the shots of the swooping gulls and of the cattle–it must get dangerous if they wander in the dark, as well. How cool to be recognized! 🙂

  4. Those cattle. The gulls! Great shots of the sea as well. I have a new camera and am aspiring to your skills. Glad your famous all over town!

  5. I like the picturesque of the place where you live, Derrick. You have cows on the street. Pony which walk free. It’s amazing. 😀

  6. What a great day you experienced Derrick. I like seeing the photos of the cattle, it does look like they own the road. Delightful post my friend, happy day to you! 🙂

  7. Of course the cattle own the road. They have taken lessons from those wretched squirrels..
    That’s a great shot of the trio of gulls.

  8. Such a delightful and joyful drive. I know you have to deal with the cattle while driving, we don’t. 🙂
    An amazing photo capture of the three gulls, Derrick. 🙂

  9. I liked your photographs but would have been annoyed if I were in a hurry and meeting someone. Thank goodness for cell phones, although some countryside places don’t provide good coverage! I enjoyed the sweet, healthy cows and always will like their big “doe eyes!” Derrick, so nice to know you are connected to Simone and I wasn’t around two years ago, but glad you connected and she remembered you! The meals all sound super and the gulls pulled at my hear. My Mom’s lake house is sold and thus, will be heading to other beaches to see gulls and water in its elements. I always liked rough waters, safe and sound at top of the cliff in my parent’s lake cottage house on Lake Erie. Smiles and serenity sent for your Sunday! Hugs, Robin

      1. While re-reading my comment you may have understood about “hear” meant to say “heart.” Any sea or lake details make me nostalgic. Thanks for reading! 🙂

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