Find The Moth


Today was overcast and unseasonably hot and humid. I cut the grass and had a wander around the garden. Many of our plants linger on, refusing to accept the advent of autumn.


We still have blooming clematises.

Heligan Path

Although the leaves of the weeping birch are beginning to colour the Heligan Path,the beds bordering it remain colourful.


The new rudbeckias stand in a tub as they are having to await the demise of the nicotiana sylvestris which they are intended to replace.


We have white begonias.

Bee on sedum 1

Bees continue to plunder the sedums into which they merge;

Moth camouflaged

but the prize for camouflage goes to this moth posing as a dying begonia leaf.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s powerful chilli con carne with rice and peas, followed by Victoria sponge and lemon meringue pie ice cream. I drank Croix des Célestins Fleurie 2014, and the Culinary Queen didn’t.



  1. I spotted the moth. They are masters at disguise 🙂

    Derrick, I look forward to ‘witnessing’ the transformation of your garden in autumn – my favorite season of brilliant yellow, orange, red, and brown tones.

    1. Agree on the species. Here’s a link
      I once had the privilege of witnessing one which had appeared in the house brand new (I’m guessing it must have pupated indoors) before its wings crinkled up. Fresh, for about 30 – 45 mins., they look like a standard-winged insect, and gradually the wings morph into sharp folds, giving the ‘dead-leaf’ look that Derrick photographed. I’d never seen one before.

  2. I had some dynamite chili con carne last night, but sadly, no Lemon Meringue Pie ice-cream. I wonder if the supermarket might carry that? Tally-ho and off I go to see.

    It’s a shock to realise it’s nearly the end of another season in your garden.

      1. I’ve never seen it here, but I shall be looking – or I might just stir some lemon juice into softened icecream, toss a meringue on top and hey-ho!! [Somehow that doesn’t sound so appetising though 🙁 ]

          1. hi Cynthia – I almost missed this comment and then found I get a ‘403 forbidden’ blank page when I follow it through. BUT you got me searching on You Tube, which I never thought to do. I’ll let you know if I find anything.

          2. I know…sorry about that. I got the same forbidden when I tried it. I had just googled lemon meringue pie ice cream and a whole bunch of recipes came up!

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