Waiting For A Table


Today, Jackie drove us to Frances’s home in Wroughton, near Swindon and back.

Frances's garden 1Frances's garden 2Frances and Jackie

We sat and talked in her garden, where

Trug and tools

her trug and its contents had clearly been put to good use.

Bluebell Walk workforce

Β Prospect Hospice where Chris died two years ago,Β has a Bluebell Walk which is undergoing a cleaning process at the moment. This is a paved path funded by the purchase of bricks and stones bearing the names of people who spent there last days in this peaceful final care home.

Chris Knight paver

Our sister-in-law drove us there to show us Chris’s paver. She and the family had gone for the tasteful, simple, option.

Back at The Mountings Frances gave us a welcome lunch of pasties and chips.


Afterwards, in the garden, I watched sparrows on the bird feeders, which tended to become a little crowded.

Sparrow 2

As in all the best restaurants, it was necessary to queue for a table;

Sparrow 1

then the more fortunate visitors had one to themselves.

This evening Jackie and I dined on her excellent chilli con carne with rice and peas, followed by vanilla ice cream. I drank more of the Fleurie and Jackie didn’t.


  1. Proof that simple is effective …. What a lovely memorial. And that garden! Absolutely beautiful. Sparrows never fail to please ☺️

  2. Beautiful gardens and beautiful photos. The paver is simple and heartfelt.
    I laughed at your remarks about the sparrows queuing for a table.
    We have a bird feeder at a kitchen window, and sometimes there is quite a queue. πŸ™‚

  3. I bet Jackie enjoys talking horticulture with Frances. I would like to have a friend to talk about gardening with. Unfortunately, all my neighbors are into weeds. That is weeds, not weed!

  4. Frances’ garden is as neat as mine is messy πŸ™‚

    We don’t see sparrows in Sydney anymore since the last long draught brought bigger birds from the bush; all our small birds seem to have disappeared πŸ™

    I read your piece about Chris. So sad.

  5. I enjoyed seeing Frances’ gardens and sad to see the paver stone with Chris’s name on it. This is always sad someone go too soon. You have lived through this, too. <3
    The birds at feeder are always so entertaining! πŸ™‚

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