An early morning inspection revealed that The Beast is back.
It has burrowed under the log and presumably wormed its way through the gap between metal stakes, having also chewed more of the fencing.
I filled the gap with a spare stake.
During this process I spotted another burrow at the far end of the concrete block, with distinct teeth marks on the bottom of the plank. It is as if our nocturnal visitor, having limboed under the fence, has decided to raise the entrance for easier access.
Later, Jackie bought some more stakes and added another piece of stone to the battlements. The rose stems are a bit optimistic.
I made more encouraging progress in weeding the Back Drive.
A bustling robin was too busy feeding his family, to take any interest in my activities.
This afternoon Becky helped me customise this blog. I wonder if anyone will notice anything.
This evening we dined on pork rib rack in barbecue sauce, with omelette-topped savoury rice and runner beans, followed by profiteroles, followed by lemon tart. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and the rest of us shared Reserve des Tuguets madiran 2014.
Tenacious critter
It sure is!
Thanks very much, Maria.
Great heading photo and the text is much easier to read. Thank you Derrick and Becky.
I agree.
I agree too; also, much better blog without all the rambling on! Well done Becky in helping your father
So kind, Ian
Many thanks, Oglach
Becky did a good job. Love the header photo; I would like to order a print if I may.
e-mail your address and one will be on its way. Any size up to A3+. I’d be very pleased, Mary.
Do I have your email address?
Thanks, Derrick. Will write.
Derrick, the back drive is looking great and the updated blog site looks clean and fresh.
Ramblings is the perfect name! You really have to stop mother from trying to crawl under the fence. She should use the gate like everyone else.
You need a security camera to catch your culprit..
Becky was wondering whether to coduct a vigil with her Jack Russell. Thanks, Geoff
I noticed immediately that you had a lovely header photo Derrick. I had assumed you didn’t want a header, not that you hadn’t known how to place one. I am also chuckling at the beast – it has to be some kind of hybrid beaver-rat-werewolf of a particularly determined nature! And your fence blockage process reminds me a little of a cartoonist who constructs things out of all kinds of stuff (was it Giles?) I also like how the photos are arranged now. Good going Derrick and Becky – I don’t suppose Becky would like to hop over and help me sort out my blog?
Many thanks, Pauline. Heath Robinson was the cartoonisr. Don’t assume I know how to do stuff
Yes, thank you for that reminder – and I promise not to assume again
I can’t tell any changes have occurred, but I’m reading it on my cell phone.
Font and headers. Thanks, Leslie
We have oddly similar forces in our lives right now–aging mothers and marauding beasties. Although we seem to be rid of our chipmunk in the car problem. At least for now.
Your new blog format looks wonderful and the header photograph is marvelous.
The blog looks great, and the header photo is wonderful.
I also really like the robin photo.
I got distracted though by your mention of the beast doing the limbo, and I can’t get that image out of my mind. I’m picturing a whole Disney scene going on there at night with creatures doing the limbo, Caribbean music and tiki torches. You and Jackie must be sound sleepers.
Many thanks, Merril. Lovely, fun, comment. “We are” says Jackie
Love the new look!
Juxtapositioning is everything – Post title – The Beast is Back … first image – little old lady (presumably someone’s mum
) with a walker. 
Thanks, Widders. MY Mum – almost 95
Looks like it’s time for a hard heart and a trap. You’ve given the Beast enough hints.
Header photo looks wonderful.
Poison next. Thanks, Quercus
Yes, it hasn’t left many options…
Looks like it’s time for a hard heart and a trap. You’ve given the Beast enough hints.
Header photo looks wonderful.
Hang on, profiteroles AND lemon tart? Won the lottery or something?
Many thanks, Quercus. An inability to choose between the two came in handy
I must try that one…
Well I must have missed a previous post..
because I have no idea what the beast is..
But I can only imagine how annoyed
you must be…
Destroying your fences like that..
and he seems so persistent…
I enjoyed your photos though. As always…
And your dinner sounds good
Many thanks, Nita. We don’t know what it is – candidates were badger and fox, but it now seems smaller than those – possibly a rat – probably not a hedgehog
Oooooh.. gotcha. Derrick…
I hope you find a way to repel whatever it is…
It’s eating away your wooden fence.. not good..
I immediately noticed your sweet Mum, Derrick. I think this is my favorite header on WordPress. Cheers!
Many thanks, Jill
As soon as I saw your title I thought, oh nooooo. And then I opened and saw your new header, hahahaa. The blog changes look good, it was simply an amusing combination. Lovely photo of your Mum and she seems to be going strong at 95. She seems as determined to keep going as your nocturnal visitor.
Many thanks, Gwen. You may have seen that Bruce suggests we should stop Mum coming in under the fence.
He’s very adroit with his observations
He’s a quick-witted genius
I noticed the new header right away. Its gorgeous. I like the clean layout of this new them you’re using, too.
Many thanks, Susanne. If we’ve done the job properly the header should change randomly
That Zariba is rather artistic … worthy of sitting splendidly on a French roundabout – at least around these parts it would be!
Many thanks, Osyth, especially for the reminder of a word I had forgotten from my crossword setting days.
My goodness … that has made me VERY happy … to remind you of all people of a word!
Good luck battling the beast. The blog looks great.
Thanks very much, Peggy
This extra stone firmament should prevent this beast! My good guy friend used to set up infra red cameras on little shelves by the creek running by his house. He would capture raccoons washing at night and deer drinking, too. I wonder if you could set up a camera and how much do they cost? I am so curious! Jackie you do amazing gardening and cooking, now add Beast warrior princess or something like this. . .
Many thanks, Robin. Giggles from Jackie. Not sure about the camera, although it’s a good idea.
I laughed so much!
Always MY FRIEND xx
I’ve had extra chuckles tonight what with the beast and all the varied descriptions of the beast in the comments. Whatever it is, it’s determined to come into paradise. It’s no doubt seen that lovely photo where you were weeding and thought that was just the place. Nice remodel on the blog as well. Your mother looks delighted to be in the garden.
Very many thanks, Lisa.
Yur header is just gorgeous and warm! Love the change. I worry about the creature’s impact on your garden. What to do next? The drive is looking vert tidy, though!
Your header is just gorgeous and warm! Love the change. I worry about the creature’s impact on your garden. What to do next? The drive is looking vert tidy, though!
Poison, I’m afraid, Cynthia. Thanks a lot.
Hello, Derrick! The beast has me intrigued. Perhaps you may want to set up a trap that snaps at the foot or tail of your the werewolf? I am reading this on the Pixel and don’t see many changes in the theme of your blog. I will check it out on a bigger screen in the evening if I get home early.
It’s just fonts and header, Uma. Many thanks
The fonts do look good. It was considerate of you to increase the font-size, I am sure your audience is going to appreciate it.
Do we know what the beast is?
Not yet – a rat is becoming the main contender. Many thanks, Kerry
Yes, I noticed the change right away. Very nice. And that picture of your mother! Magnificent! Such beautiful hair. Good luck with whatever is getting into your garden.
Many thanks, Laurie
Beautiful header Derrick, a nice change. I’m so not in love with garden beasts – they know exactly what’s their fancy and I have a difficult time keeping them out. We had a possum the other day, he was wandering through like he knew right where to go. Can’t believe how much weeding there was to do in your drive – it is looking good. Those deserts sound heavenly ~
Have you thought of digging a big trench and filling it with concrete? Might help
Aaron’s next job maybe. Thanks, Brian
Somebody is working that poor bugger into the ground
You can’t stop him.
excuses! excuses!
I wonder if you should not have a water feature near the fence to cut the path of the “Beast”. It could also be a nice addition to your garden if at all possible
A thought, Geetha. However – no sign for a couple of days. Thanks very much
Hopefully it will keep away
I notice the header and the black/white image.
I don’t think you post many black/whites , but I could be wrong 
You are right. Not many. Thanks, msw.