Behind The Nottingham Castle Bench


After a day in our mother’s garden, I wandered around ours.


Lamiums rise from the Dragon Bed, where


the first of our rhododendrons is in full boom.

Margery's Bed grass-side

Another of these rich red shrubs, in Margery’s Bed,

Pieris, rhododendron and view across lawn

can be seen on the grass patch side,


beyond the pieris

Pieris and view across grass patch

that stands behind the Nottingham Castle Bench,


opposite which one of the ubiquitous honesty plants presages the hebe blooms with which it will soon blend.


Cyclamens border the Head Gardener’s Walk.


These particular pansies smile in the West Bed,

Hellebore, comfrey

where hellebores, like these among the comfrey and the tellimas, are adopting their maturer colouring,

Snakeshead fritillaries

and snakes head fritillaries hang their lanterns.

Japanese maple red and camellias

We thought we had lost the red Japanese maple from which I had removed dead material two years ago. Aaron cut some more away recently and fresh shoots are appearing.


Many later daffodils linger


and our surprise collection of tulips has revealed yet another dramatic red striped variety.


A white spirea cascades over the Palm Bed,

Prunus Amanogawa

and at the front of the house the prunus Amanogawa is now in full bloom. Should anyone wonder at the proliferation of piping on this side of our building, that is because this, we believe, was originally the back of the house.

This evening we dined on real fusion food – Jackie’s superb savoury egg rice, Mr Chan’s spring rolls and prawn toasts, Lidl’s pork rib rack in barbecue sauce; Belgium’s Hoegaarden beer and Argentina’s Trivento reserve Malbec 2017.


  1. Such bright spots of color in your garden. Those surprise tulips are stunning. It’s beginning to look summery, rather than like spring.
    I love fusion meals like that. 🙂

  2. Beautiful photos, Derrick, and lovely commentary. Is the Spirea very fragrant? I remember a similar looking bush from my childhood neighborhood (an odd thing for a kid to notice, now that I think about it) and it was super fragrant.

      1. I just talked to my mom and she remembers the bush well. She thinks it might have been a mock orange, whatever that is. I need to get out and sniff some vibernum and mock oranges.

    1. Tulips were free with a certain purchase at a local garden centre, I put them in a couple of tubs and forgot about them, ’til now, so glad I got them.

  3. We see so little seasonal changes in Sydney that I realise now why I never saw the big deal about spring. Now I see.

    Still can’t ‘like’ and can only comment if I ‘log in’ again each time I want to comment.

  4. The rhododendron blooms and the snake’s head fritillaries are so amazingly perfect, Derrick! 💞 This was a wonderful trip down the garden paths! 💮 🐦

      1. Yes, we always used to remark on the fact, when visting my parents, that being 50 miles south of us gave them almost a week’s advantage in growing. You are positively Mediterranean…

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