It is probably accurate to say that my day began at 2 a.m. That’s because I didn’t just doze off again, but actually did some work on my computer.
Then I dozed off.
Then the lovely Elise woke me to take my blood pressure and stuff, with “How are you today?”.
“I’m much better except when people wake me up to do stuff to me”.
It must then have been about 6.30 a.m. when I heard: “Would you like some tea or coffee?”
” No thanks” must have seemed very churlish. At least it was delivered with a smile.
“You haven’t ordered any breakfast” must have woken me at about 7 a.m.
With another smile, “because I didn’t think I would be able to eat any. But thank you for checking.
The wittily caring Carley has been my nurse for the day. “Here are your painkillers”. I’m not sure when. “I’ll have to sit you up a bit. Cos I don’t want you choking”.
“That would be most unfortunate”.
“Especially after all that work we did yesterday.”
Soon after 9 a.m. my liquid morphine was administered in preparation for the torture session administered by Marcus, today’s physiotherapist. He arrived about half an hour later. ready to get me out of bed.
“First you must roll over on your side”.
Given choice, I opted for left.
“Swing your good leg. I will hold the operated one”.
Gradually using the walking frame I transferred my weight from my bum on the edge of the bed to both feet and the handles of the walker.
“Starting with the good leg take steps toward the chair,”
“Not so big steps”.
“Now turn sideways”
“Using the same system?”
“When you feel the chair on the backs of your legs, try to lower yourself onto the seat.”
Mission accomplished. I thought.
At this point there is an interruption in the proceedings, because Marcus returned this afternoon `with Connor, a student.
“This afternoon we are going to a few more steps down the corridor with the Zimmer fame, and if successful transferring to the crutches.”
My complex expression, attempting to display both horror and amusement, was a giveaway.
“I can see you are very pleased with this suggestion”.
I then explained what had been inflicted upon me since his departure this morning.
I had waited for Gerrard to come and collect me for an x-ray. During this time Alex had guided me from
“Why are you wearing the name tag Alex Chris, when you are not Marcus?”.
“Because I am not Marcus”.
Then, using the same process, one small step at a time, Alex masquerading as Marcus, had guided me round the bed, into the corridor , and a few yards along it. We then turned around to reverse our steps.
I was then asked to feel for the front of Gerrard’s wheelchair behind me. Gerrard then took over.
“Place your good leg on the footrest. Leave the operated leg to me”.
We each played our part and were soon off to x-ray for the ‘after’ pictures.
Back in my room I was given the chance of returning to bed or remaining in the chair. Given that I was expecting a visit from Mr Kask, I opted for the chair, and promptly went to sleep. He was the next to disturb my slumber. It didn’t take him long to pronounce himself satisfied.
I asked Carley to help me back to bed after this.
Lunch soon arrived. I woke up to eat it. I hope those readers who have expressed concern about the quality of the catering at New Hall will be suitably impressed by this ‘small’ option. I am not sure what the soup was, but it was very tasty. The omelette was plain, of my own choice, and the ice-cream was excellent vanilla. Nevertheless I could only consume one spoonful of soup, Three quarters of the egg, a sprig of rocket, one potato, one slice each of tomato and cucumber, and most of the ice-cream. This morning’s Health Care Assistant had advised that the new slippers were a precaution against slipping, not really to keep germs away. Perhaps I’ll check this tomorrow.
By mid-afternoon I was again interrupted from my posting. Jackie, Elizabeth, and Danni stayed for a good long visit. We conversed about all our usual topics, especially focussing on my sister’s house sale and purchase. My head was clear enough today to make what I thought were reasonable contributions.
Afternoon tea consisted of moist, well-filled egg and cress sandwiches, orange juice, and fruit salad, which I couldn’t face.
I hadn’t ordered any dinner.
Good to see you in great spirits, Derrick.
Many thanks, Nandita. Head, at least, back to normal
That’s what counts the most. Be well. Warm wishes
Be well…
Many thanks, Maria
Thank you for sharing your life with such an indelible spirit…you inspire.
Thank you so much, Maria
Good to see that your humor is doing well. Sadly, physiotherapy comes with pain, so keep at it
I will, Rosaliene. Many thanks, as always, especially for your encouragement
I’m glad you seem to be approaching your recovery with humor.
The food at your hospital looks much better than the food I’ve seen in American hospitals–and no afternoon tea!
You sound like you’re enjoying the morphine If nothing else. Hope It all improves
Thanks a lot, Geoff
These places seem determined that one shouldn’t get a good sleep! It seems you are kneely mobile again.
I am aghast at you turning down fruit salad. I am passionately fond of it.
So am I, Leslie. Thanks a lot
It is good to see you. I hope the pain isn’t too much
It is pretty well controlled now, Pleasant. Thanks so much
Darn it. Geoff said what I wanted to say. Your post had a slight “waiting for Godot” quality to it. Thank goodness for vanilla ice cream. Why bother with anything else? As for more! You truly have the stiffest of British upper lips, Derrick. Carry on.
I almost made a reference to Becket, But I ran out of steam. Thanks very much, Susanne
I’m sorry to have missed so many posts (due to brother’s death)–and it cheers me to see that you have pulled through and are on the mend! I will try to catch up this week. Kind blessings your way.
Very many thanks, Cynthia. (I’m not reading any myself at the moment
Rest, be at your ease, time enough to read up–sending good healing your way
How annoying to keep being woken up, when what you need is rest and to get your strength back. Hope your appetite returns soon x
Thanks very much, June. At least I know they are keeping an eye on me X
You must eat.
I know. I’m doing my best, Leslie. Many thanks
I know. Just concerned.
Understood X
Yes, for some reason, hospital employees don’t let you get enough sleep. They are always popping in for one thing or another.
So do your best

To get some rest
Eat when you can
If just an egg in a pan
Soon you will be home
Free to sit or roam
Healing HUGS,
Very many thanks, Carolyn
Here’s your Becket reference;
“I can’t go on.”
“Here’s your liquid morphine.”
“I’ll go on.”
Superb, Oglach. Many thanks
I know you are not yourself given that so much food is being paraded by you and being refused! And I’ve never understood hospitals penchant for waking people up – it’s like they don’t know that sleep is healing……… Still, it sounds like its coming along well, you are moving and all the bits are moving with you and nothing has fallen off yet. Hurrah for morphine!! xoxo
Very many thanks, Pauline. It probably is coming along nicely, but, you know me. Jackie was delighted with her card. I expect she’ll tell you herself.
Between all of the exercise and the lack of appetite, you’ll be coming out of this quite svelte.
I think so, Jodie. Back to my normal weight, with any luck. Thanks very much
The hospital is the worst place to get proper rest. Hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy the comforts of home very soon. You’re making some good progress…yay you!
Very many thanks, Jill
Been praying hard love to you my dear one
Very many thanks, Candy. Prayers are working XX
Every day my friend
Keep your sense of humour in this time of recovery! The food looks good.
It is very good, Cynthia. Thanks v very much
You’ll know when you’re really on the mend when your appetite returns.
…it’s no wonder you were exhausted!
Thanks a lot, Widders. I think I might be able to tackle breakfast, but I didn’t order any
Heh, heh, heh … oops!
Sod’s law
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Thank you very much, Donna
I don’t know why they don’t just sound a bugle call at 6am.
Despite the early start lunch looks good, and as for afternoon tea…
Is this a hospital or a palm court hotel?
Seems you are doing good thus far. The key still remains to work that knee with your therapist as often as you can to keep it flexible . It is not the most fun part of your recovery because it i uncomfortable in the early stages of your recovery, but the more you do now with moving it, they quicker you will be back to normal doing the things you like to do. Jackie will be an integral part and your motivator to ensure you do your physical exercises at home on a regular basis. You want to get that knee to bend back as far as you can and not to let the scar tissue interfere with those movements. Again, my 2 cents worth form my days of going thru this 2 times!
Worth far more than 2 cents, Gary. Thanks very much
What an ordeal.
Hope it progresses to being ‘behind you’ soon, Derrick.
It will, Frank. Many thanks
Good to see you dear!
I hope you are getting better derrick! I just read your post that was a day back and it sounds rough! Take care and feel better very soon xxxxx
Thanks a lot, Lynn XX
I’ve always said the VERY worst place to get any sleep at all is a hospital except perhaps early afteroon. But most assuredly NEVER at night. If they are coming into your room periodically then it’s all the noise out in the hall. I think they save all the really, really noisy things to be done during the nighttime hours. You will feel better day by day and the PT will get easier and easier. I was in the hospital four 4 days and by the third day they had a little bunch of stairs I could climb. I pray you get to go home soon. Good to hear from you my friend. Love and hugs, N
<3 xo
Very many thanks, Natalie XX
You’re quite welcome dear Derrick
Glad you didn’t have a gastrectomy, you wouldn’t have had a stomach to put the dinner that you didn’t order in.
trying to cheer you up with a bit of harassment Derrick
As is your wont, my friend
I have to say that photo tugged at my heartstrings as it looks so very pitiful! At least you had a decent tea (right?)!
Right, Luanne. Thanks a lot
Your descriptive powers are amazing! You manage to transfer most of your feelings with the ease of a bird gliding over a soothing zephyr. Thanks for the wonderful report.
Very many thanks, Uma. Head is getting back to normal
Keep it up! You will get out of there soon! Glad to see you are writing and posting.
Thanks very much, Gizzy
Stay amazing, and get well soon! We are all thinking about you!
Very many thanks, Diane
Derrick sir, I was missing you. I thought you’ve forgotten me and my writing. You comments provide me motivation. I PRAY TO GOD FOR YOUR FAST RECOVERY and we want to see all your wonderful photography; as usual.
My pray for your fast recovery
Sure enough,
You’ll be amongst the pine-trees
And foliage
And reveal their beauties
By fixing the angle of your lens
We miss you really
With regards,
Very many thanks, Harbans. I will pick up with my reading soon.
Thanks sincerely Derrick sir.
Good thing you still keep on posting despite your therapy and knee surgery.
Thanks very much, Arlene
Keep up the good work Derrick. Sounds as if things are progressing well. Good to see you are probably losing a bit of weight too! Your knees will be happy about that as well
, I imagine. Hope to see you soon. Lots of love, H & B XXXX
Thanks a lot from you both, H & B
Well written. I can see every moment.
Many thanks, Cathi
Even in this situation, you manage to give your readers a clear view of what’s going on and a chuckle or two! Keep up the great work, in therapy and the blog!! All my best, Derrick.
Oh, almost forgot. Yesterday, I almost said, “Hello, Jackie” to a woman at the gym. I had to tell you, the Head gardener has a doppelganger in South Florida!!
I’ll let her know, GP. Many thanks
All of the interruptions in a place of supposed rest and recuperation is insane. All I can think of is: This too shall pass.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and swift trip home to your lovely garden and Jackie’s delicious cooking:)
Very many thanks, Cheryl
Gosh, Derrick, I’m tired after reading about all that. Hospitals are exhausting places! Your indomitable humour is clearly leading the way. Everything else will follow
Very many thanks, Sandra
I was surprised at how good the food looked. They really have you up and about quickly, but it seems a lack of sleep is the prescription of the day. Keep on, keeping on Derrick you will be home before you know it and then you will be able to get your much needed rest.
I, too, was tired after reading your post and surprised by how good the food looked. But what a procedure. Routine for the health care team, not so routine for the patient. Across the pond, I am rooting for your speedy recovery.
Very many thanks, Laurie. I feel Clif’s vibes, t00
Yes, our healing thoughts are coming your way.
Petits pas à petits pas you are making progress which is heartening. I’m relieved that slippers are to prevent slipping – who knew?
That really isn’t the only reason Osyth. :} Thanks very much,
perhaps the morphine is more important than the wine…..I just had a colonoscopy yesterday, now what a treat that was….after they said no wine last night but the nurse winked and said it won’t kill me if I do….so I took that as a good sign. Rest up and glad everything went well for you my friend <3
So I come back to FB and Scrabble after a very, very long break and what do I come back to but a pair of feet dangling out of the bottom of a hospital bed …. What on earth is going on Derrick ? Hope all is well xx
Good to see you, Barbara. Knee replacement – first of two – glad they are speed out six months apart. Sorry to have given you such a shock
Nice blog!
Thank you, Kaddiiieee