
On another overcast afternoon we meandered in the Modus.

On the Beaulieu Abbey lake teal ( see John Knifton’s comment below) paddled among the reed beds;

black headed gulls quietly reflected;

stately swans sailed sedately, sometimes safely splash landing.

One conversed with a little boy in a buggy.

In a field across the road cock pheasants competed with crows for forage.

Cattle claimed the road at East Boldre.

This evening we dined on our second helpings of Hordle Chinese Take Away’s excellent fare.


  1. Derrick, I realise your post is an exquisite poem punctuated by a pristine panorama of pictures:

    On another overcast afternoon
    we meandered in the Modus.
On the Beaulieu Abbey lake ducks
    paddled among the reed beds;
    black headed gulls quietly reflected;
    stately swans sailed sedately,
    sometimes safely splash landing.
    One conversed with a little boy in a buggy.
    Cattle claimed the road at East Boldre.

  2. I agree with your dad. Maybe your part of the world is as beautiful as you make it look. Nevertheless, it takes a good eye to recognize beauty and capture it.

  3. An absolutely awesome amazing astounding alliteration! (of s-words!) 🙂
    The birds, and the water look, so peaceful and lovely!
    And the cows look to be on a moo-ving mission! HA! 😉 😀
    HUGS!!! 🙂

      1. 😊well over here we have so many “crappy” options – they use bad industrial oils and say they do not use MSG – but it is hard to find a good place that we like – we do have a Mediterranean grill that thankfully rescues us

  4. Great selection of words and photos. Agree with Tootlepedal – we were always told the same thing about swans. Not sure about the leg breaking but I do know that professional turkey catchers wear cricket boxes to protect themselves from the flapping wings. 🙂

  5. Loved the swan alliteration – Nice!

    Beautiful photos too. 🙂

    I meant to ask before… has your pheasant been pleasant around you lately? Have you seen much more of him?? He was such a handsome bird.

    Always love Chinese for dinner – 2nd time around is fine! 🙂 We always get too much for just one meal!

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