None Of That Nonsense

Late this afternoon rain had brought abandonment to the first day of the fourth Ashes Test match, but here it was reasonably warm and sunny.

Jackie, hindered by Nugget, continued planting, while I wandered around the garden.

Clematis Marie Boisselot, in her third flush, has now toned down her blue rinse.

Other clematises, such as Polish Spirit,

and the tiny white campaniflora, have weathered the storm.

A Lidl pink one still climbs the arch spanning the Brick Path beyond the pelargoniums flanking the Nottingham Castle bench.

Here are some of those pelargoniums.

Begonias are in their prime.

Fuchsias, like these two chequerboards, continue to thrive.

Mama Mia, Absolutely Fabulous, Winchester Cathedral, Festive Jewel, Crown Princess Margatera, and Hot Chocolate are all examples of roses still holding up their heads.

Long shadows streak across the tiny lawn.

Honesty and Hollyhocks are displaying seed pods.

Earlier in the summer Aaron moved the miscanthus from the edge to the centre of the Palm Bed. It has survived.

Pelargoniums drape many of the hanging baskets.

Petunias and bidens are equally prolific.

The New Bed and Elizabeth’s Bed still offer much colour.

The first of this set of pictures show cosmos and echinacea alongside Elizabeth’s Bed, the second is of the Weeping Birch Bed, and the last two lead us towards the house.

Now, “Where’s Nugget?” (14)

Jackie can’t settle to drinks on the patio without taking a trowel to stir the pudding for her little friend.

This evening he looked askance at her first effort and

took up a stance on a stone above some slate chips as if, like a stroppy toddler, to say “I don’t like that dinner. Get me something else”. I can assure you that the Head Gardener had none of that nonsense from her own children.

I certainly didn’t turn up my nose at our delicious dinner of spicy pork paprika, mushroom rice, and runner beans, with which the Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Shiraz.


  1. I have awoken to be viewing photos of your glorious garden early this morning Derrick, and it’s wonderful way for to start my Thursday morning…..

  2. Your garden is still a riot of colour whether we are in meteorological autumn or not. A tribute to all concerned. I am very impressed by the third flush of your clematis. Our Princess Margareta has put out a few tentative late buds just to see. No flowers yet though.

  3. I marvel at the way your garden acts as though it’s still the height of summer. Ours is looking a little worse for wear, I have to accept that not only am I further north but I’m also high up and quite exposed here. Thank you for the tour and for making sure Nugget was very easy to spot.

      1. Don’t do that, you’ve only had one that was very difficult and anyway the search is fun!

        I frequently use my phone for replies etc but never for reading someone’s blog. I have a large screen iPhone but still regard the viewing experience as inferior when compared to my iPad or PC. If someone has taken the time to include photographs, the least I can do is appreciate the effort and view them at a decent size, even the largest of phone screens such as mine can never do photographs the justice they deserve.

          1. I understood it had been designed to reduce the code that needs to be written and updated on the Classic editor. Less work for WP.

            I have used it on a few occasions but went back to the classic. I’m not keen on using software when it’s still in its infancy, I will try again when the bugs have been ironed out. Trouble is WP need more users to install it if they are to monitor it at full whack. WordPress has promised to keep the classic editor running until 2022 – that should give them enough time to iron out any bugs.

            It is very like a website I worked on many years ago, the software used blocks in a similar way.

  4. The garden looks so beautiful, Derrick. I love the Begonias! Our hummingbirds would be all over that gorgeous red. Lately, every post I read I’m looking for potential photos to turn into jigsaw puzzles, but this evening, I had a great idea! Of course, it involves work on your part, but judging by your ability to speak from Nugget’s POV, you need to write a children’s book staring Nugget!

  5. HA! Sometimes the grand-birds get away with things we would not let our children get away with! 😉 😛

    Nugget poses so beautifully for his portraits! 🙂

    Your garden…and the way The Head Gardner plants, and the choices of flowers and plants she plants…it is like a masterpiece painting! The brilliant colors, the varied shapes and sizes, and the way each plant presents itself…they all just compliment each other so well! 🙂

    I love the names of roses! I wonder who gets to name them! I’d love that job! 🙂

    You do know that we all LOVE the Where’s Nugget portion of your blog?! So you can never stop! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂

          1. They put the update yesterday in the comment section for that post…Aug 4 Oregon Option Gone. Scroll down through the comments and you will find the update and everyone’s new comments.

  6. The spoiled child is perched on the moss-covered stone in the right side of the photo, looking smug!
    Your garden is as marvelous as ever, Derrick, and I am very happy to see the roses holding up splendidly!

  7. I’m very late and rather exhausted so I just spent ages trying to find Nugget in the pic of Jackie digging up his dinner -sigh! Luckily for me when I got the right place to look he was easily spotted 🙂 It’s nice to have a little body to spoil isn’t it……..

  8. Is it just me, or is Nugget looking decidedly ‘chubby’ today? 🙂

    I think because there is more of him he was easier to spot! 😉

    The begonias are so beautiful and the garden still looks wonderful, even in Autumn!

    Hoping we manage to get a little more play in tonight (day) – but it IS in Manchester so the omens are not good. 🙁

  9. Your garden is still looking splendidly summery–it is so full of bright colors. I agree with the above comments on Jackie’s skilled planning and plantings. I spotted Nugget and laughed about his toddler behavior. 🙂 He is quite a charmer.

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