Almost Too Quick

Heavy rain this morning gave way to bright, sunny, spells; in one of which I photographed some raindrops

on roses, dahlia Puerto Rico, a begonia, a pelargonium, fuchias, and penstemons.

Japanese anemones had managed to stay dry.

It didn’t take Nugget long to join in, and

he was almost too quick for “Where’s Nugget?” (29)

Becky and Ian joined us late this afternoon and accompanied us to the Regent Centre in Christchurch where we watched “Downton Abbey”, then drove to Bowling Green to dine at The Wheel Inn. I will report on this tomorrow.


  1. Not quick enough! I’m wondering if a theatre visit is required to make the most of the Downton setting, or if waiting for the DVD and telly sized viewing will be adequate……. do tell what you thought.

    1. I have come to the point that I almost always think it’s okay to wait for the DVD or stream. It looks good no matter what–I’m sure the production values are out of this world, but it’s a rare movie I want to see in the theatre these days and pay $13 for…when I can get it for $4 and sit on my own couch with it. Still, when it’s a group outing, it’s pretty nice to go out for it (no choice, given I’m watching on a laptop) and if the movie is such that it requires a big screen, I’m all for it.

      1. We have only been to the cinema twice now in ten years – each in a group. TV is normally fine for us. Downton doesn’t actually require a big screen, but it is still good to see on it

  2. The just-out-of-the-shower flowers are gorgeous! πŸ™‚

    “Look! It’s a plane! It’s Superman! No! It’s Nugget!” HA! πŸ˜€

    Wonderful to share a film and a feast…a movie and a meal! πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to hear about the movie! I’ve yet to see it! πŸ™‚
    HUGS!!! πŸ™‚

  3. Nugget is so … Nugget. Your anemones are just the loveliest thing. I hope the Downton movie was enjoyable. I imagine lots of dramatic tension, triumph and tragedy. Not to mention some nice scenery. I forget where Highclere is located…

  4. Those dew-dropped flowers are so lovely and fresh. We are in dry times here. Hardly anything colorful left in my yard.

    Nugget makes me smile whether he is nosing about on the ground or streaking by in the sky.

    And – I have always wanted to ask – is this whole Downton Abbey craze based on your town?

    1. Not our very small hamlet, Jodie; but there is a larger Downton near Salisbury. The series is set in Yorkshire. The building used is Highclere Castle in Hampshire which is our County. The writer, Julian Fellowes, lives very nearby – actually in Dorset – but many of the names, such as Brockenhurst and Crawley are taken from our area. The local village in the film is perhaps Laycock (where Fox Talbot began his photography) – in Wiltshire – another neighbouring county. Henry Talbot, Edith’s fiancΓ©, must have been named after the photographer. Etc., etc.

      Well spotted. Many thanks

  5. I’m glad to know that Nugget can fly. Of course I’ve assumed so, but a little concrete evidence always is good! Do you know, I’ve never seen one episode of Downton Abbey. It’s one of those things I sort of have on a list of things to do when I’m too old and decrepit to get out and about.

  6. Glad the rain stopped for you to take those showery shots Derrick. πŸ™‚ Love the fuchsias!

    I’m another non-Downton viewer i’m afraid, movie or TV series. Not a great one for historical drama.

    Nugget obviously needs to be quicker still to get the better of you and your camera, he’s on the wing today. πŸ˜‰

  7. Such pretty blooms, Derrick. Our season is winding down so we take whatever is blooming and give thanks! At the same time, it’s such a fresh, green and peaceful stage in our garden.In some ways, it feels like mid-Spring.

  8. Beautiful shots of the flowers. I will be interested to hear your take on “Downton Abbey.” Across the pond, there is a frenzy for this movie. Full disclosure: I am neutral on the subject.

  9. Oooh lovely action shot of Nugget – he almost made it out of the shot! Hope you enjoyed Downton. We plan to go next week so warnings of anyspoilers tomorrow will be much appreciated!

  10. A nice photo of Nugget Derrick. I too have not been to a cinema more than a few times in the last decade or so. When i’m wathing TV, if someone talks to loud or walks in front of me, I can yell at them properly.

  11. So beautiful pictures Derrick! I love that raindrops! Is almost like all the flowers are reinvigorated from them πŸ˜‰πŸŒΈπŸŒΊ
    Little Nugget wanted to show us that he’s also able to fly πŸ˜‰

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