Here’s Mud In Your Eye

On another dull day Aaron, of A.P. Maintenance, completed his installation of a gate beside the house that he had begun last Sunday.

So hard was our house wall that he had difficulty drilling into it.

He then erected a frame on the opposite side,

attached hinges and a latch, and fitted the structure into place.

After lunch we took a brief drive into the forest, where

ditches, like this one on the corner of Woodcock Lane and Silver Street are beginning to flow over the roads.

Our familiar gimlet eyed pony, fresh from a mud bath,

awkwardly, as they all do,  roused itself,

wandered over to see if I would offer anything to eat,

and settled for what was in the field, after wishing me good health with the phrase

“here’s mud in your eye”.

As, bound for home, I began to climb back into the Modus a pony and trap came

clopping towards us. I sat on the car’s bonnet instead,

exchanged greeting’s with the riders,


and waved them on their way.

Back home I watched the Six Nations rugby match between England and France.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent sausage casserole; creamy mashed potato; varicoloured carrots; and tender cabbage, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Malbec.



  1. Aaron sure does good work!!
    Those riders look like they’re in a Trotter’s carriage. Looks like fun!
    That pony sure looked forlorn, he would have perked up if you had brought him an apple!!

  2. Carrying on from yesterday, this is another vehicle you two could look the stylish part in – it’s just that ponies I guess are not as easy to house as vintage cars…….. and they go slower and are probably hungrier – so on second thoughts maybe not.

  3. I love that pony, Derrick, with its black and brown coloring. Tonight we will be dining on hot wings, celery, mozzeralla sticks, shrimp, nachos, chips and dip and bagel dogs while we watch the Super Bowl. 😉

  4. The pony getting up has an uncanny look of a pantomime horse. For once, I can confirm our evening repast was similar to your own – mother’s mock duck (sausage/mash/sage casserole), carrots, peas and a glass of red wine.

  5. Some beautiful work from Aaron on that new gate! The pony with the watch eye (blue) eye is an friendly, interesting fellow. It is always a pleasure to see these ponies. 🙂

  6. The horse and cart gets everyone’s vote today, except my baby daughter who couldn’t stop giggling at the sight of a pony seeming to sit up like a dog 🙂 🌿

  7. A relaxing outing, and of course I crave seeing ponies on my outings, but never do. They are all tucked away from view, I guess.

  8. I had not heard ‘gimlet-eyed’ before, and had to look it up. So I do feel rather smart now. Clever turn of phrase there, Derrick, wishing a toast of here’s mud in yer eye to a gimlet eyed pony, delightful!~ When we spent time in the past with my husband’s Italian side, they would say ‘salute’, which I believe means to your health. To your good health, Derrick and Jackie–

  9. That looks like a mighty sturdy (as well as a beautiful, sturdy) gate. Good job! I read your text on e-mail and then clicked in to it on-line to see it on your site. It didn’t surprise me that you put that muddy pony on top. He is a sight for sore eyes! Have a great week, Derrick. <3

  10. What a great gate, I could do with a new one as one of ours has suffered gale damage.
    I had an urge to give the pony a warm bath and brush up and fit it with a cosy New Zealand (similar to a wax jacket.
    There’s nothing like the sight of a pony and trap on a country lane.

  11. The vehicle was driven by our local blacksmith and his wife – quite a character he is too.

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