I spent the whole morning foiling a suspected banking scam. This involved several phone calls, listening to long stretches of Muzak, and struggling with a Scots accent on a bad line.
Don’t ask. I couldn’t bear to go through it again.

This afternoon I reeled up the Gazebo Path to join Jackie who had spent the day so far eliminating fungus from the heuchera border in the Rose Garden.

The first picture shows the infested stems which I helped to bag up – the trug beside these contains the tiny rescued root stumps; the second shows Jackie applying liquid fungicide to the soil from which the plants have been removed; the third shows the rest of the border which will need to be similarly treated; and the last the planted stubs which should regenerate quite quickly.
It was truly the best part of a day for repelling pests.

While I sat by my desk with my mobile phone attached to my ear I had plenty of time to gaze at clematis Mrs N. Thompson through the window. The first of these pictures focusses on her. The other two are of what she looks like outside.
Later in the afternoon, when I was feeling less shell-shocked, we visited Otter Nurseries for some more fungicide and continued on a drive into the forest.

Just outside Brockenhurst a pair of foals trotted across the road and, ignoring another youngster, scampered across the heath. Where there are ponies you will usually find attendant crows.
We stopped at Puttles Bridge where Jackie parked the car and I wandered about around Ober Water with the camera.

As will be seen by the peaty water and the shallow bed this stream, albeit a bit fuller now, must have been quite dry during our absence. Reflections of trees and skies merged with the colours of the pebbles beneath. Dog roses abounded. The conversation with the very friendly young couple really cheered me up.
The last three pictures feature a group who put us in mind of Edouard Manet’s “Déjeurner sur l’herbe, except that all the women were appropriately clad and there were no fully dressed gentlemen in the scene.

While waiting in the car park Jackie watched the light moving to where she wanted it for this picture.
This evening we dined on meaty, spicy, pizza with Jackie’s mixed pasta cheese, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Malbec.
I particularly like the reflective photos and with the eatlier photos I’m reminded of how much work goes into a garden such as yours.
Lovely photos as always, Derrick! I hope you beat the scam, some folks are rotten.
Thanks very much, John. I have to remind myself that there is evil out there.
Full day for you two! Hard work and a bit of fun driving along the forest taking in and photographing all the wonders of nature!
Thank you very much, Gary.
Very much like the original painting 🙂
Thank you very much, Sylvie.
I know how to get rid of that fungus. Send me your bank card number and security code and I will reveal the secret!
Jackie was cackling at this while I was making the coffee. 🙂 Thanks very much, Andrew.
Well, send it then!
Was that honey fungus that Jackie was removing? If so she has our deepest sympathy. I liked the dejeuner picture very much and Jackie’s well timed fern was a delight.
Luckily not Honey fungus, just heuchera rust that has devastated the heuchera border in the rose garden, easily got rid of but time consuming to remove and replant all the plants.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal.
You certainly have an eye for living art.
“…Scots accent on a bad line” sounds like an alternative ending to Sartre’s “No Exit.”
Smart thought Oglach. It certainly was like that. The person in the other end offered to call me back to improve the connection. No way was I going to risk another half hour on hold.
I love that gazebo path, it’s gorgeous! Beautiful photos Derrick ! I’m laughing at Andrew’s comment. 😉
Thanks very much, Jill. Jackie was cackling at it before I read it.
The most stunning photographs
Thank you very much, Gary. It was good to be out there again. May something similar come to you.
Sorry about the phone and bank scam drama but it looks like you had another nice day and met some nice people at least!!
That’s right, Lisa. We are very resilient – and all have to be at the moment. Thanks very much.
So very sorry to hear about the bank scam and all of the troubles, and time, trying to set things straight. 🙁 UGHS 🙁
I love that the photos of the picnic-ing group reminded you of the Manet’s The Luncheon on the Grass painting. Love your water and reflection photos! So many of your photos are majestic “paintings” themselves! 🙂
I just had to find out..Mrs N Thompson clematis was raised in the 1950’s by Walter Pennell, of Pennells Garden Centre. They were one of the leading names in clematis breeding at the time. Mrs N. Thompson was named after the wife of Pennell’s nursery office manager. 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I appreciate your comments as always. X
I prefer your version to Manet’s. Apart from the obvious hazard of sunburn, I also worry about crawling insects. This unsettles me.There is a reason we invented trousers.
Crawlers are a pain – literally sometimes. Thanks very much, Quercus.
I laughed at this: “It was truly the best part of a day for repelling pests.” Not all pests have multiple legs and crawl on the ground. Twice in the past months my credit card has been hacked; the consensus is that someone got into the processing servers. Who knows. I hope you managed to resolve the issue, so you could enjoy your Malbec.
Thanks very much, Linda. I am assured all is now resolved. Twice is really too much. I’m pleased you got a laugh.
A banking scam? Oh my…I hope everything is settled! A walk outside in the nature often help to release the stress!
Gorgeous pictures as always!
Thank you very much, Ribana. You are right about the release of stress. I am assured all is now resolved – I have had to make some changes.
Your title photograph, is a wondrous interpretation Claude Monet’s glorious creation, “Le Déjeuner Sur L’herbe”…Well done Derrick…
Thank you very much, Ivor.
Malbec is a good end to that day. I just enjoyed some myself on Friday, and realize that’s a red I truly enjoy. Hope the pests are gone for good.
Fingers crossed, Crystal. Thank you very much.
It sounds like you had a trying day between the potential bank scam and fungal foes in the garden.
The forest drives are always restful and delightful to the eye. That photo of the streambed gravel under water with the play of shadows and light was particularly artistic.
Thank you very much, Lavinia. The drive was certainly an antidote. Jackie plans to work on the rest of the heucheras today.
What’s your high temperatures are like there right now?
21 today. Thanks very much Mrs W.
So around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We are around 32 degrees Celsius of late. I was just curious in the differences in temp.
That is terrible about the bank and fugus.
I haven’t been very active on wp lately, I’m still trying to get better but your post are good to read and entertain me. Hope you have a great week.
Thank you very much, More. Please get better.
I liked the picnic picture and its relationship to Manet. And I liked Jackie’s fern picture. Nice to get the right light! Hey, I scored a copy of The Stray tonight. There are lots of them out there. I wanted a hardback in good condition. There may be new ones, but I didn’t look there.
Thank you very much from us both, Lisa. So pleased you scored The Stray.
The cybercriminals are modern day pests that have the ability to get under your skin, and inflict untold damage it you aren’t quick enough. Battling with call centres comes rather close to adding insult to injury. Hope you fought off the menace successfully. That’s a very lively pair. Influenced by Hemingway, I dreamt of going to Paris in my younger days. To that end, I had taught myself French too, which is now in tatters (and so is my dream). I was delighted though to read the title.
Thank you very much, Uma. As you know, I have visited France often; and I’m pleased you liked the title.
I have enjoyed your forest scenes as well as your garden.
Thank you very much, Anne. It was good to return to a spot which does have a few visitors, most of whom kept social distance.
Apparently “Clematis Mrs N.Thompson”, is named after the lady who found it called Nelly Thompson (from Taylors Clematis). It is apparently “tough and hardy” like the lady herself, presumably!
Thanks for that useful information, John. My daughter Louisa is Mrs Thompson.
A great way to ease the stress of unwanted phone conversations: watching young foals frolicing in the fields.
Thanks a lot, John.
I’m glad you succeeded in foiling the scammers. You earned that peaceful sojourn in the forest!
Thank you so much, Sandra
After a frustrating morning of weeds and straightening out scams, that pasture with free-scampering ponies seems the perfect relaxation for both mind and body.
Tell Jackie to keep up the good work with her own camera as well.
Thanks a lot, GP. I did tell Jackie. “Oh bless. Thank him for me will you”, was her response
So sorry about the bank scam. I hope you got it all sorted out. So many horrid people around.
I’m glad you got outside to let nature and nicer people cheer you up. I chuckled at your reference to the Manet. At Grounds for Sculpture in NJ, it’s one of the works recreated in sculpture–you have to walk off the path to find it.
I love the photos of the foals, and the photos of light, shadows, and reflections.
Thanks you so much, Merril. I am assured the scammers have been thwarted.
Beautiful garden as always.
Thanks very much, Arlene
Hope you got the banking scam sorted, Derrick. Gorgeous photos, as always. 🙂
I think the scam is sorted. Thanks very much, Julie.
Sounds like you were dealing with a different type of fungus to Jackie. I am glad you managed to spot the problem and deal with it but sorry you had any occasion to.
I liked your comparison of the picture and the painting.
Thank you very much, Susan. I appreciate your understanding.
I always enjoy your lovely reflection photos, Derrick. You gave me a chuckle with your Edouard Manet reference.
Thank you soo much, Dolly. I’m pleased.
The pleasure is mine, Derrick.
What a beautiful young couple that is. So much work to do in a garden your size, but Jackie seems up to the task, with your help of course.
Thank you very much, Sylvia. I was wondering if I dared photograph them when they dropped a hint – he is a pro photographer and liked the pic.
Well you certainly did them justice. 🙂
The foals must have provided some consolation. Hope it all gets sorted out.
Hopefully all OK now. Thanks very much, Laurie.
I sorry you had to deal with foiling a scammer. Ugh.
My favorite out of this group is the second Reflections on Ober Water. It looks just like an Impressionist painting.
Thank you very much, Liz. One of my favourites, too.
Those foals … just starting to grow into their tails. 🙂
Nice observation about the tails, Widders. Thanks very much.
Garden or woods, these images are wonderful.
Thank you very much, Rupali
Nice to see people out and about again. The light and shadows look good – must have been very restful after a bothersome time with online customer services!
You bet, Helen. Thanks very much
What a great set of pictures. I’m so glad you shared the foals with us.
Thanks very much, Sue
… as Manet would, I’m sure, have agreed, Derrick, the New Forest is no place for streakers!
🙂 Thanks very much, Roland
Lovely photos, Derrick. And Jackie’s fern shot is gorgeous, too. I love seeing your unusual scenery with the horses and the forest and the reflective ponds. So beautiful! And like you, I find that meeting new people along the path, and taking time to chat, brightens my day as well. People are so interesting, aren’t they?
Indeed, they are, Jan. Age has made men more confident in picking up conversations with strangers. Thank you very much.
Definitely Manet esque. A beautiful scene well spotted.
Thanks very much, Lindsey.
The theme of light and shadows was nicely handled in this group of photographs but I liked specially the last one
Thank you very much, Geetha.