Current Condition

Between further bouts of dis-tressing Félicité Perpétue I checked on the current condition of the rest of the garden.

In the meantime Jackie continued her weeding and clearing, leaving offerings for me to transport to the compost bin.

This climbing Cobaea Scandens, or Cup and Saucer plant is now blooming on the kitchen wall near one of the many

petunia and pelargonium planters,

all of which have perked up nicely since the storm. The ornamental grass in the first image of this pair,

like the Addams Family’s Cousin It, has returned to its righted perch.

A number of fuchsias, like Delta’s Sarah in the first of this triptych, Mrs Popple, and Garden News, have benefited from the rain

which has given this Absolutely Fabulous example pink spots, caused Alan Titchmarsh to flag a bit, refreshed Crown Princess Margareta, and kept the red climber bent over.

Nicotiana Sylvestris stands proud,

as do hollyhocks; Japanese anemones remain abundant; black eyed Susan cascades down the chimney pot; and kniphofia penetrates the gap between wooden chair struts.

We are wondering whether to replace this rather struggling little lawn with some York stone paving. Otherwise I might have to mow it before it gets out of hand.

After lunch Jackie bagged up my further rose clippings, then took over the pruning. The hard, woody, old stems we have now reached are not suitable for composting.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s toothsome cottage pie; additional fried potatoes; tender cabbage and kale; with crunchy carrots and cauliflower and tasty, meaty, gravy, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank Flores de Seligmar Rioja 2018.


  1. Your garden must take up most of your time to maintain, particularly after stormy weather, but it always shows beautiful results! And I’m always impressed that you remember the names of all the plants 🙂 !

  2. So much lovely colour in the garden. It’s a year-round delight. Compliments to the Head Gardener and her trusty assistant.
    PS I’d get rid of the grass too in favour of some York paving.

  3. I am so glad to see that your garden is recovering nicely. Even some of the roses are raising their heads and showing signs of coming back to life.
    I like “Cousin It” – very apt name.

  4. I’m not sure why but there are a few flowers I have come to disliked over the many years across states and interstate – with compliments of the Air Force. Top of my list has to be marigolds then geraniums and petunias. I’ve concluded it’s because I was forced into potted plants or almost tiny non-existing spaces for gardens.

    Although our new gardens out front and back aren’t as big as your beautiful place, you have inspired me enough to try and include the colours of the “three” somewhere. Perhaps once the gardens have established a little, I will find just the right place for them.

    I would love some of Jackie’s cottage pie tonight. Sounds homely.

  5. Keep the grass, the wildlife like it too.

    My pots are beginning to fade a little as August nears its close.
    Cottage pie again! Me too.

  6. So much work, and that’s why your garden is always beautiful!
    It’s funny you said that about Cousin It–that’s exactly what I thought when I saw the photo.

  7. I was curious about the cottage pie, and found it’s much like what I’ve known as shepherd’s pie. Now, I want some — although I probably will try and resist the impulse until the weather cools a bit. As hot as it’s been, I nearly could cook the dish outdoors.

    1. The meals are identical except that shepherd’s uses lamb mince and cottage, beef. In fact we tend loosely to call them all shepherds, but I like to be as accurate as I can be on the blog 🙂 When walking along the Oxford canal in the heat of 2003 I passed a couple in a narrowboat and quipped that they could fry an egg on the roof. “We just have” was the reply. Thanks very much, Linda.

  8. thank you to the Head Gardener and her Assistant for sharing a beautiful garden that continues to give delight! the flowers are exquisite and the header is simply a ‘wow’. 🙂

  9. HA! That is Cousin Itt!!! 😉

    I’d keep the grass even if I had to cut it with gardening pruners or shears. I think grass is so beautiful. The house we owned before the one we are in now (job related move), we had grass in the front yard and some trees. (The back yard had a combo of grassy portions and rocky portions, trees, plants, flowers, veggie garden, etc.) I’d have strangers stop by and say “You have the prettiest front yard on the street!” I think it was because we were one of just a few houses who still had grass. Everyone else had switched to rocks or stones.

    Your fuchsias always make me smile! 🙂

    HUGS!!! 🙂

  10. I was surprised to see your kniphofia only preparing to bloom. I imagine they are a different season from mine, which bloomed and withered long ago. Such a dramatic plant, I think.

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