Christmas Covid-Cancelled, Collecting Easter Eggs

Today we took an early lunch and drove to Tesco for our big shop. As usual I sat in the car, Jackie did the business, and I intended to read my book. After one page my sister, Jacqueline, phoned me and that was the end of the reading.

In fact Tesco wasn’t too difficult, so the Caterer in Chief wouldn’t let me unload the shopping into the car for Covid safety’s sake.

We took a diversion round Holmsley Passage and its misty, frosty, landscape on our way home.

As I wandered, fingers and toes tingling, I discerned just one group of grazing ponies.

Others, on Holmsley Road

and Wootton Common were nearer at hand. One, as soon as I paid it any attention, huddled against its companion seeking security.

A weak sun, putting in an appearance over Hordle Lane, silhouetted a number of oaks.

Undeterred by the fact that we are still consuming provisions bought in for Covid-cancelled Christmas, Jackie had made her first Easter egg purchases.

This evening we dined on more of Jackie’s perfect spicy pork paprika; boiled potatoes; firm carrots and cauliflower; and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Malbec.


  1. Pretty pony!!
    Easter? And here I thought the store I went to last Sunday was jumping the gun with Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day decorations!

  2. Lovely, moody photos, Derrick. I thought it was cute that the one pony needed to huddle close to his friend after you spoke to him.

    Funny about the Easter candy. Hope springs eternal.

  3. Gorgeous photos!
    I find misty, foggy days to be comforting…I feel like I’m wrapped in a blanket…safe, warm, at peace. 🙂
    Love the equine twosome! Always nice to have a friend at your side. 🙂
    Just looking at the fun Easter-ness brings the joy 🙂 !!! Great purchase, Jackie!!! 🐰
    Ha! Maybe the rabbit in my backyard is The Easter Bunny…on vacation…he got nice digs and I’m feeding him every day! 😉
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  4. Yes, it’s time to put one of the most miserable Christmases behind us and move on. However, with Norm and my 40th wedding anniversary on January 10th and my birthday in March, we have a few extra celebrations before Easter. 🙂

    Stay safe 🙂

  5. Oh wow Derrick, your collection of cold, wet, and frosty photos sent a shiver down my spine… best I step outside into my morning sunshine… 9.30am and it’s already 20’C…

  6. A frozen foggy world is still a beautiful one, as seen through your lens! The dark forms of trees against a variable grey sky are quite artistic.

    Jackie’s Easter egg purchases remind me this month is flying by (though in some ways not fast enough!), and Easter with all spring’s new life and colors will be here before we know it. 🙂

      1. You sprung a new one on me, Derrick. I’m looking for a definition of tori judgement and not finding one. A British legal term? 🙂

        I hope we can all have an enjoyable Easter weekend this year. 🙂

          1. The spell checker and auto-completion often get me. 🙂 No worries, Derrick. There does seem to be such a thing, though I only found one obscure reference to a “Declared Tori Judgement” in a PDF link I didn’t want to open.

  7. Love the tree silhouettes – I think you have captured the weird sisters here. I find the second picture magical and also the alternative shot showing more of the scene later on in the post.

  8. Beautiful photos, Derrick. Please be safe, you and Jackie, while you’re out and about. We just learned that Derek’s only uncle, who’s been fighting the virus, has taken a turn for the worse. He’s at the hospital, but they have no available beds. Sorry to be a downer, but I just want you guys to stay safe.

  9. I’m really surprised to see those Easter goodies already. Perhaps Valentine’s Day isn’t the marketing bonanza there that it is here. Our candy aisles turned pink and red about a nanosecond after Christmas.

  10. Misty scenes and silhouetted oaks – the stuff of mystery stories! I was astounded to find shelves buckling under the weight of Easter eggs on my first visit to our local supermarket after Christmas. Already? Other items stacked high are non-alcoholic drinks ranging from bubblies to beer – to indicate that celebrations are still quite in order despite the current ban (again) on the sale of alcohol products.

  11. Beautiful frosty landscape! And love the post. But I can’t imagine where you’d find Easter candy this time of year. LOL Wishing you both a very happy and prosperous new year. 🙂

    1. I hope it does so speedily. I was around 50+ when I had my cataract op – the consequence of a cricket ball in the eye aged 14. It is still good now. Thanks very much, Sherry

  12. We’ve had frosty, foggy mornings here, too. Love your photos. You captured it so well! And Jackie, I like your idea of beginning Easter now… I am ready for January to take a back seat!

  13. I love the very atmospheric skeleton trees and I am always pleased to a photo of my Hardy road. You always seem to take it from the same spot.

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