Presents From A Lifetime

For lunch, we visited Elizabeth, Jacqueline. and Frances, at our younger sister’s home in Pilley and naturally continued reminiscing for most of the afternoon.

Later, I scanned or photographed the last of the presents that Mum had labelled for us.

Jackie photographed this Heal’s battery operated carriage clock which I must have bought for our mother more than 40 years ago. My post, “Lymington Quay” details how I managed to persuade Martin Fairhurst of Dials Antique Clocks to repair it 6 years ago.

It was nearer 50 years ago that I gave her these four bird paintings by, as far as I can decipher the signatures, P. Colbert. Each is individually titled in the gallery.

This hollyhock photograph I produced in September 1981.

The cloisonné vase and ceramic basket are from many years ago; the salt and pepper cruets perhaps 20; and the china cup a gift from Jackie more recently.

Destined for Becky are this photograph by Noel Manchee of me running the Windsor Great Park half marathon in 1983;

and this painting she herself made on silk of one of the five stained glass panels from the porch in Lindum House sometime in the 1990s.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy pasta arrabiata with tender green beans, peppers and onions. She drank Hoegaarden and I drank Patrick Chodot Fleurie 2019.


  1. Cheers to the recent tea cup!
    important and fun to get new teacups
    And derrick – the photo of you running is a great shot! Go number 394!

    Lastly – the hollyhock photo from 1981 shows you have had these photography skills for many many years

  2. Such lovely souvenirs to bring back those many fond memories.
    Hey, you’re looking quite athletic running for the Spastics Club, Derrick!!

  3. You have “inherited” a great collection of gifts to/from your mother! I particularly like the 4 birds and the salt/pepper cruiets!

  4. AW! Such beautiful gifts that your Mom shared back with all of you! Treasures that will bring you, and future generations, joy!
    The last one is my fave! How wonderful that your mum painted that beautiful piece!
    I wrote a poem eons ago to my Mum…about a mother’s hands. Good mothers hands do so many lovely, loving, amazing things!
    ((HUGS))) and <3 to all of your family

  5. Lovely, Derrick. Thank you for sharing. I love the pictures of the birds and the salt and pepper cruets. It is funny, we use salt and pepper every day and ours are always mismatched sets that came from the who knows where. I really should invest in a decent set.

  6. I really enjoyed this post, {{{Derrick}}} – – – such treasures!! My favorite (you might guess) is your photo in the “Great Park half marathon in 1983” – I love looking at your face in it juxtaposed against your face in the circle over to the left. Yup, same guy!! 1983 doesn’t seem that long ago, but our pictures tell us another story, don’t they? Oh, and I have a small cloisonné vase similar to your mum’s – don’t have a clue where mine came from. I love that you know the history of each of these items your mum has passed on. <3

  7. Treasures, memoribilia, nostalga … all of these items are truly amazingly special pieces, with their lovely little individual stories … Thank you for sharing Derrick ..

  8. Each of those objects have an unmistakable aura , and the stories collected over their journey from the donor to the donee and the way back. As they, say,the clock has come a full circle. You exude energy and purpose in that monochrome shot.

  9. Some of the favourite items I use around the home are things I gifted to my mother and which one of my thoughtful brothers kept aside for me after she died. There is truth in the idea that ‘mere objects’ can carry with them associations way beyond their monetary worth. The photograph of you running reminds me how ‘running gear’ has changed over the years too: my ‘running son’ will no longer wear shorts as short as the ones you are wearing – although he happily did at the time!

  10. Such lovely treasures your mum gave back to you. Each item carries a special meaning through its journey with your mum and back to you. The photo of the hollyhock is stunning.

      1. Derrick, that’s impressive! I ran 10Ks in my youth, but never worked up to a marathon. They require discipline and training. Good for you! How nice to have a photograph as well. These cherished items are full of memories. I’m glad you all gathered to reminisce.

    1. Haha! That reminds me. I got a mail from my step mom a couple of years ago (My dad is gone now). They were both around 80. She said, ‘I have this picture your mom made, would you like to have it?’ I said, yes of course, I want anything I can from my mom.

      When they visited my dad said, ‘no, you can’t have it yet she’s just trying to downsize me.’

  11. Some lovely memories there. Including you and the marathon – interesting that you didn’t need all the high tech clothing that participants need today…

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