Jackie drove us to Ferndene Farm shop where she bought eggs, a leg of lamb, and vegetables while I photographed some of the produce displayed outside, including

pumpkins, cut flowers, cyclamen and pansies.

A pair of roofers worked across the road.

On this warm, damp, and largely overcast day the sun briefly signalled its presence when I stopped to commune with ponies outside Burley.

One grey indulged in a spot of pedicure.

A number of walkers enlivened the landscape.
I had no problem uploading pictures today, which is probably just as well since obtaining two multiple page forms concerning Mum’s probate was a different story.
As I eventually said when I got to speak to someone in the probate service, because I am an old man who didn’t grow up with computers I want to do as much as possible as an executor without going on line. Having previous experience in the case of my friend Wolf I knew that I needed Probate Application and Tax forms. www.gov.uk gives information about obtaining and completing these on line, but not about receiving them by post.
I therefore tried the telephone. After three differently accented machine voices led me through three different option numbers to press I eventually joined the muzak queue – for a good half hour. The man who eventually answered me and I enjoyed an amusing conversation when I explained that I wanted paper forms sent to me. Normally he could have done this, but not now. Why?
Because they are out of print. I can, of course, download them and print them myself.
I hoped to calm myself by reading a little more of ‘Dombey and Son’ and scanning the next four of Charles Keeping’s excellent illustrations.

‘Then came rows of houses’ displays one of the artist’s excellent street scenes, this time with chickens; and with the foreground portrait offering perspective.

‘Captain Cuttle advanced to the table’, and the next two drawings show more of Keeping’s excellent portraits.

‘The doctor was sitting in his portentous study’ is one;

‘Paul’s chair was next to Miss Blimber’ contains two.
The errors during uploading returned with a vengeance in these. I had so many attempts at the first that I couldn’t see straight. The process took a very long time, and I was then unable to edit them in the gallery. That will also have to be tackled mañana.
This evening we dined on tasty baked gammon; succulent ratatouille; firm roast potatoes, some of which were sweet; crunchy carrots; tender green beans; and piquant cauliflower cheese, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Montepulciano D’Abruzzo 2018.
Your run in with the Probate Dept made me laugh! What about anyone who doesn’t have access to technology?
Quite, Sheree. That is the way it is going. Thanks a lot
One of my friends had a similar “print it out at home” – he said to the dude, but I don’t have the computer or the printer – reply was “go to the local library and use their ones” – he still didn’t want to do that… Finally he had no choice but then as he’s never used a computer, he had to have a “lot of help”.
Jackie read this first, and observed “what if there is no library?”
aha, Jackie, I was using ‘library’ as a metaphor – but actually at the moment with our lockdown, we have no libraries open for foot traffic. However, this morning I discovered “someone answers the phone” – problems with my borrowed e.books library account. All fixed now!!!
I bought a few begonias yesterday, but I didn’t see any pansies – I feel cheated!! I’ll have to look around some more when I go Friday morning again.
I can’t pick a favorite from the ponies. They are all so special!
I find that pansies sell as quickly as they are put out for sale. There’s just the quick and the dead when it comes to buying pansies. 🙂
That is very pleasing – about the ponies 🙂 Thanks very much, GP
hey GP (and D) , we saw a few pansies out last weekend at the store but Riverside Peace is right – they do sell so fast!
Wait a minute. The government’s print forms were out of print but you could print them yourself? Did you inadvertently phone the Ministry of Silly Walks?
Highly likely, Liz 🙂 Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Remember, be calm. Executives are elected because we think like the loved one that chose us. 🙂 It does work. 🙂
Every year I try and buy as many pansies as I can when I see them at the nursery. I never seem to buy enough for the season’ planting.
I’ve notice too that WordPress won’t allow editing a gallery anymore. You have to start over. I find myself avoiding galleries now.
Thanks a lot, Chrissy
Technology has a sensing chip somewhere that can perceive when we are in a rush or very frustrated. I’ve never found that chip but this has happened to too many people too often for me to doubt its existence. At the ponies never fail to charm.
Thanks a lot, Pat. 🙂
I like the ponies and the pedicure, and the bright bracken against the dreary sky.
Sorry about WP and the bureaucratic craziness. I like Liz is right. 😀
There are several things I’ve done or been involved with lately, and I wondered what people who don’t have computers or smart phones would do.
Yes, indeed. I was wondering the same thing about the people without the devices. Thanks very much, Merril
I feel for you Derrick! A few years ago I did up the administrative work for a friend of mine when his Mother passed away. One government department almost drove me crazy.
I can well believe it, AnneMarie. Thank you for the solidarity.
Oh those muzak queques can be so exasperating Derrick …
Thanks a lot, Ivor. On this occasion there was no information about position in the queue – I had no idea how long it would take.
It is not often that the government provides us with a good laugh but the printed forms being out of print would make a skeleton chuckle. I have just received a form inviting me to go for a booster vaccination five days after I had my booster. I had to wait in a telephone queue to cancel.
It is very annoying that your uploading problems went away and then returned. That makes diagnosis very tricky.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal. I think Sue W has sussed the gallery problems – have a look at her comments.
I will.
Thank goodness for the beautiful sight of ponies. The rest of the day sounds frustrating to say the least.
A thought occurs to me, it was your mention of the gallery.
Some weeks ago an engineer told me that updates are due at the end of the year to the way the blocks handles the gallery. Are we at the edn of the of the year?
So, I just wonder if there is background work going on.
Your Exectutor duties. When all else fails – ask the kids to have a go and e-mail to you.
My daughters inlaws have recently made all four of their offspring executors. I mentioned that this was a mistake, it would be a nightmare for every dept to deal with four different people.
Victoria was the executor of my husband’s will, and all ran smoothly, but it did create a stir when recently a sum of money appeared in her bank account before the letter of explanation. Eight years on from his death it was something of a surprise to all of us.
Thank you very much, Sue. I bet you are right about the gallery. It is only four years ago since I last performed executor duties. I will be able to print off the forms. I just didn’t want to. I still believe in the vanishing concept of service.
There is something very wrong with a system that relies entirely on a computerised service.
Quite so. Especially now we are living longer and executors are now getting older.
Hi, Sue. I’m sure it is easy but I don’t know how to find your phone number. Perhaps you could e-mail it to me on derrickjknight@btinternet.com I believe I have proved conclusively that the problem lies with my new iMac.
I sent you an email yesterday to tell you about my experiment. Could it be in the junk? I’ll send another. 🙂
I have got it – and sent you an e-mail 🙂
It’s quite common here to go online to print government forms. Try as I may, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do any form of business offline, including getting my yearly medical tests result.
I just think of all those who don’t have the resources to join the Brave New World. One phrase I met yesterday was “or get someone to do it for you”. What if I couldn’t do it myself and had no-one to do it for me? I suppose I would have to engage a solicitor. On line? Thanks very much, Rosaliene
That phrase “get someone to do it for you” is quite irksome.
UGHS! What frustrating times related to the gov’t forms and WP. 🙁
Fabulous flowers! Precious ponies! Roofers roofing roofs! 😀 Great photos, all! 🙂
Love the Keeping doctor illustration! Wonderful details! The doc’s expression made me giggle! 😛
I wonder what Mr. Keeping would think of today’s technologies?!?!
(((HUGS))) for the UGHS!!!
PS…Wonder what Grey Pony charges for a pedicure? 😉
Thanks a lot for the smiles you always bring, Carolyn X
I loved the photos of your trip[ to Ferndene, especially the ponies. Thank you for all your uploading efforts! I am sorry to hear about the problems obtaining forms. Things are not what they were, for sure, and more and more is being pushed off on the individual to save money and effort.
I enjoyed the illustrations, as always. Thank you for persevering, Derrick.
Much appreciated, Lavinia. Your comments make it worth the effort.
I admire your perseverance with the technical issues and the sweet ponies.
Thanks a lot, JoAnna. The ponies are sweeter than the tech
🙂 I’m sure!
I just got an email from Google today informing me that from now on two-step authentication will be necessary. A code will be sent to my phone, which I have to use in addition to my password. I couldn’t help wondering about people without a phone. Finally, I found the answer. The only way to avoid the complexities is to eliminate Google from your devices. That seems counter-productive to me, but I clearly live in a different world than tech execs.
Don’t we all, Linda/ Thanks very much
wanted to chime in with this – last week we were at two places that had the menu on a bar code – and so my hubs noted that if you did not have smart phone set up to scan QR codes – the person was SOL –
The wonderful images Ferndene Farm and the stately ponies are a feast to the eyes. Matters of state have been further confounded by the ever exploding plague of IVR interface at the far end of which one encounters incapacitated human beings who make you wonder the reason of their existence. As for WordPress, I have all but quit the interface.
Thank you very much for these comprehensive comments, Uma.
ponies are great and sorry posting was frustrating – sending good vibes your way 🙂- The Dombey & Son book seems to be a good read
and the dinner sounds so good – we just bought a few bags of cauliflower rice – ll natural and one ingredient – cauliflower –
Thanks a lot, Yvette. Jackie was intrigued by cauliflower rice, because when she was advised not to eat rice when briefly on steroids she opted for cauliflower instead. I prefer Dombey and Son to Our Mutual Friend.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a horse attending to its hooves before.
Nor me, John. Thanks a lot
Thank goodness there were some bright moments in the day, Derrick! I feel for you with obtaining the probate forms. As PoA for both my parents I have come across countless similar situations where what should be a simple task is made lengthy and complicated (and deeply frustrating). Covid has not helped! It might help you though, to know that I am enjoying the Dombey illustrations very much and appreciate all the effort it’s taking to include them 😊
It certainly does help, Sandra. Thank you very much
I always feel sorry for pumpkins. They take the trouble to grow but will rarely be eaten. In Hawes in Yorkshire last week they were on sale for £6.00. In ALDI they are 99p.
Wow. Thanks a lot, Andrew
I love the pedicure photo! You have the knack of getting some very unique shots! I feel your frustrations while trying to complete your Executor duties. Not everyone has access to computers and cell phones. There are advantages and disadvantages to technology. After a day of frustrations, your scrumptious meal and wine was well deserved.
Thank you so much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Wonderful horse pictures, as always. And thank goodness for Dickens. 😉
Thanks very much, Laurie
I always enjoy your flora, fauna and illustrations.
Much appreciated, Sherry.
For some reason, my comment from yesterday didn’t stick. I think all of the flower photos would make fantastic jigsaw puzzles, Derrick. Gorgeous!
Thanks a lot for persevering, Jill
I’m glad you were able to get those forms printed, Derrick. I know what a pain it can be to get all the necessary paperwork done. I love your pony photos… and am envious of the flowers you are able to buy and grow in your garden. Cyclamen are some of my favorites. We’re pretty colorless here in Ennis right now. Also, I got a kick out of one of your followers who referred to what “…would make a skeleton chuckle!” Hah!! That made ME chuckle!!
Thanks very much, Jan X
I hope you’ll settle the issue with the uploading 😢 The pictures are gorgeous as always! Luckily you can at least download and print the papers 📝 😉
Thanks very much, Ribana