A Kelly telephone engineer visited at 7.50 a.m. this morning to install the new faster Broadband. Max of Peacock Computers had not been told, and, of course, wasn’t likely to be available at that time. I was forced to dash upstairs in my dressing gown and don some clothes.
The plan had been that Max would meet the engineer at the house with the new router with which to set up our service. Peacock’s man phoned the supplier at lunchtime when he learned what had happened. Less than an hour later he arrived with the router and worked his magic.

First he activated the Broadband and checked that all was well.

Then he synchronised the TV and the laptops.

In the meantime, Jackie cleared more of the wisteria and

trimmed Paul’s Scarlet rose.
I had moved the patio chairs to their winter quarters between our house and the fence shared with North Breeze.
All today’s photographs uploaded like a dream.
This gave me the confidence to scan another five of Charles Keeping’s inimitable illustrations to ‘Dombey and Son’.

The passive desolation of disuse was everywhere silently manifest’

‘Florence wept long and bitterly’

‘The shutters were not yet taken down’

‘The major wafted a kiss to Cleopatra’

‘An old, worn, yellow, nodding woman, huddled up, like a slovenly bundle’
Although these pages uploaded swiftly and smoothly, I struggled to entitle the images. I am assuming that that remains a WordPress glitch.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s very savoury rice topped with a fluffy omelette; and two preparations of prawns, namely hot and spicy and tempura. The Culinary Queen drank more of the Chardonnay while I drank more of the Douro.
Always good to have an expert around. A shame he can’t sort out WordPress!
Yes, indeed. Thanks very much, Andrew
Amen to that!
My thoughts exactly.
Derrick you and Jackie are really getting things done! Remodeling and now new technology! Congratulatioins, and enjoy fast internet
Thanks very much, Maj
Great to get such positive news today!
Thanks very much, Anne
Those experts make it all seem so easy, don’t they?
Yes. He’s a good 50 years younger 🙂 Thanks a lot, GP
I’m glad that your internet connection is so much improved, Derrick! It’s so nice to have a fast link, isn’t it? 😎☺️🇬🇧
It is. Thank you very much, John
Those experts are worth their weight in gold. That first illustration of the building is truly stunning.
Thank you very much, Gary
Enjoy the new router while it’s still fresh and unglitchy. WordPress remains two steps forward and one step back.
Thanks a lot, Pat
Isn’t wonderful to have someone who knows what he’s doing work on one’s computer!
It is, indeed, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Oh. Dear. Broadband. Router. Synchronize. My head is in a dither and a dather. I know I’m supposed to understand those words and how to do them. But they’re not a verb, are they? “To Broadband. To Router. But thank goodness for “Max and the Engineer.” A great title for a book. With wonderful photos to match. What a nice guy – with a smile – who understands how to broadband and how to router. 🙂
Thanks a lot, Pam. 🙂
I am glad to hear all has gone well and your computers and other devices are up and working!
Garden work never stops, no matter what the season. 🙂
🙂 Thanks very much, Lavinia
Yay! Should be a big improvement.
Thanks a lot, Laurie
I agree with Andrew’s comment!
What a satisfying job it must be to be an IT expert with the amazing ability to go around solving people’s technical issues and making life that much easier for them… sadly not a role I think I’d ever be able to fill! 🙂
Thanks very much, Emma. We were born too early for that 🙂
Always nice when the devices synchronise. I wonder if you title your photographs before you upload them, will that title come through to WordPress? It does for me. Not that I upload much at the moment.
SueW has made the same suggestion, Gwen. I’ll try it. Thanks a lot
I’m glad you have your connection issues sorted out. I’m sure it’s wonderful to have really faster broadband.
Dinner sounds delicious!
Thank you so much, Merril
You’re welcome.
I’m delighted that the uploads are working so well. I’m sorry about the problems inserting titles. Have you thought about giving them a title before uploading – if you name the images first you won’t need to suffer the quirks of WordPress.
I’ll try that, Sue. Thanks a lot.
Faster is better, eh?
Yes – in this case, Steve. Thanks very much
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
What a relief! This is fantastic news, Derrick. I’m happy you won’t be under the stress of constant connectivity issues. Max looks like he loves his job!
He does, Jill. Thanks very much
My favourite Charles Keepings illustrations were ‘scans’ one and three Derrick …(of course)
Yes, of course, Ivor. Thanks very much
That was a very early visit from the telephone engineer! I always like to have bit of warning if workmen/engineers are likely to arrive first thing. I am very pleased your IT expert was able to get everything synchronized and you now have faster Broadband.
Thank you very much Clare. The engineer’s “good lady” had got him up at 5.30 🙂 The time slot we had been given was between 8 and 1
He looks like a younger relative. Note that smile 😍Good job getting back up to speed.
Thanks very much, Val. It was good to catch his smile
I would like to believe that if someone came to my house before 8 am without an appointment, they’d have to accept my bathrobe, but in reality, I’d get dressed if it was important. At least the engineer seems like a nice young man. Cutting back and clearing wisteria is a lot of work!
Thank you very much, JoAnna. Good points
I am glad your broadband is finally getting a much needed upgrade. As for WordPress, they need a massive pruning exercise like Jackie has undertaken in the garden.
Thanks very much, Uma. Such a good link with Jackie’s pruning
Glad to hear that you have come through the experience pretty well unscathed. Computers are always a worry although our ITC department used to have a magic spell to cure problems: “Well, it shouldn’t do that!”
🙂 Thanks a lot, John
YAY for your helpers! Always great to have youngsters who can help us out! And, oh, what a beautiful smile that young man has! 🙂
I spotted a couple of owls and a duck in your photos! YAY! 🙂
Love the Mr. Keeping buildings today! Such details and shapes and lines! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you so much, Carolyn X
I hope you will be pleased with your new broadband, Derrick. And, Jackie, at work in the garden again – amazing.
We are already, Eugi. Thank you very much
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Hope you like new service. I love my FIOS (Fiber Optics). I get ultra-high speed. Much better that the old coaxial cable.
Huzzah and hooray! Every now and then I remember the days of dial-up, and give thanks. I’m so glad some of your problems have been sorted. Now, if only we could help the WordPress gurus get their minds right!
Supper sounds especially special! Glad your internet issues are behind you.
Thanks very much, AnneMarie
P lanning
T he
O ther
G uy’s
R outer
E ntrance –
S uccess!
S tupendous!
🙂 Thanks very much, Jan
Ooops – That “T” was supposed to be an “R” – Oh well!!
I am glad to hear that your computer problem has been solved, Derrick. I have enjoyed this set of Mr Keeping’s exceptional illustrations.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
What a good-natured boy to allow all those photos while he worked. I’m so glad you got some help with setting up the new system. That kind of thing can make me go mad when I attempt it on my own.
Me, too, Crystal. Many thanks
Congratulations on your broader band. 😀
Thanks a lot, Widers 🙂
Yay! Problem solved 😉 Yes, WordPress has its issues too unfortunately 😓
Thanks very much, Ribana