“I Don’t Want To Have To Pick You Up From The Floor”

During much of the day I struggled with BT who have chosen to deny that I continue to have an account while they are taking payment for it but blocking access to it so I can’t check what they might be extracting. I have better things to do than persist at the moment.

This afternoon I published https://derrickjknight.com/2021/12/20/a-knights-tale-80-samson-is-welcomed/

Jackie made further progress with the Christmas decorations. As can be seen, Santa has been checking out the chimney. I am not allowed to assist because the Maintenance Department says she doesn’t want to have to pick me up from the floor.

This evening we dined on the Culinary Queen’s flavoursome stewp and fresh crusty bread and butter with which I drank more of the Merlot.


  1. Lovely decorations! The Maintenance Department is wise in not wanting you having to be hoisted off the floor. The tiles flanking the fireplace look stunning. Victorian era? We appreciate your giving us a tour of the Knight household’s Christmas decor.

  2. So the Culinary Queen is off wine now or did the supply dry up first? Decorations look wonderful. One can truly hate technology providers on occasion.

  3. Beautiful Christmas decorations and I see the master decorator has finished the tree. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing, I saw a few typical European decorations and smiled.

  4. Your decorations are beautiful. I love the light, colors, and reflections, and the sort of Victorian feel (or perhaps it’s Dickensian). 😏 As always, the Maintenance Department is very wise.

  5. Yes, best to stay up off of the floor! 😉 The Maintenance Dept already has enough to do! 😉 😀
    YAY for all the beautiful and festive decorations! I find them quite charming, smile-bringing, even Dickensesque! 🙂 I love the lights and the Santa in the lantern! 🙂
    🔔🎉🎅🎁🎄 ⛪🎶🙏🌟

  6. Well done Jackie, the decorations are lovely such a joy to see.
    Derrick, I’m so sorry about BT – doesn’t bode well for when I cancel mine!.

  7. Your decorations are so pretty, Derrick and Jackie. I’ve never seen gold tinsel before. We always used silver when I was growing up. Is tinsel popular in England?

  8. Beautiful decorations! I love how they’re spread through the house, especially the magic blue and white lights in the kitchen, also the header close up is delightful. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia. I found your link mind-blowing. I have no faith, however, in getting anywhere with anyone and will part company with BT as soon as possible.

  9. That’s so wonderful! Ella is going to just love the decorations. Jackie’s aversion to picking up huge objects from the floor appears backed by reason.

  10. Sorry to hear about your BT issues. They can really be a pain in the neck and further down!
    Lovely photos! You are “on the ball” Derrick! Great shot!

  11. Yesterday afternoon saw me snipping a young pine tree from the many stray ones growing along a country road which I plan to decorate today in anticipation of the arrival of our youngest grandchildren.

  12. Jackie, you’re doing an outstanding job, and I can well understand you not allowing Derrick to help. (no offense there, big guy!)
    I especially love the mantle. So traditionally Christmas!!

  13. The decorations are exquisite. I had to zoom in to see if that was real tinsel on the tree. I rarely see it being used anymore. It is so lovely and adds a touch of traditional beauty. Merry Christmas to you and Jackie.

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