One of our regular Christmas decorations is positioned under the glass of an African display table I bought in Finsbury Park in the late 1970s. It features our granddaughter Florence as Mary alongside Joseph in a Primary School Nativity Play.
I spent the afternoon completing my reading of my 1984 Folio Society Edition of Charles Dickens’s Dombey and Son. Despite the emotional and practical difficulties in the author’s getting to grips with this work described by Christopher Hibbert in his excellent introduction, Dickens has produced what I have found his most engaging novel. I agree with Thackeray’s observation that “It is unsurpassed. It is stupendous”. All the writer’s descriptive skills; his humour; his flowing prose; his compassion; and his forward looking, come into play with a consummate construction not always apparent in other works. I was most impressed by the way in which he draws a large cast of characters together in the last few paragraphs as he brings the book to a complete conclusion. The lives are largely not happy ones, but they have credible participants, of which Florence is a key member. As usual I will refrain from giving any more detail in case any readers are tempted to tackle the tome.
Charles Keeping’s final septet of illustrations speak for themselves.

‘ ‘Sol Gills ahoy’ ‘

‘A burying-ground, where the few tombs and tombstones are almost black’

‘Nothing lay there, any longer, but the ruin of the mortal house’

‘He wept, alone’

‘Down among the mast, oar, and block makers’

‘Edith sunk down to her knees, and caught her round the neck’

‘The Wooden Midshipman’
This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent beef in red wine; creamy mashed potatoes; crunchy carrots and broccoli; firm Brussels sprouts; and tender runner beans, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Merlot.
I love the header photo, both the table and the Christmas decoration.
Hi Liz I have to tell you that yours is the comment I go to 1st, to see if your choice of picture is the same as mine , 99% of the time it is! I’m quite shocked if you ever chose a different photo!
Oh, isn’t that funny! Thank you for telling me, Jackie. 🙂
This made Jackie’s morning, Liz. Thanks very much
You’re most welcome, Derrick!
Quite apart from the people portrayed in these magnificent drawings, I like the fine details of the buildings and – in this case – the ship.
Yes. He turned his hand to anything, Anne. Thanks very much
How sweet and very clever. No one else would have a “regular Christmas decoration” like that. Love it.
Thank you so much, Chrissy
I haven’t read Dombey and Son. You have tempted me to give it a go if I can lay my hands on a copy.
It has become my favourite of the later ones. Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
The table is wonderful, and such a sweet picture of your granddaughter.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Yes, the regular decorations. They are my favourite part of Christmas. Well, that and the cheese footballs.
Thanks very much, Quercus
🙂 Tradition is important.
An interesting decoration.
Thanks very much, Mrs W.
You’re welcome.
The table looks great, Derrick! Florence looks so sweet.
Thanks very much,Jill
I’m always surprised by the memories your posts evoke. In this case, it was the very first word of the first scanned page: ‘cribbage.’ My dad and I played regularly, and I still have the board and pegs we used. A friend and I were trying to remember the rules recently, but all I could remember was “fifteen, two, fifteen, four — and a pair makes [something].” I always enjoyed it. I need to find another player.
I’ve never played it, Linda, but I am always delighted to stir others’ memories. Thank you very much.
I’ve never played it, Linda, but I am always delighted to stir others’ memories. Thank you very much. https://youtu.be/cjLwhFvuMcQ
I wondered why two comments, and then I found the song. That’s just wonderful! Who knew there was a song dedicated to cribbage? Thanks very much, Derrick!
🙂 As you will have guessed, it was an afterthought
That is the most beautifully unique Christmas decoration I’ve ever seen. I love how you describe Charles Dickens’ work. The illustrations of the man weeping and the one with Florence and Edith are powerful.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
What a lovely Christmas decor and you’ve kept it all these years.
Thanks very much, Arlene
Your scans of pages 749 & 792, are glorious examples of Keepings Illustration that I really enjoy … here is little sidewalk notice you might appreciate ..
Thanks very much, Ivor. I couldn’t access the link
One of my late favourite mentors of English Literature at the university used to say if you want to learn English Language read Charles Dickens. As it happened, I never progressed beyond David Copperfield. I wish I had paid attention to his precious advice while I still had spare time and the grey matter in my cranium was in its prime. Perhaps editions enriched with Keeping’s illustrations would have lured me into reading had they then been available to me. Those beautiful drawings along with Christmas decorations make for an excellent instalment.
I read David Copperfield a long time ago, too; only for this project have I read all the others. Dombey was a real surprise. Thanks very much, Uma.
What a beautiful table AND decoration!
And such a sweet photo of Mary and Joseph! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I shopped for a chess set for Mat and came away with the table as well
A wonderful and amazing treasure you found!
Lovely, Derrick 😊 I too found Dombey & Son so much better than I’d expected.
(In case I don’t get back to your blog – or indeed my own – before Christmas, a very Happy Christmas to you and Jackie and to all your wonderful family 🎄 x
The same to you and yours, Sandra. It certainly was a step up for him. Thanks very much
Very interesting table. Happy Christmas, Derrick and Jackie.
Snd to you, Helen. Thanks very much
A lovely double Florence post, Derrick. That header photo is lovely–I could see using it to make an ornament.
I haven’t read Dombey & Son, but you’ve made it tempting.
It is up there with the best. Thanks very much, Merril
That’s unique.
Thanks a lot, GP
How lovely that your decorations represent so many happy memories
Thanks very much, Sheree
What a lovely Christmas decoration. those with a personal connection are always the best.
Thanks very much, Sue
An interesting post. I love the tabletop with the photo of your granddaughter as Mary!
The illustrations in your story are really amazing!
Thank you very much, Dwight
You are welcome!
That is a beautiful table and display, Derrick and Jackie! The Charles Keeping illustrations are always a treat, too.
Thank you very much from us both, Lavinia
Outstanding illustrations. Your prose describing this work are as good as they get!
Thank you so much, Jan X
The decoration is precious and quite unusual.
Between your comments and Mr Keeping’s inimitable illustrations, I am almost ready to brace myself and start reading Dickens, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly. I am featuring A Tale of Two Cities next
My pleasure, Derrick. Am I to expect more of Mr Keeping’s immensely enjoyable illustrations?
You are 🙂
Fantastic! I am looking forward to it.
I just finished reading Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South and thought of you. The “South” seemed based in the New Forest, perhaps in your very village.
Thanks very much, Gwen. I don’t remember too much about the book, but Helstone is in Cornwall. Interestingly we have New Milton a couple of miles away.from us
Dinner sounds wonderful but a shame to spoil it with brussels sprouts.
🙂 A very tasty veg. Thanks a lot, Andrew.
As always, beautiful illustrations!
Thank you very much, Ribana