Some Forest Denizens

We saw no sign of the forecast sunny intervals on our afternoon forest drive.

Highland cattle, including friendly bulls Blackie and Splash, lounged lazily on the green at Bramshaw. After I photographed them we drove on to Penn Common where

Ponies cropped the

soggy terrain,

on which Jackie focussed. Just to the left of this drinking pony’s right ear perches one of the robins that flitted about.

She caught this pony reflected in another stream, and

a mallard having taken up residence in a puddle.

She also caught me photographing the pony beside her,

and I got my own back.

Cattle, donkeys, and ponies shared the drier woodland outside Nomansland,

where there were numerous new calves; one wobbly specimen being licked clean by its mother.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome chicken and vegetable stewp, which we have decided needs no alcohol, so we didn’t drink any.


  1. Posing Ponies, Dapper Ducks and Cuddly Calves!
    Such charming, truly lovely photos. I remember your magical shots of newborns from last year… the wheel of life continues to turn 🙂

  2. I like the Highland cattle. They always look as they are thinking sensibly about things. You seem to be a lot wetter than we are. Our ground is notably dry for the time of year.

  3. There’s something about watching wildlife/animals that is calming and true. I don’t know if you get PBS where you are, but my guy and I are so enjoying “Small Creatures Great and Small” set in your part of the woods, I think. Thanks for lifting my spirits with your photos!

    1. We’re enjoying it, too (also liked the books and the first TV version from years ago). Derrick and “his animals” came up in our conversation, also, but I said, no, this is Yorkshire. Most Masterpiece shows air in the UK before they’re shown on PBS here, I believe.

  4. Gorgeous photos, Jackie and Derrick!
    Oh, those sweet faces! 🙂 And both bovine and equine are having a good hair day! 😉 😀
    Love the eye photo, the pony and robin photo, and the mum and her baby photos! I got joy-teary-eyed. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  5. Oh, my goodness, the mother and the baby! So precious! Love them. Snd I love that you know the bull’s names. <3
    I'm curious, is "stewp" a common term or is it one you made up? I've never heard it except from you, regularly.

  6. I’ll say it again: isot’s nice to see cows and ponies contentedly roaming free. I enjoy seeing the hairy highlanders and shaggy ponies.

  7. I enjoyed all your photos from the day, Derrick and Jackie! The ponies and cattle look like they are patiently waiting out the winter. The ducks don’t seem to mind, they have plenty of water to dabble about in. 🙂

  8. That black horse reflected in the water is gorgeous. That looks like a fine new building behind it, too. All in all, it’s a very pleasant scene.

  9. Wonderful to see the Highland bulls and the very pretty newborn calf.
    The temperature difference between north and south were hammered home with this post. We’re very unlikely to see cattle out in the fields in February, let alone a newborn, and we’re not likely to see anyone as lightly dressed as you and Jackie either.
    Lovely post, Derrick.

    1. Jackie didn’t even know I’d photographed her 🙂 We have never seen those babies so early. Cattle would normally be in sheds over winter. Thanks a lot, Widders.

  10. Grey days are always dismal for us humans but then here you’ve gone out on your drive to bring us the beasts that roam in your woods, fields and common ground. Thanks for sharing

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