Veritable Lakes

This being New Year’s Day there were very few vehicles on the road when we set off into the forest. The temperature was cooler, but the gloom was at least dry, which is more than can be said for the moorland and woodland, such as that alongside

Holmsley Road, which had become a veritable lake reflecting now naked trees, where, despite the stillness of the air, ripples quivered spasmodically into a life of their own.

Gorseacre’s Private Driveway sign now functioned as a water level gauge, while posts placed to deter parking floated away.

Groups of competitors pushed their trolleys across the somewhat drier Burley golf course.

Damp ponies

were reflected in scooped out basins alongside Burley Road.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s succulent cottage pie; firm carrots, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts; and tasty grav, with which I finished the Kruger Elements.


  1. Mmmm Cottage Pie! That’s a nice lake you’ve got there, Derrick, I guess you’ve had enough rain. I feel bad for the horse standing in the cold air all wet.

  2. I was chased across Burley golf course by a pannaging pig. Happy days. And all that water reminds me of cross country runs because the pitches were flooded. Happy New Year!

  3. I definitely think that all this rain and cold is beginning to get a little depressing. I dowonder what cvour winters will be like in a centuiry’s time.The coast of Alaska? Newfoundland or Labrador?

  4. That’s a lot of water, but I feel better about that than I did with the photos in the summer of the animals looking for a drop of water in the dried up forest. Happy New Year to all of you. xo

  5. Your reflection photo are always brilliant! I enjoy looking at them.
    Cooper was a damp dog on all of our walks on Sunday…first two rainy…last two snowy. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  6. Refections in water are always a pleasure to see.
    I hope the residents of the private drive will eventually recover their sign.

  7. That is some flooded driveway. I wonder if the house has water inside, too.
    Lovely photos and descriptions, Derrick. I hope you get some sunshine soon.

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