Stretching For Holly

Ronan of Tom Sutton Heating spent the morning fixing the boiler problem which turned out to be water in the oil; it seems it was not the drop in temperature which had stopped it working, but the very heavy rain which has got in somewhere. To be more sure Jackie has ordered a tank drier bag from Amazon.

The rain having desisted, much of the floodwater has receded and the icicles melted, although , on this still chilly but dry day ice not reached by the low, weak, sun remains, as we discovered on a forest drive.

Boldre Bridge overlooked a rippling stream, still bearing ice, and reflecting trees and fenceposts.

Nearby, Rodlease Lane still bore arboreal images in pools disturbed by passing vehicles.

Long shadows of a woman and a donkey stretched across the banks of Hatchet Pond and the potholed drive to it;

gulls admired their reflections in the remnants of its ice, while a paddling coot looked on.

The drift paddock on Furzey Lane reflected on the icy pool surrounding it, where

patterns remained unthawed.

A pony reaching up for holly in Ran’s Wood was lit by the lowering sun, which had

set by the time we arrived at Milford on Sea..

Later we dined on Cook’s very tasty vegetarian lasagna brought by Elizabeth last week, and Jackie’s equally flavoursome Chicken and vegetable stewp with delicious garlic bread brought by our sister from the same source. I drank more of the Shiraz and no-one else did.


  1. I am glad the source of the boiler problem has been determined. The rain has done quite a bit of mischief over there!

    It won’t be long before spring arrives. Wishing you and Jackie more hospitable weather.

  2. Beautiful and cold photos, Derrick! It seems like your oil tank is in the ground, they can also be located above ground over here anyway.

  3. Good grief, I was joking when I said I hoped you haven’t got the same problem as we had! I didn’t expect it to be true! Fingers are crossed you don’t need a new tank.
    I hope you managed a little sunshine today to help with the thaw.

  4. Your photography of the ice patterns and reflections is spectacular! I hope our string of “bomb cyclones” plays itself out before it crosses the Atlantic Ocean, and the weather warms so it doesn’t all come down in snow or worse!

  5. I loved the visual serenity created in your photo of the lowering sun at Milford on Sea… Definitely one for my ‘Derrick File’

  6. So many beautiful photos! I think my favorite is the sunlit silhouette of the reaching pony, but I also like the ice patterns, reflections and the donkey whisperer. I’m very glad you got the heat back on and know what caused the problem.

  7. Glad the boiler problem is being solved. I am happy that I am able to leave a comment now. The phots are spectacular. Hope the flooding eases. The sand pipers are lovely. Every time at the ocean side, I love watching these little birds.

  8. Some beautiful captures there Derrick. We are moving towards anew season and the light is becoming brighter. All it takes us patience. And that you have💐

  9. The Milford on Sea sunset photo is glorious. I enjoyed the ice patterns, too. Above all, I’m glad the boiler’s health has improved. I well remember the problems that can ensue when oil and water get mixed in a diesel engine; apparently the combination’s no better in a boiler.

  10. I like the expression on the holly-eating pony’s face, although I don’t know if it is wary of the holly leaves or the approach of the photographer.

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