
After picking up medication from Milford on Sea Pharmacy late this morning we took a forest walk.

At Keyhaven Harbour the slate-grey sky merged with the vanishing horizon beyond which we could barely discern walkers on the spit; boats buoys and moorings rested on mirrored glass reflecting all in gentle monochrome ripples.

From the harbour we drove along damp Saltgrass Lane tracking a gentleman following the coastal path to

the shallows alongside Hurst Spit, where we spotted Turnstones, a Godwit, and a Raven among others.

Much of the recent ice has now melted, although the day was still chilly enough for these patterns along Sowley Lane,

where its lake reflected mallards and other waterbirds.

Through the mist across Beaulieu River we glimpsed a gulp of cormorants.

I have chosen not to brighten any of these images so that readers may see how misty the day was.

When we returned we found a message from Elaine at Tom Sutton Heating to say that it is only one part of an immersion heater that needs replacing and it will be fitted on Tuesday. I do believe she was even more delighted to convey this news than I was to receive it.

This evening we dined on succulent roast pork with crisp crackling, crisp roast potatoes laced with garlic, crisp Yorkshire pudding, crunchy carrots, tender green beans, and firm broccoli, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Merlot brought back from the pub yesterday.


  1. I also liked “gulp of cormorants.” I love the word cormorant. 🙂
    Such good news from Elaine. Very atmospheric photos. We’re having the same sort of weather.

    1. Riverside Peace, I immediately thought”She must be another Australian”. I’m in NE Victoria where the forecast has not brought me any joy!

      1. I’m up in Port Macquarie in the mid-north coast of NSW. Our son texted this morning from the Hawkesbury River area where it’s already 42C. They have a large swimming pool in there backyard so that’s where they’ll all be today.

  2. Monochromatic is the perfect description for your photos today. We rarely get mist or fog around here, but I remember it from my visit to England several years ago. The bird’s are stunning. What a nice way to spend your day.

  3. Your misty photos of the misty day are magnificent! They DO convey Mother Nature’s mood! Mist and fog can be so otherworldly at times. 🙂
    I love clicking on your photos and enlarging them to look at!
    I enjoy collective nouns! I had not heard of “a gulp” before! It made me laugh! 😀
    So glad to hear the good news from Elaine! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Carolyn. I didn’t know ‘gulp’ either – but a ‘flight’ seemed inappropriate for that group all watching for their next gulp. X

  4. We had a few inches of snow this morning, and every thing was sublime and pure in its beauty.
    I loved seeing the reflection of the masts and boats in the water, and the birds, just beautiful !
    It made my heart glad to hear about the water heater that may be fixed by Tuesday. Wonderful news.

  5. How about that? Getting irritated on your behalf seems to work — even at a distance. If you need me to do that again, just let me know. After all, you need to be able to go about your business of photographing the world in peace!

  6. I, too, liked a “gulp of commorants.” Never heard that before even though we have commorants aplenty in Maine. I have a Maine saying for you: Numb as a hake. Finally, yay about that part!!!

  7. I like the raven and the ice patterns. Thank you for sharing the mood. If not for the mist, we might not appreciate the clear days as much. I hope your heating system is fixed once and for all. Your good attitude is admirable.

  8. Your day was much like ours, enshrouded in mists. Misty days have their own special beauty, and I like the images as they are. I am glad you did not brighten them.

    That is good news on the immersion heater. Stay warm, Derrick and Jackie!

    1. I do like the way you offer information with your doors. Good news about the snow control. Thank you for using my crows, and for reading the post.

  9. Definitely not my kind of weather for being outdoors. I’m happy to report that this is the first time since the change that one of your posts has appeared in my WordPress Reader.

    1. I’m pleased, Rosaliene. Jetpack was sending people to the old site. Thanks you so much

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