Who Needs A Rug

With help and encouragement from SueW, I have today replaced the missing photographs from the following posts dated from 23rd to 28th October 2022. New followers from before mid-December may not have seen them.

Flo, Dillon, and Ellie were collected by Ian at mid-day to take them for a few days to Southbourne.

After lunch we took a forest drive.

On Forest Road a grazing pony blended with the bracken.

We looked down on the landscape below Braggers Lane,

Where a paddock was entered through a fence that lay between a decaying stump and a gnarled tree trunk;

a New Forest pony accompanied a field horse protected against the cold temperatures by a rug, of which the hardy little equine has no need. Throughout the day we noticed field horses wrapped up and ponies uncovered.

During their safe season, pheasants abound in certain areas of the forest. Most scurry through a hedge when poked at by a camera lens. Not this fellow on parade on Ringwood Road who happily strutted about showing his best side.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s wholesome shepherd’s pie with fried potato topping, crunchy carrots, firm cauliflower and tender cabbage with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Shiraz.


  1. Beautiful pictures. That is a very tasty looking pheasant. Sorry it is still cold. Hope the young family is going somewhere with central heating. 😉

  2. Hooray! Your posts just started appearing in the WP Reader again, and I can “like” them again! Looks like a lovely day in the forest, even though it is cold.

  3. Lovely photos of a beautiful day! Such wonderful character and textures in the tree photos. The ponies look like they are enjoying a serene day. And Mr. Pleasant Pheasant is handsome! 🙂
    We need rugs today…our high temp is 31 degrees.
    (((HUGS))) and good to find your post on my Reader page today! 🙂

  4. Thank goodness as soon as I started connecting again you not only have the ponies but also a great suggestion for our winter supper–shepherd’s pie.

    1. Thanks very much, Liz. Jetpack was sending people to the old site. Moors still very waterlogged. I didn’t focus on that yesterday

  5. Thank you for posting the extra photos Derrick, and there are a few articles that I did miss while I was away on holiday in Ballarat

  6. I’m glad the ponies and field horses can be friends. The rust-colored pony is beautiful. And the fungi city is still fascinating!

  7. That pheasant needs a modeling contract, STAT. I’m glad he stopped and posed for this photo. Your forest drives must be wonderful which so much of nature to be explored.

    1. Thanks very much, GP. I was equally as upset at the inability of friends like you to reach me. Jetpack had been sending people to the old site

  8. Glad those pictures were recovered! Fun to see the pampered horse socializing with the independent ponies. I guess class differences don’t mean as much to them.

  9. I am still so delighted to find your posts are accessible to me once more that I am flying through them with little comment – nearly there!

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