A Turning Circle

Yesterday evening, the first of the new Covid lockdown relaxations, we dined alfresco at the Lamb Inn in Nomansland.

Outside the pub John, the owner of a coach and horses, and his friends had stopped for refreshment. Our timing was perfect. We may have been somewhat early for our booking, but, had that not been the case we would have missed a treat,

and I would not have had this photo opportunity.

This remarkably disciplined team, at the quietest commands from their driver, executed a perfect turning circle and trotted off round the bend in the direction of Landford.

Jackie also photographed the scene outside the pub, the departure of the team;

and ponies on the green;

as did I, with the war memorial in the top right hand corner.

As we were early we drove to Fritham to watch the clouds breaking up over the landscape.

By the time we were seated the sun was in full view, and the temperature 10C, which is the warmest it has been for several days.

Jackie enjoyed focussing on the hanging baskets, cherry blossom, magnolia, hand sanitiser, the invitation to use the patio door for toilets;

and of course our choices of meal, of which hers was extremely good chicken madras, accompanied by flavoursome rice, mint yoghurt, and mango chutney. I am averse to pub curries because I don’t expect them to taste like the real thing. I could tell from the aromas that I was wrong about this one, which was as good as my Culinary Queen said it was. My well filled steak and ale pie, chips, and peas were equally good. We both chose choice ice cream sundae for dessert. I drank Doom Bar and Jackie drank Carlsberg. As will be seen by all my undone buttons I did not need the layers with which I had come prepared.

On our return home through Bramshaw we needed to wait for a peacock to leave the tarmac and wander across the green in the direction of a confusion of Guinea fowl. Nearby a leather-lipped pony chomped on blackthorn.

We reached Hordle Lane in time to watch the sun subside in the west.

Elizabeth joined us for dinner this evening, which consisted of Jackie’s scrumptious cottage pie with a cheese topping; crunchy carrots; tender cabbage; firm cauliflower, and meaty gravy. Mrs Knight drank Hoegaarden and my sister and I drank Mendoza Malbec 2019.


  1. What a feast for the eyes! I hardly know where to begin – perhaps with those gorgeous sunsets. Mind you, it is a happy surprise to see the guinea fowl, which hail from my part of the world. Your turning circle reminds me of one of the main streets in our town which is wide enough (very wide) for an ox wagon being pulled by sixteen oxen to turn in – harking back to the founding days of the town.

  2. What a magnificent day for you all!! Thank you for your perfect timing in getting the pictures of the horse team – beautiful, aren’t they?!! 🐴🐎🐴

  3. Your food looks so tasty. I think I would have chosen the curry too. 10C doesn’t sound very warm to me, Derrick. It’s 30C here today. Beautiful sunset photos and as always, your ponies are delightful.

  4. Wow, Derrick, you’ve taken so many beautiful photos of the sunset, the countryside, and food, wonderful! 🇬🇧❤️

  5. What a wonderful afternoon out! How fortuitous your timing, as well, with the carriage and horses performing their full circle turn-around! The peacock and other animals are lovely, and the dinner looks delightful — I love curries, but not as much as my mother did — she couldn’t buy it hot enough so ground her own curry powder! And the sunset was an amazing topper to the outing! Thanks for sharing your afternoon!

  6. Right now our temperature is 10C and it’s 6.23am but we’ve been promised a 26C today.

    Such beautiful horses and carriage. I haven’t seen one quite as well preserved.

    Hope you enjoyed your new found freedom and your alfresco at the Lamb Inn.

  7. I’m curious about the light and dark brown color of the lead horse which looks like its front and belly have been bleached. But more importantly, I’m glad you had a nice day. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous sunset with us!

  8. So many things to enjoy! The equine foursome put on a good show, and the free wheeling ponies are always adorable. Stormy skies, flowering trees and molten sunsets are always a delight the eye!

  9. Derrick, what a terrific day out. I’m glad the food exceeded your expectations. What great luck to arrive early to see the horses. They’re such powerful yet gentle souls.

  10. What a beautiful day and a lovely encounter…all captured in wonderful photos, Jackie and Derrick! I think when we follow our hearts the timing often leads us to amazing sights and adventures! 🙂
    Excellent exceptional equines! 🙂
    Bright bewitching birds! 🙂
    Ha! I’m sorry…don’t mean to be rude or crude…but that sign to “use the patio doors for toilets” always makes me snort-laugh. I know what they mean…but my mind always goes “down the toilet”! 😛
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

  11. Every photo and description thereof has a story of its own and fills us with wonder about the love you have with Mother Nature and reflected in each picture. 🙂🙂

  12. Wow, that’s really doing it in style. The food looks delicious. We’re venturing out to eat for the first time this weekend – fingers crossed for no rain, though a low temperature won’t stop us!

  13. A post filled with delights–one wonderful photo after the next! That inn looks like a great place to eat. You had a treat with food and setting–and the coach and horses. The sunset photos are stunning.

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