As we set out on a forest drive this afternoon grizzling rain added gentle tear-drops to the similar elements we have experienced over the last few days.
Along St Leonards Road many old trees with hollows in boles were decorated with tree fungus;
they stand atop mossy or stony banks;
and carry branches adorned with various lichen.
We have passed this decaying trunk many times since it was first broken by fierce winds some ten years ago.
All along the road more than four and twenty blackbirds flitted across
our path. This one sat posing on a fence post.
It was a solitary egret that flew off into the distance to settle fishing among reeds,
before we paused to watch a face-off feigning a jousting match between two cock pheasants.
A weak sun sent us on our way having briefly brightened branches against the otherwise slate-grey sky.
After more time spent with ‘The Brontës’, I dined with Jackie on her wholesome shepherd’s pie; boiled potatoes, cauliflower with its chopped leaves; Brussels sprouts, carrots and broccoli. The Culinary Queen drank Diet Coke and I drank more of the Merlot.