Talking Heads

I may have mentioned that my Canon 70-300mm lens became stuck just before Christmas, and I took it into Wessex Photographic in Ringwood for a quotation. This has come back. The cost is £70 more than a second-hand one the store had in stock. That being a no-brainer, Jackie drove me to replace my older second-hand model with a newer one.

Afterwards we brunched in Café Aroma, and, through their crystal clear plate glass window, I tried out this newly acquired piece of equipment, by photographing


One gentleman vaped outside the smokers’ shelter,

through the transparent sheet of which I photographed some talking heads.

Suitably sated, we continued into the forest where a light frost still lay in patches. Perhaps because we are so near the coast we haven’t yet experienced this.

At North Gorley a saturated area of turf wore white patches beside a pool covered in semi-melted ice. Reflections rested undisturbed on the otherwise limpid surface.

As the leisurely grazing sheep discovered on Cadnam Lane, frost lingered beside the hedges. Perhaps the equine droppings among the ovine diners had been left by

the string of stubby ponies following their relatively gigantic grey leader down the road. One forlorn little fellow just couldn’t keep up,

until its companions paused for refreshments.

A motley array of cuddly creatures clambered over a farm gate in an endeavour to escape the peacocks within.

On our way home we noticed that The Bell at Bank has a rather cheeky event coming up on 25th January

Jackie said she felt like another Christmas dinner today, so she produced roast chicken; Yorkshire pudding; roast potatoes and parsnips; moist bread sauce; firm sage and onion stuffing; and crunchy carrots and cauliflower. Becky drank Diet Coke, and I drank Famille Perrin Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2016. Ian wasn’t feeling well. Maybe he will eat later.

Hordle Village Fair


Those who had worked so hard to create today’s Hordle Village Fair woke up to a forecast of rain from 3.00 p.m.. The event was to begin at 1.00 p.m.. In fact, although we were beset by heavy clouds, rain held off until soon after four. Jackie and I paid a visit.

Clown and child

A yellow clown, reminiscent of Barrie Haynes’s pink bunny persona for Bournemouth Lions fundraising events, entertained children and adults alike. I’m sure Barrie could identify the classic car standing on the left, and the others lined up in the background. The round balls seen atop one of them light up when the occasion arises. It is a Belgian hearse belonging to the creator of the Pied Piper of Hamelin scarecrow.

Hordle Village Fair 1Hordle Village Fair 2Hordle Village Fair 3

People of all ages toured the wide open spaces and visited the well spread out stalls around them.

Dog and legs

There were quite a number of dogs towing their owners.

Hordle Village Fair 4

Plant sales aroused plentiful interest.


A couple of woman span happily in their tent;

Knitted puppets

other handicraft included knitted hand puppets,




and various textile items examined by these young ladies.

Hordle Village Fair 5

A long colourful caterpillar was a children’s maze;

Mr Bounce 1

and there was a rubber slide.

Mr Bounce 2


Mr Bounce 3

and girls had stereotypically different approaches to the downward trip.

Rapunzel scarecrow

Although the scarecrows were mostly still displayed outside their homes, one Rapunzel had found her way to the recreation ground.

Liberty's Owl, Raptor & Reptile Centre

One very popular tent was that of the Liberty Owl, Raptor & Reptile Centre. Jackie and I

Perlin 1Harris Hawk 1

just had to investigate the occupants like these hawks

White Headed Vulture 1White Headed Vulture 2

and the White Headed Vulture.

Raptor Audience 1

As soon as an announcement was made that there would be a handling display of these raptors, a crowd gathered around the showing enclosure,

Harris Hawk 3

Hawk handling

and were entertained by a most eloquent and informative handler in complete control of his birds. Even the clown was rapt.

Harris Hawk 2

A photographer on the other side of the enclosure, like me, waited for the hawk to take off.

White Headed Vulture 3White Headed Vulture 4White Headed Vulture 5

The bird man did his best to convince us that the White Headed Vulture was not as ugly as she was painted.

Clayesmore Pipe Band 1Clayesmore Pipe Band 2Clayesmore Pipe Band 3

Music was provided by the Clayesmore Pipe Band of Christchurch.

Army Cadets

Army cadets provided an information tent and were responsible for gathering up stray monkeys.

This evening we dined on pork and jalapeno sausages and colourful carrots from the monthly farmers’ market in Everton Nurseries, pork belly from Tesco, new potatoes and cabbage from I don’t know where, with very tasty gravy by the Culinary Queen. I drank El arte de vivin  Ribera del Duero 2015.