With yesterday’s overnight fierce winds roaring into this morning, taking a break for lunch, I began a further dead-heading session,
filling a trug with clippings – those that I could reach, from
Peach Abundance which demanded by a long way quite the most effort.
After lunch I turned my attention to the Back Drive and, on the proviso that I could reach them,
white Félicité Perpétue with Emily Gray;
white Perpetual Blush with Emily Gray;
yellow Doris Tysterman and deep red Ernest Morse;
tiny red Super Elfin;
and an unnamed pale pink rose bought some years ago for £1.

I filled the trug once more, emptied it for the second time into a compost bin, and staggered sweating into the safety of my sitting room chair.
This evening we dined on Mr Pink’s excellent fish and chips, Garner’s pickled onions and Mrs Elswood’s pickled gherkins.