Pattering Precipitation

Jackie has recovered well enough this afternoon to drive Dillon and Flo to a couple of shops where they made purchases while she waited in the car.

Despite the forecast for snow

the early morning frost was largely washed away by a later sleet storm, so the post prandial precipitation pattering upon glistening fallen leaves dripped not from the now clearer skies but, when slithered into sufficient pendulous weight. directly from

glittering crab apples and

rose hips;

spiky leaves of bottle brush,

softer ones from other trees,

and shivering rose petals.

Later Shelly visited bringing a delicious beef stew for our dinner this evening. All I needed to do was to prepare potatoes, runner beans, carrots, and broccoli. Jackie then heated everything, or, as she said, “orchestrate[d] it”. I finished the Malbec with mine.

Robins In The Hedgerows

Ian returned to Southbourne for work this morning. After lunch Jackie and I drove to Tesco for some shopping, and continued into the forest.

As we turned into Hordle Lane yellow-brown ochre clouds flung a hatful of

every kind of precipitation at our windscreen as photographed by Jackie. Sleet and snow were lashed by brisk gusts of north wind making the 6C degree dropped temperature feel much colder.

During an apparent cessation I left the car to photograph an eponymous sculpture on Woodcock Lane, and was soon beset by further soft white flakes and ice-hard pellets which spared the ubiquitous laurel blossoms.

I wandered around the rippling Wootton stream alongside which a pair of discarded wellies aroused speculation. Lengthy striate arboreal shadows criss-crossed water surfaces and cropped banks alike. The last picture in this gallery is by Jackie.

Fluffy cotton clouds soon replaced the earlier heavily laden ones as cerulean skies returned.

The widening of the A35 bridge at Holmsley, scheduled to be completed next week will not now be finished before June. The causeway leading to it is not normally a road on which it is sensible to stop. Now it is closed we were able to sneak along it and I could nip out and photograph the woodland and its denizens below.

The landscape of Longslade Heath was dotted with grazing and reclining ponies.

South Sway Lane’s verges were enhanced by robins and primroses.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s beef pie meal and/or chicken and vegetable stewp with which I drank Patrick Chodot Fleurie 2019.