Jackie set today’s theme by producing a quartet of bees on a sunflower.
Encouraged by these and, although I have not yet received confirmation of the completion of my WordPress images rescue from Peacock’s who are still working on the task,

I wandered round the garden to add a few – on sedums, zinnias, cosmos, and Japanese anemones. Many other flowers were graced with the presence of pollen gatherers on this warm, overcast, afternoon, but I thought it best not to push my luck without confirmation.
It looks as if new pictures are automatically resized, although older ones are not.
Shelly popped in with an Ellie present later, and was happy to hold her great-great-niece.
This evening we dined on wholesome Shepherd’s Pie; crunchy carrots; firm Brussel’s sprouts; piquant cauliflower cheese; tender cabbage; and tasty gravy. Jackie drank Hoegaarden; I drank more of the Shiraz; Flo and Dillon drank fruit cordial.