The Beach House

Late on this crystal crisp clear blue sky morning Ian drove Scooby and me to Marine Drive, East, Barton on Sea, whence we walked along the clifftop.

Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight was again sporting a pastel palette,

Dog walkers

as we joined other dog walkers, many of whom are now familiar to Ian and Scooby,

Scooby encounters another dog

whose stance and cocked ears at one fresh encounter betrayed the slight concern that possibly brought about his first bowel-emptying session.

Cliff erosion 1Cliff erosion 2Scooby on clifftop

He exhibited no such nervousness in dashing along the steadily eroding edge.


A few other pedestrians strode down below.

Sun on sea

There, waterborne sunlight dazzled,

Beachcomber Cafe

as did the windows of the Beachcomber Cafe where we stopped for coffee.

The Beach House entrance 1The Beach House entrance 2

This afternoon we paid another visit to The Beach House in order to introduce Ian to its exquisite ambience. Clicking on these images will reveal some of the stained glass that adorns this oak panelled building.

Stained glass window

More of this can be seen in the Sun Room where we took our tea, coffee, and cakes, at no further cost than Costa’s.

Sunset in lounge

Sunset through lounge window

The sunset could be enjoyed from the lounge,

Sunset through dining room window

the dining room,

Sunset through back room window

the back room,

Sunset through Sun room window

and the Sun Room,

where we enjoyed our refreshments whilst, through a protective glass screen we observed

Isle of Wight through Sun Room window

The Isle of Wight,

Isle of Wight and garden from Sun Room window

the garden,

Pigeon in pines

and silhouetted pigeons (this photograph is Becky’s).


The foyer, photographed from the first floor gallery, shows the aforementioned oak panelling that also lines all the corridors to the bedrooms.

Although the personnel were different, the service was as efficient and friendly as we had found yesterday.

For our dinner this evening, Jackie produced a superb beef casserole; cauliflower and broccoli cheese; perfect boiled new potatoes; and crisp carrots and green beans. I finished the El Sotillo, Ian drank Peroni, and Becky drank zinfandel rose.


  1. Once again, superb photographs. Love the cliff pictures; this really shows crumbly sedimentary rocks at their worst!

    1. Thanks, Nina. My son, Sam, was married in a Margaret River winery in December 2007. I travelled with daughter Louisa, Errol, and baby Jessica. We started with in-laws in Perth, a few days in Margaret River, a week in Melbourne, and a further week in Sydney. When we arrived in Perth at 2 a.m. Christmas morning the temperature was 42 degrees

  2. The Isle of Wight looks like a pile of clouds in that first photo and just lovely in the one from the Beach House. That room with the fireplace–I could snug in there and spend some time with a book or a good card partner. What a beautiful building. Thanks for sharing it and for showing us Scooby in worried and carefree poses.

  3. Oh, that Scooby! Love the other pictures, too. It’s wonderful to travel, via the Internet, around the world while never leaving my snug house.

  4. An amusing (to me) colonial connection. . . my oldest daughter lived in a small county named Isle of Wight located in Virginia. Very inland rural – 45 minutes away from the ocean.

  5. You’ve given us such a feast today. First, the amusing dogs, then the switch to black and white. The stained glass was another treat, followed closely by that bullseye window. And … all the rest, capped off by your gastronomic, intake. Phew! Thank you.

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