Today I finished reading
This frontispiece contains one of Philip Bannister’s excellent illustrations.
Although the term was not universally adopted until 1925, the Art Deco period had already begun in France by 1915, when Ford’s novel was first published. This, I imagine, is what inspired Bannister’s front cover design.
The author begins with ‘This is the saddest story I have ever heard’, but do not despair, the book is a perfectly constructed work demonstrating profoundly insightful characterisation, well-observed description and good story-telling written in flowing prose.
I will not reveal the story save to say that as a “tale of passion” it is of the suppressed kind, and is related by a close observer of humanity who has not, himself, experienced the “magnetism and passions” of such “splendid and tumultuous creatures” as the ill-fated protagonists of “the Ashburnum tragedy”. Dowell, the narrator, is convinced that in a world stifled by “conventions and traditions”, only the “normal” survive, and no-one, even they, gets what they want in life.
I found myself wishing that Henry James, an earlier American-born writer with an equally psychological bent, who died the year after this book’s publication, could have written rather less densely, and as apparently freely as Ford.
Julian Barnes has provided an interesting introduction to my Folio Society edition.
Here are a couple more of the illustrations.
This evening we dined at The Hare & Hounds in Sway. Jackie’s starter was prawn cocktail,
mine was whitebait in beer batter, served with brown bread and butter and salad.
We both enjoyed fish and chips as a main course,
and neither of us could manage a dessert. Jackie drank Amstel, and I drank Ringwood’s best.
Peas, yuck. French fries, yeah! 🙂
Thanks, Johnna
Chips please, we’re English! XD
It was after a session at the Hare and Hounds that I cycled home in a rather discombobulated state and ended up in the ditch by the goose farm opposite Peterson’s folly on Barrow’s Lane. To say it was full of run off does a disservice to ‘run off’. This stuff would have left Usain Bolt for dead. Mum swears she smelt me from a mile a way and she was certainly at the back door when I staggered round to ensure I didn’t come in until she had hosed me down.
What larks, Geoff. What larks. Thanks a lot
What a beautifully illustrated book! I know the author and title, but I don’t think I ever read The Good Soldier.
The fried fish and prawns look delicious.
Thanks very much, Merril
That looks an interesting read. I’ve added it to my ever growing list.
Many thanks, Gwen
Very interesting cover. I’m chuckling at TanGental’s comment.
Thanks, Jill. Geoff is always good for a laugh
Your thoughts about the book have piqued my interest. Adding the book to my TBR list… 🙂
Fish and chips are always great… 😀
Thanks very much, Maniparna
Welcome… 🙂
Food looks good, apart from a lack of mushiness in the peas, and I’m sure the company was good. The Good Soldier has been on my “to read” list for about 40 years – really must try harder! 😉
Thanks a lot, Quercus. I don’t think pubs do mushy.
I once ate in a pub near Eastwood that served me mushy peas with scampi. A step too far, even for me. 🙂
I’ve never read Ford Madox Ford – I think his name puts me off………. Geoff’s story has quite stolen the show however…..
I’m with you on that! XD
Hasn’t it just? Thanks, Pauline
Is that whitebait crumbed or battered? Seems rather a large serve for an entree; would actually suffice for to mains for me 🙁
Battered, Brian. When it was served, I said to the waiter: “I shan’t want anything else after that”. Thanks a lot.
An excellent review (I know the book) …. I particularly like the observation on H James’s writing as opposed to Ford and agree. The word ‘dense’ is in perfect context. Supper looks scrummy …. it reminds me that a visit to England is overdue 🙂
Very many thanks, Osyth. It is especially good that you knew both the book and Henry James.
This sounds very interesting, Derrick. I’ll have to look into it.
Thanks, GP
Whitebait on bread and fish and chips? Wow. You must have a stomach of iron and the metabolism of a growing teenager.
Food looks great! As for the book…that subject seems to have been a common one for writers of that time. I suppose a lot of writers, and other people as well, felt repressed.
An amazing collection of illustrations throughout the book Derrick and an interesting read too. I do love Fish and Chips, yours looks as delicious as the one I recently had when visiting Freeport, Maine.
Many thanks, Mary. Pub food in this country is so improved from what we could expect even 30 years ago
The illustrations are most attractive, and so are the apparently un-mushy peas.
Thank you, Leslie
Well, you can pick ’em. Must read more than his many fine reviews, however, as this one nabbed my ear, er, eye.
🙂 Thank you Cynthia
I like the addition of peas, nicely served fish and chips platter! “Yummy for the tummy,” as my grandson Micah would say. All the grandkids like fish 🙂 which may seem normal~ but I have run into many children who don’t over the years. . .
The book is quite beautiful and the Folio Society series is a great idea, Derrick.
Many thanks, Robin