James Peacock brought back the cured iMac and checked everything was all plugged in and working well. He also worked out the CR2 format problem. This was because the camera was set to film in RAW mode, and CR2 is the format for that. I had not noticed it before because the Mac automatically converts to jpg for WordPress; whereas the Microsoft appears to please itself whether it does or not. Given Microsoft’s current advertising campaign in which a series of alleged Windows users work in the phrase “I couldn’t do that with a Mac” I wondered whether Apple would take this opportunity to retaliate with “Derrick couldn’t do that with his Windows”. I am up for negotiation. Interestingly, a set designer called Beowulf, in the first of these adverts, stated “I couldn’t do that with my Mac”. The “a” quite swiftly replaced “my”.
I therefore spent some time inserting the missing pictures into ‘No Resolution’ and ‘The Never Ending Summer’.
During the process of unravelling the CR2 issue, I nipped out and photographed the seemingly everlasting sweet peas. These are not, in fact, Lathyrus latifolius, but ordinary annuals which this year are thriving forever. Perhaps it is the sunshine and showers that keep them going.
The mashed potato served with Jackie’s bountiful beef stew this evening was as smooth as the main dish was packed with goodies. With this, the Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the madiran.
Love beef stew, next time Jackie makes some – I will be right over! Happy Tuesday Derrick! 🙂
Many thanks, Terry
Please send invite.. I would to join you guys
Love ❤️ the look 👀 of that stew… yummy 😋
Thanks very much, Nita
You are so welcome
Oh, my mouth is watering. Glad you got your computer problems sorted out.
Thanks very much. Laurie
Yes! Sweet peas, dinner and working computers – life is good!!
🙂 Thank you, Pauline
The perennial Windows/Mac controversy… I cut my computer teeth on an old Apple way back when… then had to use Mac when employed in a university setting, then had to use Windows in a business setting. I think it’s all in what you are used to. Still, I am most at home with the nice little Macbook Air on which I am typing this….
Thanks very much, Cynthia
Oh, my mouth is watering! yummy!
Thanks very much, Sofia
Talk about some comfort food…yum! It’s nice to see the sweet peas still hanging on.
Thanks a lot, Jill
I enjoyed your wit re: computer issues and advertisements. –Though I do love your sweet peas, the stew please.
Smooth ash reminds me of a supper many years ago when my brother in law who has spent most of his life in various hospitals and secure institutions on account of his schizophrenia was at the table. ‘I do like to find lumps in my mash’ he said …. I’ve tried to keep a few ever after in his honour – he is truly one of the best and most talented fellows you will ever meet.
Many thanks, Osyth.
Bravo, Mr. Peacock! Derrick, I spent 60 minutes at the paint shop this morning. Their two computers weren’t syncing together and they couldn’t come up with the correct paint formula to mix my color. Groan…………
They suggested I drive 30 miles (round trip) to the next paint store.
By the way, I got a message three times that I could not post my comment. I’m not kidding you!
Many thanks, Ginene. I’m pleased you persevered
It may have been because I said something about needing a prescription for Valium.
When I first used a little book our predecessors had left us to find a cab firm, I chose the one given as Valium Cabs – it turned out to be Galleon Cabs. 🙂
Oh, that’s hysterical! Reminds me of my sister thinking the doctor said, “You need to get a manual breast exam.” “Does it have to be manual?” she asked and the doctor replied, “I said annual.”
Brilliant, Ginene 🙂
Nope, that wasn’t it because I just used that name and it went through. Hmmm
That stew looks great!
Thank you, Lynn. It was delicious
Her food looks and sounds great. So glad we got a picture
Thank you, Lynn.
Hope you finally get the computer problems solved!
Thank you, Merril. I have, indeed. And James Peacock has set up screen sharing for any other problems I might have – since I haven’t a clue how to use half the facilities that might be quite useful
Oh good! Good luck exploring those options! 🙂
I’m so envious of your sweet peas…I have the everlasting variety and all they’ve produced this year I’d foliage 😕
Bad luck, Jenny. Maybe next year. Thanks a lot,
The humor and dry wit is always a treat in your writing, Derrick. (“Tongue in cheek”)
The pretty, delicate flowers look like what I may erroneously call “sweet peas.”
Your photos are a delight.
The food looks delicious and I was just saying I mash my potatoes once they get sift enough in a chicken based soup to add texture and full me up. Jackie’s got this down to a “trademark!” 🙂
Very many thanks for your usual full response, Robin
Great flower picture. Stew looks wonderful. Glad you got the computer fixed. You lead a charmed life! 🙂
Thanks, Quercus. Not a bad day 🙂
So glad you got your computer issues fixed. Apple or Windows – when it comes to the nitty gritty, I will be floundering either way. It can be SO aggravating…
Yes! Thank you, Anna
I don’t know much about all the photograph formats and things, Derrick. I use a Mac at home and Windows computers at work. I have to say I prefer my Mac. There are a ton of things I couldn’t do with a Windows computer. Of course, strictly speaking, I probably could do them. I just don’t know how to. Incidentally, the beef stew looks rather tasty.
Many thanks, Bun
Derrick, your dish of beef stew brought to mind fond memories of my father who prepared beef stew for us on Sundays. Since my days in Brazil, I’ve stopped eating beef.
Thank you, Rosaliene
How lovely. Our Sweetpeas went about a month ago.
Thank you, Sol
You are quite the Mac fan XD
I’ve got James coming back to attend to it today. Thanks, Timi
All the best!