We took it easy today. Prompted by today’s post from thebikinggardener I wandered around the garden to see how our Hellebores are doing.

Some way behind Geoff’s, ours are coming through.

Many primulas have so far survived the winter.
The shattered bits of cherub Jackie found in the undergrowth a couple of years ago have gained a fine coating of moss.
The remnants of honesty, hollowing ovals on stems, blends well with the weeping birch bark.

The parent viburnum Bontantense and its two children are blooming well. One joins with a leycesteria in beginning to mask Aaron’s new fencing.
Alongside the winter flowering cherry
and beneath the crab apples, a blackbird dropped down for a change of diet.
This pieris takes my mind off the fact that the grass needs cutting.
A few youthful pink cheeks survive amid those ageing, wrinkly, and skeletal ones of this hydrangea.
Finally, the conundrum. Who has dragged a clutch of eggshells from the compost heap across the New Bed? Well, we did spot a rat, hands and nose pressed to the pane, peering, like Tiny Tim, through our window when we ate our Christmas dinner.

Just before 4.30 p.m., we dashed out to Barton on Sea to watch the sun sink into Christchurch Bay. I did not stage the photograph of the woman kicking it back up into the sky.
A while later we dined at Lal Quilla. My choice was lamb shatkora massala; Jackie’s prawn sallee. We shared an egg paratha, mushroom rice, and sag bahji; and both drank Kingfisher.
Thanks, Johnna
Incredible sunset, Derrick! Just beautiful!!!
We were quite stunned ourselves, Dorinda. I was not really able to see what I was doing. Many thanks.
Sometimes that’s when we capture the best!! Here’s to more of those shots
Many thanks, Dorinda
I can’t help with the quandary but you have piqued my curiosity so I’ll call back later to see if anyone else has an idea. Magnificent sunset picture – I think I like the keepy-uppy picture best!
Many thanks, Susan. The woman, who didn’t know I was photographing her, stretched her legs at the opportune moment. She was delighted with the picture.
I can imagine she would be.
Saving the best for last, I see – what a finale! The opening was pretty impressive too. I am surprised to see so much colour and lovely blooms.
Many thanks, Mary. I do like to hold my powder
Foxes also like playing about with eggs, and eating them, of course! Lovely pictures of the setting sun!
Could be, John. Thanks very much
Is that a hole next to the top clump of eggshells? The answer may lay within..
Don’t think so, Jessica. Good though though. Thanks a lot.
Heavenly sunset shots!
Many thanks, Sofia
The setting sun photographs are breathtaking, Derrick.
Thanks, Jill. It took our breath away, too.
Beautiful grounds! I would love to tour them, Your dinner sounds much better than the tuna casserole I am making tonight!
Thanks a lot, Patsy
You’re welcome, Derrick!
Beautiful sunset and all that lovely green is delightful, so drab here.
Thanks very much Maria
Hedgehog! (This is not intended as a term of endearment but is merely a suggestion).
Could be, Bruce.
Thanks a lot
I am quite entertained by the thought of a poor deprived rat peering at your Christmas Feasting through the window pane. An eggshell or two is poor compensation! Fabulous sunset photos!
Great comment, Pauline. Thank you.
I love the birchbark and your primulas. Hope the rat stays outside.
Aaron is completing the last section of fencing which involved much destruction of next door’s jungle. Perhaps he has disturbed more. Thanks, Lisa
She shoots! She scores! But, the sun will regroup and mount a defense tomorrow.
Lovely, Yvonne. Thanks very much.
The flowers start earlier in your part of the world, Derrick! Weay have some confused plants and flowers creating buds but not very many. Our mild winter is taking a respite but should be back to sub-zero temps soon Tiny Tim Rat sounds rather cute, but my son had a pet rat who was quite sweet. He left his cage open and it was like a pet rabbit we had that used a box to do his business. Argo rode in Jamie’s pocket with his two front feet perched on his shirt pocket, while bike raced down sidewalks around town.
Sunset was astounding!
Many thanks, Robin. Matthew had a pet rat who lived with an open door on its cage. Each morning it would trot upstairs and sit outside Mat’s bedroom.
This is so cool that May had a rat, too.
The description of the hydrangea with aging skin and pinkness still in youthful blooms~ (however you expressed this was very poetic and pretty, Derrick.)
“weay” =we may, oops!
The photos are lovely. The rat story made me laugh out loud. I think the rat will feature in a future post
You’re probably right. Timi. Thanks very much.
Love the pose of the woman on the bench! Sort of sums up the end of one’s day. Good for her for taking time to appreciate her surroundings. Thanks for posting.
Thank you, Walks and rambles
Wow… the sunsets! Breathtaking images!
Many thanks, Amy. They blew our minds, too.
Looks like Spring Derrick! I love the flowers!
Thanks a lot, Lynn
Wonderful sunset photos.
Many thanks, Persia
I can’t help with your conundrum, but the photos are beautiful. I love the silhouetted figures against the sunset.
Many thanks, Merril
That sunset is just breath taking, I’d love to witness one like that; ours are here we go – gone, that quick you wouldn’t have time for a second shot.
Well not quite that bad but you get the idea.
Just love those pictures of the sun going down, impossible to imagine
Thanks a lot, Brian. We haven’t seen it like that before, either
Rats, not one thing I like about them, ugh! Sunsets–those were so vibrant I had to squint at first
Thanks, Cynthia. I couldn’t really see what I was focussing on.
May = Mat.
Loved the tattered honesty against the birch bark
Many thanks, Geoff