This morning, including material from ‘Oiling The Lion’, and from ‘The Hornby Train Set’, I continued writing ‘A Knight’s Tale’.
This afternoon, Jackie drove me to Lymington to visit the bank. This is now the nearest NatWest branch remaining open. My chauffeur parked outside and I joined a small queue. We spent quite some time listening to the lone cashier negotiating with a woman about whether or not she should withdraw £10 before Saturday. The problem was compounded by another woman having difficulty in operating the rapid deposit machine. Eventually it was my turn to be attended to. I needed to order some Australian dollars to send to Orlaith for her fifth birthday. This involved putting my bank card into a machine. It was then that I was informed that I was in Lloyd’s Bank and that NatWest was next door. I turned and entered the next building. All went smoothly after that.
We continued on to a forest drive.
At Brockenhurst, grazing ponies,
leisurely cyclists,
and eager walkers,
some with dogs, enjoyed the late afternoon sun
that lit the autumn leaves,
and was a little lower by the time we reached Rhinefield Ornamental Drive, and stretched even longer shadows.
A group of ponies hovered on one verge, contemplating crossing to the other side.
trees stretched over
streams that flowed under the road, and, like Narcissus, admired their reflections.
In photographing the forest scenes I occupied myself deciding whether to offer images in colour
or to convert them to black and white.
For this image, colour,
or black and white? It is your choice.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s delicious chilli con carne with peas and rice. I drank Arboresque Fronton 2016.
Many thanks, Alex
Beautiful photographs, Derrick. I never seem to find the right roads to drive along to catch such great pictures of the flora and fauna whenever I have visited the New Forest.
When you live in a place it is easier, Roland. Thanks very much
Mmmmm. -Chili con carne sound very acceptable as we are suddenly taken from 27 to 12 degrees here in Grenoble. Rude, frankly!
Bit of a shock to the system I should think!
Jackie, it is!
Tres. Thanks a lot, Osyth
The bank story? Ha-ha! That is exactly the kind of thing that I seem to be able to do – welcome to my world
How do you choose between black and white or colour? Both, it seems to me, have something to offer. In the choice you offered I think I’d go for the colour – it is so soft and muted and gives the feeling of loss of light in that I can sense the colour giving way…. if that makes sense. The black and white is stark and leaves little for my imagination to play with…. It’s all quite subjective though isn’t it.
Once again we agree, Pauline, so often I exclaim here at home ” Pauline is SO right”
Many thanks, Pauline. I agree re colour and black and white. You will have noticed it was the colour I chose for the header. I go for black and white when shapes are more important. I think we have been in your world for a while, now.
So glad to have your company
Ah! Autumn is just so beautiful and you have done a perfect job.
very many thanks, Rupali
I like those trees in B/W. And you live in an area that must be a dream for equestrians, horse-lovers.
It certainly is, Van, Many thanks
Beautiful, Derrick!
Thanks a lot, Jill
black and white, methinks… very mesmeric and kind of you to share a senior moment such as the bank farrago… that could have been me
Thanks a lot, Geoff. I think this is now the only one left outside the cities.
The business in the bank was funny and something I might do too! I love the lines and angles in the black and white photo but I like the gentle colours very much and think I will go for that one.
Thanks very much, Clare. You are in good company with your choice
Beautiful autumn you’re having. Or perhaps you’re just finding all the beauty this is around New Forest…
Thanks very much, Lisa. In many ways it seems as if autumn has not yet arrived
Here too, colors have not really begun on the trees.
Have just waited in line at the bank this morning… The 90 year old lady in front of me was trying to explain to the teller that she didn’t have a computer at home, to which the teller responded, “Then you can’t change your pin number.” After that I needed someone to drive me around some beautiful, restful forest.
I’m with you entirely, Bruce. Thanks a lot.
I love your drives through the forest! Gorgeous Autumn colors Derrick! I like the black and white but those colors are my favorite!
Many thanks, Lynn
Both have their virtues and functions, colour and monochrome, and neither is a replacement of the other. Done the right way, monochrome bestows certain timelessness to the images. Is it related to absence of colour in the photographs of yore, I wonder. There are images where excess of colour distracts in a way one cannot place, but desaturate the scene and the mind is at ease immediately. Either way, you are a master of framing and exposure and those alone are the elements that constitute the beauty of an image.
Very many thanks, Uma. Jackie was making the same point about the black and whites of yore, being reminiscent of childhood. For me it is about shapes, light, and textures.
I hate it when they move the banks on me like that!
Haha, we make mistakes …sometime. I love those pony photos.
Beautiful horses and the interesting trees!
Thanks very much, Byung
Nothing wrong with you; is there?
Did you know that these days one can do that type of banking on-line in perfect safety? I do it all the time.
It’s probably a lot safer than going into the wrong bank where you’re liable to be arrested for trying to rob them or shot in the worse case scenario.
Anyway I enjoyed the trip through those English country roads.
Many thanks, Brian. The money is for Orlaith’s fifth birthday. Sam says she would prefer the real dosh to a transfer to his account.
Smart girl! She’ll go a loooooooong way
Your water features and horse photography are my favourites usually but this spooky cum mysterious shots in black and white of the trees are great too
Many thanks, Geetha. All your favourites, today, then
Yes, you’re welcome and thank you for always sharing these gorgeous outdoors pictures that you take.
Great photos, really shows off ornamental drive perfectly, great capture.
Thanks very much, Rebecca. I like your work too
Thank you Derrick I fancy a hack over to Brock now, so beautiful at this time of year, all those trees. I really love ornamental drive and over the a35 upto bolderwood after snow has fallen, truly a wonderland. We are so lucky
We certainly are
Wonderful photos, as always, Derrick. I usually prefer color, but I do like the ones you offered in B & W.
Thanks very much, Julie
Many thanks, seedbud
I laughed at the bank story. Ooops, never mind.
The photos are so beautiful, Derrick. I love the trees admiring their reflections. I prefer the color here. The black and white are interesting, but stark–but they would do well for a Halloween theme because they’re also sort of spooky.
I’ve produced a couple more B/Ws for tonight
Thanks a lot, Merril
So pleased you found your correct bank lol. I remember my aged Uncle telling me one of his amusing tales, only he could tell, about going into a shop and looking for an item he had always found behind the door on entry,
He complained bitterly to the shop assistant when he asked for the item asked why did Boots keep swapping things around.. She laughed and said, You will find Boots is the Chemist next door.
I was in seventh heaven in all your photos Derrick.. Horses and Woods.. My favourites
Many thanks, Sue. This, of course, was nothing to do with my age
Of course Not Derrick..
neither was putting mashing a pure hot water brew the other day, when I forgot to add teabags to the pot. <3
or when I threw the teaspoon away and put the yogurt pot in the sink..
lol.. Nothing at all to do with age.. hehe..
That’s a Senior Moment to treasure.
Did Jackie by any chance park outside laughing?
She absolutely did
Thanks a lot Quercus
Smiling and nodding … so easy to fall in line with others! I appreciate all the forest photos Derrick. The pale color is bewitching!
Many thanks, Val
It’s interesting how the black and white photos look a little sinister to me. I love the one of the forest where the trees are dark silhouettes against the muted green. Stunning photos, Derrick.
Many thanks, Diana. Perhaps I should have saved the B/Ws for tonight
My goodness! what an excellent crop you have today. Definitely, agree with your choice for black and white and colour for the last one as the colours are so beautiful in this one xxx
Colour; for the moss. Your post reminds me that I must make the most of our spring and summer.
You always do, Mary. Many thanks
Both are great pictures. All depends on where you are going to use them.
Good point, Inese. Thank you
I love the way the humans with their dogs can meander through fields without disturbing the ponies or cows or any of the wildlife – too bad humans can’t get along with each other like that! I always look forward to your photos, Derrick. Please thank Jackie for driving tours.
Many thanks GP. Jackie thought that a lovely comment
That comes as no surprise from such a sweet woman!
Love the lighting in Bnw! Beautiful images.
Many thanks, Amy
Thank you for taking readers on another forest drive! I love these excursions into another place, and what sometimes seems like a kinder, gentler time.
This is a particularly gentle part of England, Lavinia. Thanks very much
Many thanks, Candy. Good to see you on here again
Great pics – both colour and b&w – can’t choose between as they evoke different feelings and emotions! Awesome stuff Derrick! Can we have a b&w one of the interior of NatWest…I mean Lloyds…no, Natwest…or Lloyds – darn now I’m not sure where I am…!!

– think most of us can relate to the surprising moments of awakening – nice one!)
(found myself in the bedroom earlier wondering, ‘what the heck did I come here for?’!
Chuckles. And thanks, Rob
Many lovely photos, especially liked trees, reflections and silhouettes. The pretty lighting in the first photos of the horse was excellent.
Thanks very much indeed, Robin