On an overcast morning promising rain we set about clearing up from Jackie’s pruning and weeding of the last couple of days.

My task was to gather up, chop to size, load the debris into trugs (how many times, WP, do I have to tell you this is not rugs – look it up), and, because the main compost bins are full, transport the contents to the front bin. That is now full.
When I announced that the job was done, the Head Gardener stated “You haven’t seen what I’ve done on the Head Gardener’s Walk”.
It had been clear before I began. “I thought you were just going to sweep and rake the paths”, said I.

“I had to do some cutting back before I could get down it. Don’t worry. I’ll do that. Go back inside and sit down before you fall down”. Such cruelty to be kind seemed a bit harsh to me. Nevertheless, with relief, I obeyed instructions.

She was, however, as good as her word, and filled two trugs while clearing and sweeping the path. The sun had, after lunch, put in an appearance. “Where’s Jackie?” (3) is located in the first of this trio of pictures. Click on any image to access the gallery; for enlargement scroll down to the box under the right side of the picture to ‘view full size’; further enlargement is also possible.

I had time to tour with my camera before a heavy shower sent us inside.
This evening we dined on Mr Chan’s Hordle Chinese Take Away excellent fare with which Jackie drank Becks and I finished the Rioja.
So much work to keep your beautiful garden so beautiful! I really like your brick path with the wedding bouquet arch.
Jackie looks like a ghost in the “Where’s Jackie?” photo. 😀
LOL! I thought the same thing about Jackie, Merril. 🙂
🙂 Well spotted, Merril. Thank you very much, Merril.
A lot of work owning a garden, isn’t there?
It is – but that is what sold us the house, GP. Thanks very much.
The top of Jackie’s head is visible in the right part of the photo, behind the pink flowers, whatever they are called.
Pelargoniums, Dolly. Thanks very much.
You are very welcome, Derrick, and thank you for supplying the name. You can see that I am a city girl; the only flowers are now are roses.
Jackie was a fairly quick spot. Beautiful garden shots, as always. And yes, WP can be a tad bit frustrating when it thinks it knows better than you what you are writing….sigh
My phone is a smart-aleck know-it-all as well.
Thanks very much both of you.
Derrick – funny about the happiness engineer!
Their name is a joke 🙂
Ugh! I don’t like correcting machines that have corrected me.
I once asked a Happiness Engineer how I could add to the dictionary. I can’t. I wasn’t happy.
Thanks very much, Maj. Well spotted
Wrangler leaves me to do the heavy work in the garden but most of the time he is doing work like mowing (I never have to do) or something on the truck.
Thanks very much, Mrs W. Seems like a fair division of labour.
It works
I’m astounded at how much biomass we accumulate in a simple weeding and clean up session. Our compost heap at the bottom of the field now measures 4x2m and is 1m high.
Not surprised your compost bins are full. It’s crazy.
Thank you very much mrmhf
I’ve always heard gardening is good for our blood pressure. If so, Jackie’s bp must be close to perfect. Your garden is incredible. These photos certainly highlighted its beauty.
Thank you so much, Jill.
It really is glorious!! What a talented couple you are 😎
Thank you very much, Val
Stunning but it takes so much work and planning.
Thanks very much, Gary
Now, how does that song go? You’ve gotta be cruel to be kind in the right measure, Cruel to be kind, it’s a very good sign
Guess which song is now in my head.
Hmmm 🙂
https://youtu.be/b0l3QWUXVho Thanks very much, Liz
Wow – I had never seen that video. But I knew all the words!
I love nooks and crannies in the garden, surprises around a curving path and tiny flowers sneaking through.
Norm now scans through your garden photos. You can almost see the lights (in his eyes) go on as he appreciates what I’m trying to create in our own garden…but not quite that big. 😉
I’m pleased for us to be inspirational. Thank you both very much.
You made me smile with your comment about your word “trugs”….. WP, still does’t accept “Ivor” as the right spelling of my name…. ??
!! Thanks a lot, Ivor
Such a beautiful place.
Thanks very much, Leslie
I looked at the header photo and was so enamored of the flowers that I didn’t even see Jackie. But I caught her in the “Where’s Jackie” context. Your garden is so beautiful. The brick paths and covered arches will always speak to me.
Thank you so much, Jodie. I thought I’d make the header a hint.
It blew right by me!
This is the time of year when gardening is never done, so glad you took a rest. The result is a garden of enchantment – especially the brick path and flowered arch. Ahhhh.
Thank you so much, JoAnna.
Never a dull or idle moment for the head gardener and her assistant. Looking wonderfully slick and span. 👏🏻😍
Thanks you very much, Sylvia 🙂
Where’s Jackie? In her beautiful garden, that’s where. 😉
🙂 So true, Laurie. Thanks very much.
Such a lovely lot of trugs you have (being in the US, spellcheck changed it to drugs). I spotted Jackie behind the wrought iron. Do you have your own compost heap as well, or would it just attract unwanted visitors?
Well spotted, Lisa. Our compost heaps seem to be visitor free.
Jackie earned her takeout today! I thought I had a complicated garden. No contest. Jackie wins hands down.
She’s a world beater for that. Thanks very much, Judy
I enjoyed the proceedings of disposal of clippings and the hilarious sparring with WP and Jackie!
Jackie’s head is visible at about one third in the frame from the top right parallel to the curl of the lamp post.
Thanks very much, Uma. Well spotted
The garden is looking radiant. Congratulations to the Head Gardener and also to the labourer!
Thanks very much, Andrew. I’m just getting back into it after 2 years’ knee surgeries
I looked up “trug” but didn’t find anything about the origin of the word. Wiktionary thought it came from “trough”, but I find that a little,unconvincing. Sounds Scandinavian to me.
It is a Sussex dialect variant of trough – you are right (OED) Thanks a lot, John
Derrick, I think we your readers get the best end of the deal. We get to enjoy your beautiful garden on a daily basis without any of the hard work put in by the Head Gardener and yourself.
🙂 Many thanks, Sheree
Oh, those garden pictures are just gorgeous! You both worked so hard with all the weeding, pruning and clearing up, you definitely deserved the Chinese takeaway.
Thanks very much, Sue
It’s a lot of hard work maintining such beautiful garden. Kudos to you and Jackie.
Thanks very much, Rupali
The garden is such a joy to see. Thank you both.
Thanks very much from us both, Sherry.
I spotted Jackie! 🙂 She does an incredible amount of work. Those gardens are beautiful!
Thank you so much, Lavinia
I <3 your garden. It's STUNning. Jackie has more than just a green thumb.
Tank you very much, Donna.
Becoming more beautiful all the time. Your hard work is paying off! <3
Thank you very much, Jan
Such a gorgeous garden needs a lot of work too! But is so well worth it 😉 Is really wonderful 🌸🌸 Jackie knows how to hide well but spotted behind her wonderful plants 🌸😉
Thanks very much, Ribana. Well spotted.
What a lot of work goes into keeping your garden beautiful. Kudos to both of you for such hard work. I spotted Jackie thanks to her colourful shirt behind the pink flowers.
Much appreciated, Geetha. Well spotted
The garden reminds me of The Secret garden 🙂
It certainly seems like that, Lakshmi. Thank you very much.
Such happy pictures of an ongoing creative process! And I imagine you both stay in healthy and strong doing so much daily work…a lovely way to exercise!
It is a great way, because it takes my mind of the painful knees, and hopefully is aiding recovery. Thanks very much, Cynthia.
I would imagine it might, at that–though maybe some discomforts results from so much laboring! May you mend better and better.
Thanks again, Cynthia
Women can be a touch harsh, I have noticed this in Julia’s case too. Apparently my contribution to domestic life should include more activity. I, of course, retorted “What, with my knees?”
🙂 They do come in handy. Thanks a lot, Quercus.
The constant hard work in the garden is noticed and appreciated!
Love the climbing flowering plants!
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thank you very much, Carolyn. X