
On a decidedly dank morning we took a damp drive to Ferndene Farm Shop via Otter and Everton Garden Centres. We didn’t find what we were looking for in the garden centres, but the Ferndene shop was well stocked and not crowded.

We returned home via Holmsley and Forest Road.

Although there were a number of walkers on Forest Road,

where Jackie parked the Modus while I wandered woodland with my camera,

just three sheltering ponies beside Burley Golf Course seemed to be only ponies we would see.

I squelched across the muddy terrain

with its fresh, reflecting, pools;

bright green moss- and lighter coloured lichen-covered woodland, smelling of delicious damp.

It must have been a long-necked creature that nibbled this zipper up a slender trunk;

possibly a relative of this pony that emerged from the forest and crossed the road in front of as we moved off. Naturally I had to disembark once more and pay my respects.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s flavoursome savoury rice; a thick omelette; and a rack of pork spare ribs marinaded in plum sauce, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Bonpas.


  1. I have delighted in the excellent sprinkling of adjectives along with a soupçon of alliteration that has made my happy reading day!

  2. Ii have to ask, what do you do about your muddy footwear when you get back to the Modus. Do you have a spare pair to change into?

    And I have a date with Mr Google to find out about the Modus. We don’t have that model name here; it is no doubt called something else.

  3. You ALWAYS find the beauty…even on a soggy, damp. muddy, pool-y day! 🙂
    And you are SO observant! Love the toothy-zipper tree! A snack for some creature! 😉
    Love the moss and lichen! They are so beautiful!
    Aw, the ponies are joy-bringers! And each of them have a different hair style…bangs, bangs-aside, decoration in bangs. 😉 😀
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  4. Your pictures make me think, “If winter damp is here, can spring be far behind?” Unashamedly lifted from Shelley’s musings. As usual, your pictures bring life and color to what could be a drab day.

    1. We take what we can from what we get – although we were somewhat disappointed the we got a couple of hours of sunshine yesterday afternoon and had already had our trip out 🙂 Thanks very much, Rosaliene

  5. You’ve again made the most of a deliciously damp day with the mossy trunks, lichen, and handsome ponies. The first group of ponies seems to be posing for you.

  6. That was a decidedly damp tour through the wetlands. Weren’t the ponies ancestors of giraffes? As least that’s what Mr Lamarck having come across a similar nibbling up a long, slender trunk must have thought. Accentuated by the pervading dimness, the Modus looks bright and expectant.

  7. Beautiful but wet forest scenes! It is the season of lichens and mosses. I enjoyed seeing the ponies again, as always. No Gloucester Old Spots out and about anymore? 🙂

  8. When you mentioned squelching across the muddy terrain, I could almost hear and feel the mud pulling at my boots. Do you have quicksand there? I’ve never been in serious quicksand, but a couple of times I’ve wandered into quicksandy mud, and it’s quite a feeling!

  9. Those horses look so gently content, despite not the squelch all around them!
    …I can smell the woody damp, and the dark, softening leaves.
    Don’t the colours – particularly the greens – of nature always seem so much more vibrant in, or after, wet weather?

  10. Derrick, I hope you and yours are well. Your posts and photos are alway beautiful, even these that are taken on a damp and dreary day. This is the first post I am reading upon my return. Great to stop by. Stay well.

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