An early end to the Test match and rain falling for most of the day prompted me to read eight more chapters of ‘Little Dorrit’, and consequently to scan eight more of Charles Keeping’s excellent illustrations.
‘Mrs Sparkler began to wonder how long the master-mind meant to stay’ is another two page spread.
‘Lying in the bath was the body of a heavily-made man’ sandwiches the text between the ends of the bath.
‘Mr Clennam, I think this is the gentleman I was mentioning’
”Young John surveyed him with a fixed look of indignant reproach’
‘Arthur turned his eye upon the impudent and wicked face’ which we now all recognise.
‘The gate jarred heavily and hopelessly upon her’
‘She staggered for a moment, as if she would have fallen’
For ‘The old house collapsed and fell’, the artist had no need to draw the building – he simply produced the effect.
Late in the afternoon, the sun emerged and drew us into a forest drive.
All along Sowley Lane

shaggy ponies tore at the hedges for sustenance;
colourful cock pheasants played Chicken crossing the road;
and snowdrops scaled the banks of the verges.
The pink-tinged water of the lake now surrounded bordering grasses;
and similar tints touched the puddle reflecting a gate above it.

Sunset. was arriving over St Leonard’s Grange
and lingered slowly for a while on our return journey.
This evening we dined on oven fish and chips; green peas; pickled onions and gherkins, with which Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank more of the Garnacha.
Text sandwiched between parts of the illustration creates a spectacular impact. I enjoyed the sunset photo, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
Your photo of the light at the end of the dark, overshadowed tunnel is wonderful.
I hope that roadside pony takes care. And the cock pheasant – they have a habit of playing chicken. Always seeming too keen to show off their magnificent colours with self important strutting regardless of the cars – we had one playing a similarly dangerous game with a fox in the garden; luckily, the fox was overwhelmed with the bird’s pomposity, so both went their separate ways!
That is some confrontation – a fox and a pheasant. Thanks very much, Emma.
Awww, you have snowdrops already!! Love the photo of the gate and its reflection in the puddle.
We have had snowdrops for a couple of weeks, now. Thank you very much, Anna
Fabulous photos at dusk
Thanks very much, Sheree
Pleasure Derrick
Your photos are gorgeous! Love your narrative too!
Thank you very much, Holly
You are so welcome Derrick.
Wonderful day here Derrick with plenty of warm sunshine. All through the garden the bulbs have responded with appreciation. Love that farm gate.
Thanks very much, Andrew
Beautiful photos–the lane was inviting, the pheasant dapper, the snowbells rang gloriously, and that glowing sun is spectacular!
Thank you so much, Merril
I love seeing the pheasants but we’ve seen less and less of them lately.
As always I enjoyed the pony pics – initially I thought the reflection of the gate was a double gate.
Thank you very much, Sue
Gorgeous pictures.
Thank you very much, Pat
Keeping’s drawings continue to amaze me Derrick, and these lines caught my interest
“Physician was glad to walk out into the night – was even glad, in spite of his great experience, to sit down upon a door-step for a while: feeling sick and faint”
Yes – a good sentence, too. Thanks very much, Ivor
It’s great living in a place where 10 – 30 minutes in any direction can take us into places of solitude and relaxation as well as God’s beauty all around us.
It seems you and Jackie have that privilege too. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
We do. Thank you, too, Chrissy.
Beautiful pictures. My scenery is white lately. Four weeks ago that was beautiful but after four weeks of it is tiring.
I hope it clears soon, Mrs W. Thanks a lot
The worse of the cold is behind us.
Delightful light on the ponies and the illustrations were a treat as ever.
Many thanks, Tootlepedal
Beautiful shots, Derrick. I had a hard time scrolling beyond Sowley Lane.
🙂 Thanks very much, Jill
YAY for some reading time! I always look forward to Mr. Keeping’s illustrations that you share with us! Those faces and expressions always capture me in!
YAY for a drive and a bit of sun! 🙂
So good to see the ponies (Those gorgeous soulful eyes!) and that pleasant pheasant (What a fashion sense has he!)!!! 😉 😀 Love your C alliteration and reference to the pheasant playing chicken. I snorted! 😀 😛
Love the gate photo and the photo above it…how you “framed” the water with the bank, grasses, tree, etc., is gorgeous! 🙂
SIGH-worthy sunset photos! “Good-night, Sun! See you in the morning!” 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. I hope you slept well X
Gorgeous photos! I always loved snowdrops! They represent the first signs of spring even if are earlier 🌸☺️ And that sunset!
Thank you so much, Ribana
A beautiful and unusual sunset 🙂 Your first photo of Sowley Lane would make an excellent background for a book cover.
Thanks very much, Rosaliene
That end of day photo is amazing. Snowdrops are so beautiful
Thanks very much, Gary
And I, crass person that I am, had to find out if garnacha could go by another name. And, it does! I can now rest easy.
I’m sure you would have known Grenache :). Thanks a lot, Yvonne
I am so pleased to be visiting your blog again, Derrick and am rewarded with Charles Keeping and some gorgeous sunset shots and watery reflections!
I’m pleased, too, Clare. I trust you are OK. Thanks very much.
We are all fine. My hiatus was caused by a flood in my mother’s home on Christmas Eve. All is well now. 😊
I like how the pink tinged lake with the grass is framed by the tree overhead, and of course the lovely sunset. Thanks for the ponies!
And thank you for these comments, JoAnna
That illustration certainly captures implosion. What a ride you had in the forest—ponies, snow drops, pheasants, the setting sun. Any one of those would make me happy.
We just had a clear hour for all that, Laurie. Thanks very much.
Such beautiful photos, all of them! The ponies always please, but I especially love the sunset with black lace trees and standing stony skeleton. What was that structure?
Part of the relics of St Leonard’s Grange, Merril.
Thanks very much.
Got it. Thanks! Easier to see in good daylight.
Sorry I got your name wrong 🙂
Your first colour photograph is very impressive. I didn’t even notice the horse until I came back for a second look.
I’m pleased you did, John. Thanks very much.
I loved the continuation of Keeping’s priceless illustrations. The very first picture posted by you is quite close to the illustration of the fallen building somehow. Lovely golden-hues silhouettes made my day!
Thanks very much, Uma. A nice link between the two pictures – each leaving something to the imagination.
That is a lovely photo Sowley lane, all your photos are beautiful.
Thank you very much, Lakshmi
The pheasant is so colourful. Amazing!
Thanks very much, Alexander. There were a few out of focus 🙂
Some lovely atmospheric shots there Derick – you are working well.
Thanks a lot, Quercus.
The late afternoon light made for some beautiful photos. As much as I like the sunsets, I have to pick the last photo with the gate reflected in the water and the mountains in the distance as my favorite. (I think they’re mountains, unless they’re a bank of clouds?)
Thanks very much, Liz. A hilly bit of the Isle of Wight.
Ah, okay!
Derrick – I really cannot thank you enough for your contributions with Little Dorrit – and this post was a gem
Thank you very much, Yvette.