After an early lunch Jackie drove me to The Grove Pharmacy at Christchurch for my second Covid vaccination. My appointment was for 1.00 p.m. We arrived at 12.30. I was back in the car at 12.46.

We returned home via Avon where I photographed two landscapes. The water meadows in the first are now very dry.
I have paolsoren to thank for an agility being one collective noun for goats. Not far from these landscapes we stopped in a lay-by to photograph a field full of goats and

a multitude of young kids running around; practising head butting; squaring up like smiling assassins; climbing on logs and tables; and generally demonstrating agility – even the creature butted off the table landed safely. As Jackie pointed out, the mothers just left their offspring to get on with the fun.

Pheasants wandered about roads and fields, like these in Anna Lane.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s spicy hot pasta arrabbiata with tender runner beans. The Culinary Queen drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Malbec.
These guys are so cute, they seem to have smiles and frowns too. Congrats on your second vaccine, Derrick. My second is one week from today.
Good luck with that, John. Thanks very much
Very winsome kids.
Thanks very much, Pat
I was going to say hurray about your second injection before I saw the goats. You’ve captured some great expressions and high jinks.
Thank you so much, Susan
What fun to see so many of these ‘winsome kids’! I watched agility of a different kind late yesterday afternoon: five young waterbuck bulls, two of which were butting heads and locking horns before all five of them jumped over a fence into a different paddock. It was an awesome experience to see these wild creatures quietly getting on with their lives.
What a coincidence, Anne. Thank you very much.
Is that a goat farm for dairy or meat?
I don’t know, Andrew. We didn’t see any humans. Thanks very much
Good to hear you are fully vaccinated now!
Those Kids are wonderful – their ears are so comically long, as though to protect their heads during the head butting bursts!
🙂 Than you very much, Emma
Hurrah, more goats! You can’t have too many.
I wondered what you would say, Sheree. 🙂 Thanks very much
Well, now you know!
I am glad you guys are fully vaccinated. Be safe! Stay cautious!
Thanks very much, Bridget. Jackie has another 12 days to go
I’m so so SO glad you got your second dose of the vaccine!
We were able to get our second dose, too! 🙂
The members of that agility are certainly agile! 😉 😀 Those kids are cute, rambunctious, and fun-loving! Thank you for sharing them with us!
I can hear the moms say, “Go on now! Play with your friends! But, don’t be baa-d! I’ll be over here taking a nap!” Ha! 😉
🐏 🐑 🐏 🐑
🙂 Pleased you are both jabbed, too. And thank you very much, Carolyn. X
Excellent goat fun.
Thanks a lot, Tootlepedal
The kids are adorable. They seem to be having a great time 🙂
They really did, Rosaliene. Thanks very much.
Haha, a paddock full of fun Derrick ..
“Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.”
― Walt Whitman
A fine quotation, Ivor. Thanks very much
I love the kids having so much fun! The photos really gave me a lift.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I want a goat! Of course, my father, who grew up on a farm is always telling me they aren’t as sweet as they look. Great photos, Derrick!
Thanks very much, Jill. Babies of any species are always cutest. 🙂
The multitude of goats makes me smile.
Thanks very much, Sherry
What a great way to celebrate your second vaccine! I hope you build good immunity with as much comfort as possible.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. No reaction at all.
those little guys look happy and playful! happy that you had your second vaccination 🙂
Thanks very much, Lola
Yay for getting your second vaccine! Must be a good feeling. Those goats are adorable!
Thanks very much, Laurie. Jackie gets hers in 11 days.
Double yay!!!!! We are getting our second shot May 5. Happy, happy day. Did the second vaccine have any ill effects?
None at all 🙂
The little goats are precious! And they are very nimble and adventurous. The pheasants are beautiful birds.
Good to hear you have had your second vaccination. That must be a relief!
Thanks very much, Lavinia. Actually the numbers of Covid infections are now very low in our area.
A new collective noun! Exaltation of larks and rhumba of rattlesnakes are favourites. Just need the collective noun for collective nouns…
I once produced a cryptic crossword based on collective nouns. Agility wasn’t in it 🙂 Thanks very much, Libre.
An agility of goats–how perfect! And those adorable little goat faces, too. Thank you for sharing these delightful photos.
Congratulations on getting your second vaccine! I thought you’d already had it. 😀
Much appreciated, Merril. Thank you too. Our jabs are planned for 10 weeks apart
Oh! I guess that’s why I thought you’d had your second. My second was three weeks after the first, and my husband’s was four weeks (Pfizer vs. Moderna).
My husband agreed the goats photos gave our morning a lift.
Thanks very much too you both
Kids cavorting around are very cute. An enjoyable set of photos, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Dolly. I like cute cavorting kids 🙂
You are very welcome, Derrick.
The goats look playful.
They were certainly having fun, Mrs W. Thanks very much
Your welcome.
An ‘agility of goats’ is a wonderful collective noun, but after looking at your photos, I’d say a ‘smile of goats’ would work, too. I really enjoyed this post, Derrick, and I suspect I’ll smile every time I remember it!
Thanks very much, Linda 🙂
You can’t beat baby goats. 😀
Thanks a lot, Widders
So happy you got the second jab. And the goat gallery is marvelous. Goats make one smile!
Thanks very much, Maj
We had our first Covid vax last Saturday after a 45 minute notification because there were two cancellations.
I love the antics of these goats. No wonder they are called kids. 🙂
Thanks very much, Chrissy.
Oh I do love to see the goats playing around, they just love an adventure playground.
I had my second vaccination yesterday.
My GP practice seems to be a little ahead of the vaccination program as daughter Victoria and son-in-law Simon had their’s before the announcement was made for the over forty fives to come forward.
My third daughter has just received her appointment from our GP and she’s under forty five..
You have to hand it to the government and the NHS, what a fabulous job they are doing.
I have one reluctant daughter, she’s pregnant and is wary of having a vaccination.
You are right – we can be proud of the service. Thanks very much, Sue
Goats are the best – especially baby goats. They are definitely the GOAT!
Thanks very much, Barbara 🙂
The goats made me smile. I looked up arrabbiata after seeing it here often as a meal of choice, and I will try it. It seems not difficult, though mine will be spicy, but not very hot I am a lightweight
We always thought it was a herd of goats. But an agility is much nicer. Lovely photos.