Jackie and I spent the morning reminiscing with Becky while her daughter caught up with jet-lagged sleep.
After lunch I printed out a 15 page application form for Flo’s registration with our GP.

I then sent Paul Clarke larger images of Margery from our recent exchange. The first photograph was taken by Rachel Adams for the Southampton Echo.
I then read more of ‘Bleak House’ and scanned four more of Charles Keeping’s excellent illustrations to my Folio Society edition.

‘There he sits, munching and gnawing’ makes a text sandwich.

‘The waitress returns bearing a pile of plates’

‘Mr and Mrs Smallweed while away the rosy hours’

A double page spread is employed for ‘The crowd hovers round, like a dream of horrible faces’
This evening we all dined on Jackie’s succulent sausages in red wine; creamy mashed potatoes; crunchy carrots; and firm Brussels sprouts. Becky peeled the spuds and leant an elbow to the mashing. The Culinary Queen and I repeated yesterday’s beverages; the others abstained.
Charming pictures and illustrations. I hope a good time was shared by all involved.
Thanks very much, Pat
That is a beautiful photo of Flo in the garden, seated under the arbor. It looks like you had a beautiful, warm day.
Actually it is Margery, Lavinia. Thanks very much
15 page application form!!!
Yep. Thanks a lot, Sheree
Dickens’ withering description of the ‘son’ as having a ‘lean and anxious mind…’ is as descriptive as Keeping’s amazing images. So detailed and colourful, yet all laid out in black and white.
What amazingly talented individuals they were. Who needs TV when they have storytellers like that?!
Quite so, Emma. Thanks very much
A 15 page application does seem a trifle excessive!
Absolutely, John
I don’t blame Florence for catching up on sleep.
Good grief! Fifteen pages seems a little over the top for someone who was born here.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Sue
I too was staggered by the need for a 15 page application form. Bleak House is well named. It is not a cheery book.
Thanks very much, Tootlepedal
Everyones worst nightmare Derrick … “‘The crowd hovers round, like a dream of horrible faces’”
Thanks very much, Ivor
This is such an apt simile: ‘The crowd hovers round, like a dream of horrible faces.’ I’m going to have to remember it.
Thank you very much, Liz.
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I love the photo of Flo relaxing in the garden.
That is Margery, Jill. 🙂 Thanks very much
Flo found the perfect spot to relax in your garden! I like the Keeping drawings… especially the “munching and gnawing’ …text sandwich.”
I’m pleased you spotted that, Jan. Thanks very much
Great pictures.
Thank you very much, Bridget
I admit to hurrying as fast as I could past the scary faces. But I love the photo of Margery sitting in the garden like a queen on her garden throne.
Than you very much, JoAnna
“A dream of horrible faces” is exceptional, as are all of Mr Keeping’s outstanding illustrations.
Thank you very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
We are the masters of complicating simplest of matters. Keeping’s rendition of ‘a dream of horrible faces’ is top notch.
Thank you very much, Uma
A dream of horrible faces sounds no good at all. Hope your granddaughter has better dreams.
Indeed. Thanks very much, Laurie
I did read it this morning but it didn’t stick to my brain, too excited about my day.
However, I’m making time now to read your post. Honestly, I’m glad I did. Oh, and I’m so pleased to see this beautiful lady near top, and sitting in the garden chair, is actually shorter than me. 😉 Have a great time catching up.
Thanks very much, Chrissy 🙂
Love the picture in the garden.
But what struck me was that 15-page application, is that normal?
I guess it must be – because Flo hadn’t had a GP(!) 🙂 in UK for 7 years – otherwise her previous GP would pass on details. Thanks very much GP
“A dream of horrible faces” is so evocative–something everyone can relate to, and as always, Keeping’s drawings are just as evocative. Lovely photos, too.
15 pages all to fill out? That does seem excessive.
Indeed, to both points, Merril. Thank you very much
You’re very welcome, Derrick.
I’m responding to the most important thing in this post! Jackie’s cooking, that is. I don’t think I give sufficient attention to Lady J.’s delicious-sounding meals, and I should. You are blessed to live with such a good chef, Derrick. My best to you both, and the family.
Thank you so much from us both, Cynthia
The picture of Margery in the garden is lovely.
Thanks very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I really like the illustrations.
Thanks very much, Rabirius
Sounds like a wonderful day.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
15 page application form for a GP application? Wow! 😅
Yes. Mad. Thanks very much, Ribana