After a morning’s further catching up with ourselves and reminiscing, Becky and Flo spent much of the day registering for NHS and banking services; shopping; and various other administrative matters.
This afternoon Jackie drove me into the forest.

I wandered among ponies on Wilverley Plain, where a group of potential surfers failed to keep a kite in the air.

Outside Brockenhurst Jackie parked at the corner of Forest Park Road while I wandered among ponies in the woodland alongside, which was littered with

timber from broken trees in various stages of decomposition littering forest floor.

When we prepared to move on a number of the ponies crossed the road to disrupt the traffic and to impede our departure.

Our last stop was the Blackwater Car Park, from which I wandered among the woodland and photographed rippling reflections on the stream flowing under the bridge.
This evening we dined on second helpings of yesterday’s sausages in red wine with fresh vegetables; Jackie and I drank the same beverages as last night; Flo drank fruit juice; Becky abstained.
Glad life has slowed down enough for a forest drive. Ponies know they rule. Beautiful pictures.
Thank you very much, Pat
The first broken tree photo caught my eye. It’s artistic and symmetrical.
Thank you very much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
All seems peaceful in the wood after the recent storms; and beautiful light.
Let’s hope we’re on the road to summer now! 🙂
I think we are, Emma. Thanks very much
Do you know if there’s any sign of the Naked Man still at Wilverley or has it totally disappeared these days?
It doesn’t seem to be – there is an FB page Saving The Naked Man of Wilverley. Thanks a lot, Geoff
I never get tired of your pony and horse photos. And, also the tree photos.
Thanks very much, Chrissy
Hope that Becky and Flo got through the red tape ok! Wonderful equine shots, the “Pony through windscreen” staring at you seems to say “Seriously, you want ME to move?”
You provided the perfect speech bubble for the pony, Maj. Much was achieved yesterday. Thanks a lot.
Looking positively spring-like in your gorgeous gallery of pics
Thank you very much, Sheree
The ponies are always so cute, but how do you get them off of the road? Give ’em a smack on the bum! Jackie’s food sounds so delicious, Derrick. I thought you call sausages Bangers? 🇬🇧❤️
Bangers they are, John. We just wait for the ponies to go – we are never in much of a hurry. Other drivers do try the smack on the bum, which doesn’t always work. Thanks a lot.
The longbow shaped tree is very strange. I wonder what explains that extraordinary shape?
I don’t know, John. The early oaks were trained to match the shapes needed for shipbuilding, but these redwoods are much younger. Thanks very much
It is good to see that your chaffeuse is fully restored to action. I liked ‘Rippling reflections in woodland stream’ the best of today’s admirable offerings.
Thank you so much, Tootlepedal
Beautiful pictures.
Thanks very much, Mrs W
Your welcome.
Another day of exploration in your surroundings…do have any idea of the animal head count in the “forest”
Figures differ, but there are 3000/5000 ponies and 200 donkeys. Thanks very much, Catherine
So magical! I can see why some believe in enchanted forests!
Thanks very much, Sweet
It’s a beautiful forest to walk or hike, just the way I like it. The first picture is a great panoramic shot.
Thank you very much, Bridget. I nearly made that the header
With all the lively pony photos and your trademark reflection pools, I was still more impressed with the sweeping panoramic landscape, Derrick.
Thank you very much, Dolly
Maybe the Kite surfers needed to down at the beach Derrick
Maybe so, ivor. Thanks a lot
Pretty, pretty, pretty! Lots of things to do when you move from one country to another.
Thank you so much, Laurie. The next step is a visa for her husband
The forest seems unperturbed by the calamitous upheavals elsewhere in the world. You have captured your favourite subjects, the ponies and reflections in their various moods.
Thank you very much, Uma
So many beautiful photos! I especially enjoyed the special blue in the sky, the mossy stump and branch, the leaping pony, and the enchanted woodland.
Thank you so much, JoAnna
Those are beautiful scenes from your forest drive, Derrick and Jackie. It is indeed an enchanted place.
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia
Reflections always appeal to me. Your header picture is marvellous.
Thank you so much, Anne
Lovely photos, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Jill
I especially enjoyed the brown pony with what I assume was a wind-tossed mane. It looks as though it has a case of ‘bed-head.’
It had just jumped the stream. Thank you very much
Good to see the ponies out enjoying Nature in various locations of the countryside!
Thank you very much, GP
Beautiful photos of the ponies and the forest! The header picture is fabulous.
Thanks very much, Eugi
You’re welcome, Derrick.
I journey with you when you write and show where you go.
Thank you so much, Candy
The images of the ponies are lovely and I enjoyed the woodland wander and the tranquil streams with beautiful reflections.
Thank you very much, Sue
I’m catching up with posts. So many beautiful photos in this one Derrick–ponies, trees, woodland. I was particularly taken with the woodland scenes. The first one caught my eye, but all of them are lovely. They give me a sense of peace.
Thank you very much, Merril
The ponies did not want you to leave 😉 Gorgeous photos as always! It looks like it was a beautiful sunny day!
Thank you very much, Ribana