In The Nursery Field

Yesterday I received an e-mail stating that the probate grant application has been approved and I should receive it in 10 working days.

This morning I scanned six more of Charles Keeping’s excellent illustrations to my Folio Society edition of ‘Bleak House’.

‘Mrs Jellyby, in the midst of a voluminous correspondence’

‘She sat on a chair holding his hand’

In ‘Jo brought into the little drawing-room by Guster’ Keeping indicates he distance between elements of the scene by separating them with a little text.

‘Mr Squod catches him up, chair and all’

‘A street of little shops’

‘Miss Volumnia and the cousinship of the Nobodys’

This afternoon Becky and Flo went shopping and Jackie and I took a forest drive.

Sheep occupy a field about a mile along Christchurch Road heading west.

Newborn lambs suckle, frolic, and head butt in the nursery fields opposite. Today there were a number of twins, bearing the same identifying digits as their mothers.

It was quite a contrast to see two of the most massive porkers we’ve ever seen housed on Harpway Lane at Winkton.

Ponies grazed on the terrain outside Holmsley Walk Car Park;

the grey had just given the bay a resounding head bash before I took this shot.

Early this evening Flo burnt more slender twigs in the rusty incinerator.

This evening we dined on tender roast chicken; crisp roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding; crunchy carrots ; firm Brussels sprouts, and tasty gravy, with which Jackie, Becky, and I drank the same beverages as yesterday and Flo drank elderflower cordial.


  1. I may be mistaken but I don’t actually recollect any previous Keeping illustrations which were from the back of the person in question. And two at once today, like London buses!

  2. Lambs are cute, to be sure, and ponies have their supporters, but I do feel that a post with a pig picture is a treasure to be revisited. Those are majestic beasts – intelligent and full of character.

  3. What a relief to have that probate application approved! The pigs at the sanctuary where I volunteer are about the size of large Shetland ponies. They remind me of giant dogs. I love the stocky ponies and adorable lambs in their roomy pasture. Hopefully the lambs are not as bothered by their numbers as I am.

  4. That e-mail is good news! YAY!
    Oh, the lovely lambs, the plentiful (and proud) porkers, and pretty ponies are a joy to see!
    Flo is a wonderful worker!
    (((HUGS))) ❤️

  5. How lovely to see the lambs. They look very young, their tails haven’t dropped off yet.
    My Saturday blog will show the ones here.

  6. Seeing those little lambs is a wonderful way to start my day. I especially love that top photo–such bliss!
    If your probate process wasn’t mostly done electronically, I think Mrs. Jellyby’s correspondence would be an accurate depiction. 😏
    (I don’t think my mom’s tiny estate has been settled yet. It’s only been close to two years. . .)

  7. How wonderful the probate grant application was approved, Derrick. I love the photos of the animals, especially the lambs.

  8. It is good to hear the probate application finally went through. That must be a relief!

    The spring lambs are very sweet. We have a lot of sheep in our general area and are seeing the new little ones too. They are quite mobile and like to play.

  9. Oh my goodness, the grant application approval makes my heart glad. We know the joy of that approval letter coming – and we are happy for you! The little lambs are so adorable. Thank you for sharing the frolicking photos with us!

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