It was fortunate that we chose this reasonably bright morning to transport the last garden parasol to its winter quarters in the orange shed, and to carry the wooden patio chairs to the comparative safety of the narrow area beside one side of the house, for no sooner had we finished than the clouds darkened necessitating lights being turned on in the sitting room, and once again we were treated to rivulets flowing down our windows.
After lunch we braved the rain and drove to Milford on Sea, by which time it had desisted somewhat in order for us to watch

flocks of gulls and crows sharing drinks in the plentiful puddles on the car park littered with pebbles dashed onto it from the adjacent stretch of shingle

by the turbulent sea’s tossed up spray-bearing waves.

In the distance on the promenade along which two young boys cycled could be seen a little dog in a red coat.

By the time he and his owner reached our vantage point I was ready for them, and encouraged by the windswept woman who advised her pet that a suitable pose would be in order.

Further into the forest we noticed the brightness the rain had lent to the now sun kissed sage lichen

and red-brown bracken

in the Wootton woodland.

A pair of cormorants conversed on their customary perches in Hatchet Pond.
We arrived home just in time for the next deluge.
This evening we dined on tempura and hot and spicy prawn preparations with Jackie’s colourful savoury rice topped with a thick omelette. We both drank Wairau Cove Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2021.
Great pictures. I love how rain really pops lichen on the trees.
Thank you very much, Pat
I love the photos of the sea smashing into the breakwater, Derrick! I would love to walk Milford on Sea. Have a great new week, guys. ☺️
Thanks very much, John. You, too
The little dog with his sweater is having a great time. Great pictures, as always.
Thank you very much, Bridget
How nice of that woman to have her dog pose for you. The rain did bring some interesting photos.
Thank you very much, GP
Sea side is beautiful but what about the forêt, Derrick ? A delight!!
In friendship
Thank you so much, friend Michel
I don’t mind the rain it’s the wet part I don’t like. 😉
Thanks very much, Chrissy 🙂
I particularly like the lichen and bracken color combination.
Thank you so much, Liz
You’re welcome, Derrick.
Gorgeous photos! You’ve found the beauty again! 🙂
I love seeing the birds sharing space…and seeing the cormorants conversing! It’s fun to imagine what they are saying! 😀
You know the photo of the little dog and his happy-jumpin’-pose is my fave! 🙂
(((HUGS))) 🙂
PS…“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining, is to let it rain.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Much appreciated, Carolyn X
Those cormorants look really prehistoric!
Thanks a lot, John
I’m another who would have loved to watched the waves crashing onto the shore.
Thank you very much, Sue
Terrific photos today and some of the captions are amusing. I love atmospheric stormy weather.
Thank you very much, Sherry
Top marks for the dog and the cormorants.
Praise indeed, Tootlepedal. Thank you very much
Quite lovely scenery.
Thank you very much, Cindy
A wonderful gallery, Derrick. The action shots of the gulls and crows are exciting, the posing pooch brings a smile, and the conversation of the cormorants must, sadly , remain a secret between them. Oh, and I can hear the waves crashing into the breakwater!
Thank you so much for these varied comments, Maj
Great photos, Derrick! Thanks for sharing.
Much appreciated, Jill
I love the wild grey sea, and the light in the forest, too. You and Jackie captured the extremes of Nature’s mood today.
Thank you so much from us both, Lavinia
What great captures of the day 💐🙏🧡
Thank you very much, Val
You and Jackie have great timing!
I love all the motion in the photos, gulls, waves, dog. And then those cormorants–so cool.
Beautiful photos.
Thank you so much, Merril
You are pretty brave, being out in all that tumult! Wonderful pics!
Thank you so much, Julie
Thank you for the beautiful photos. Is the sea near your place?
Yes – we are about a mile away – and also a mile from the forest. Thanks very much, Lakshmi
You always find ways to brighten up a gray day, like seabirds, bracken and lichen, and a happy dog. I don’t see a leash, so it must be a well-trained dog, too.
Thanks very much, JoAnna. Well spotted
The crows and gulls make a nice black and white contrast. Great waves and spray and the perfect little dog smartly dressed in bright red.
Thank you so much, Nicki
Good on you both for getting out and about in such weather – resulting in interesting scenes for us to share 🙂
Thank you very much from us both, Anne.
After the scorch of summer, the cooling down time of autumn is a nice change. I’d love to live closer to the sea for those seaside walks! As it is, where I live is the most landlocked state in the USA, where not only are the surrounding states landlocked, but the states also surrounding them are, too! Only when you go to the states surround the states, does salt water begin to pop up. You are so fortunate to live so close to the ocean! I was 21 before I even saw the Atlantic, and 26 before I saw the Pacific. I was staggered by the Pacific, looking out and realizing this body of water stretched for thousands of miles before any significant body of land popped up! Whew!
We have different concepts of size, Doug. Thanks very much
Yes, it’s inevitable.
“…states surrounding the states surrounding the states…” – it’s too much for my peanut brain to describe, I guess.
weather looks pretty wild!
It sure is. Thanks very much, Catherine
Wet but beautiful! That little dog in a red coat is way too cute and ready for you to take his photograph 🐶😉
Thank you very much, Ribana
You’ve captured such a happy expression on the little dog’s face. In contrast to the woman battling the wind. Clearly the little dog doesn’t mind the weather, thanks no doubt to its cheerful warm coat!
You spotted the difference well, Sandra. The woman couldn’t hear me because of the wind. Thank you very much
Fabulous photos, Derrick. I love the photos of the gulls and the woman and her cute little dog.
Thank you so much, Eugi
Most welcome, Derrick.
So many muted colors…then the red pop of the coat. All beautiful.
Thank you very much, Ellen. I’m pleased you appreciated that
Outstanding monochrome photos of the sea, Derrick.
Thanks very much, Dolly
You are very welcome, Derrick.
It looks like you really made the most of a damp and windy day! Great photos 🙂
Thanks very much, Nikki
Love the dog in action photo.
Thanks very much, Andy. It was dashing about so much that that is the only one I got in focus.
I understand that.
I’m sure you do 🙂
A delightful story which you illustrated beautifully Derrick. Love the colourful photo of the little dog, so bright. And love the waves looking so refreshing.
Thank you very much, Agnes
Marvelous pictured! Glad you got them between the deluge.
Thanks very much, Laurie
Hmmm was that an Australian wine? We really appreciate your landscapes of warmer times because our snow-covered terrain is pretty one dimensional. No lichen on tree trunks! Your photos are beautiful, Derrick. I was especially drawn to the red-coated pup!!
The wine was from New Zealand, Jan. Thank you v very much.
I love the photos of the ocean and the sea birds!
Thank you very much, Aletta