This morning was wet and dull.

Light rain glistened on the dimly lit garden foliage seen from the bedroom windows.

After lunch the sun smiled down and spread a little joy.

It was warm enough for Aaron to mow Mistletoe Cottage’s lawn wearing a T-shirt.
I wandered around at ground level noting roses including

Peach Abundance,

Margaret Merrill,

and Festive Jewel:

fuchsias such as Delta’s Sarah:

and the flowering pieris piercing the lawn.

Iris Reticulatas have penetrated the Weeping Birch Bed at the point where the honesty blooms are giving way to the soon to be transparent seed medallions.

Brightly burnished blowflies’ metallic blue bodies mutated into rusty red.
In the meantime Nugget continues his parental duties. So diligently is he zooming backwards and forwards to his nest which may well be in the garden of North Breeze, that he has lost interest in hiding. If his family is domiciled on our neighbour’s property, we will not consider him disloyal because we know that avian boundaries are not the same as ours.

“Where’s Nugget?” (76)
This afternoon, in order to prevent bigger birds from snaffling our robin’s food, Jackie had wired up the outside of their feeder, leaving a robin sized access hole.
While I watched the news this evening, Jackie sat with a glass of Heineken on the patio.
Suddenly Nugget perched, chirping, on the back of the chair next to her. She turned. They made eye contact. Her familiar cocked his to one side and continued tweeting.
“What is it?”, Jackie asked.
A pause. She then said “I know. I’ll come and sort it out.”
He flew ahead of her, stopped in the centre of the path outside the kitchen window, and continued to call until she got up and followed him.
Still flying ahead of Jackie, he perched in the wisteria, waiting while she removed the chicken wire from his larder.
He flew past her head, chirruped his thanks, entered the container, and sped off to feed his brood.
After this we dined on roast pork, chipolata sausages, piquant cauliflower cheese, carrots, broccoli and cabbage with which Jackie continued her Hoegaarden and I finished the Fleurie.