Responding To Comments


Today’s photographic projects were prompted by responses to recent posts.

Pony Round-up 17

Yesterday’s offering included 35 photographs, and of those who favoured the very last one, Laurie Graves, herself an excellent blogger, suggested a large print. I made one of A3+ with a white margin.

Various comments focussed on potential views from the seats portrayed in ‘Seating Arrangements’, the day before. In contrast to the last two days, this one was very dull, but I thought I would oblige, on my perambulation around the garden.

View from aluminium dump bench

Here is the view to the left of the aluminium dump bench, and through the gazebo to the Palm Bed. The Florence statue appears on the right hand edge of the image;

View from Ace Reclaim bench

a are direct sight of her is gained from the Ace Reclaim Bench.

Florence at Fiveways

She has gathered a few more baskets around her. I cropped the close-up because a blue bucket and a hose reel would have been more than The Head Gardener could tolerate.

View from chairs in gravelled patio

From one of the chairs in the gravelled patio we look towards the Oval Bed


containing one our clumps of rudbeckia.

Phantom Path

A strategically placed chair faces east along the Phantom Path.


This time I have included the decking seating arrangement, on which the signs of impending autumn are beginning to fall. (That one is for my friends over the pond)


It is, of course, the time for dahlias;

Bees on ice plant

and for ice plants to attract working bees.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s luscious lamb jalfrezi, savoury rice, parathas, and onion bahjis. She drank Hoegaarden and I drank Heritage de Calvet Côtes du Rhône Villages 2014.


  1. Derrick, thanks for the shout-out! That horse photo is a beauty. And I love, love, love the close-up of Florence.

  2. Such relaxing photography. I agree with Laurie’s comments on the horse and Florence. I have a cherub in my garden who is part of a stone fountain ornament and find that the marble and other stone statues have such a soothing effect in a garden.

  3. What you call “ice plants”, we call “sedum.” Yours looks very similar to mine, which is known as Autumn Joy stonecrop (scientific name Sedum spectabile). Mine are just turning a bit pink in spots. Do you deadhead them in the fall, or let them stand until spring?

    I let them go as they make a lovely winter garden. I don’t have anything else that looks good in snow except the trees. Maybe the new ferns will look nice? The coral bells and hostas turn to mush in the first hard frost.

  4. Lovely photographs of your paradise! I love the name, Phantom Path — have you talked about this path before and why you named it as such? Very intriguing.

  5. I love your seating area, perfect spot to read a book or enjoy a glass of wine in the evening. Beautiful pictures as always, the one with the garden statue is my favorite.

  6. What you call an ice plant, I call a sedum. I just had two beautiful ones (Lovely, knee high and globe shaped) destroyed by traffic light workers in the outside garden. Ugh. Did I see bird netting in the rudbeckia bed?

    1. It is the same plant, Lisa – sedum spectabilis. Sorry about yours. You are suffering with alien destruction at the moment. The netting is wrapped around the prunus pissardi to support the clematis. It has slipped a bit. Thank you.

      1. I presume the prunus is named after the same botanist whose name is preserved in Pissard’s Plum? Though the garden opposite us sported two of these trees during the height of their fashionability, I never knew their name until I went on an identification walk with the tree-authority Alan Mitchell (almost any tree handbook of the 1980s will surely have his name on the cover), a man for whom the word “opinionated” might have been coined. Clearly, he didn’t approve of this hybrid, pronouncing it Piss( )ard’s, with an emphasis on the [not-so-absent] “h”, omitted here to protect those of a sensitive disposition 🙂

  7. Your posts are always chock full of interesting items, the animals, chairs and beautiful garden are all parts of getting to know Derrick’s and Jackie’s lifestyle of our friends! Smiles and hugs. Enjoy your rest of the week, I am going to my Mom’s on Friday and may barely get my Thursday’s Doors post comments replied to. . . 🙂

  8. Oh, that third shot from the bottom is so cozy – Like a little sun room. I love the wooden trellis.
    Your photos are spectacular. I had to laugh about “more than the head gardener could take.” Funny

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