Wagons Ho!


Beginning with roseraie de l’Hay, Jackie and I continued our work in the Rose Garden by bashing stakes into the ground and tying the stems to them. Brambles are very sneaky when they send their deep roots down beside roses. The worst of these, masquerading as  the rose, had to be dug out with a trowel and great care.

Rosa gallica, here fronted by Laura Ford, also needed a lengthy stake;

 shorter ones sufficed for Lady Emma Hamilton and Festive Jewel.

Laura Ford, standing between roseraie de l’Hay and rosa gallica,

had produced a rambling sport which we needed to remove from its cultivated host. New varieties are produced by grafting onto the wild rose stock. A tendency to revert to the original produces what is called a sport. This dog rose looks wonderful when flung over a hedgerow, but rather detracted from our plantings.

It probably envied Ballerina her gleeful dance celebrating her freedom to roam.

This afternoon we transported two large orange bags of garden clippings to the Efford Recycling Centre, then went for a drive in the forest.

Sometimes we do find ourselves admiring cyclists who tackle the slopes with such splendid effort.

Here was another at Burley, climbing the hill above The Queen’s Head.

Walkers were also doing well with this.

We, on the other hand, were enjoying a drink in the front garden of the pub. Katherine Parr was the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, and the only one to survive him. It is, we think, her portrait that adorns the inn sign. (See Lord Beeri’s comments below. He is right to put the finger on Lady Jane Gray)

Strike out the first two guesses. Becky, in her comment below, has come up with the definitive answer, from https://www.royalcollection.org.uk/collection/404444/elizabeth-i-when-a-princess.

From this point we noticed the dragon on the roof of A Coven of Witches, thus combining the two myths upon which the prosperity of this village is built.

Even the Art Shop has a scary window.

We had stopped here because we could see that a Burley Wagon Ride was about to get under way.

On the approach to the car park, a tree was cut down some years ago. Someone obviously carved the name of the village into the stump. Only three and a half letters remain.

No forest drive would be complete without at least one pony mooning in the middle of the road.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s deliscious chiken tikka, mushroom and onion rice topped with an omelette, and onion bahjis  She drank Peroni and I drank Isla Negra merlot 2016.


  1. Did you just call my wagon a ‘ho?
    (I think that might be North American humour) but it’s always good to laugh 🙂

  2. Your garden is alot of work, but just look at the marvelous results!!
    Loved that Gunsmoke/Western theme music – dad and I would watch every one!!
    And thanks for fitting in the ponies – you know I love them!!

  3. The draught horses are magnificent! I went back and read up about the village – what a let down! I was ready to be taken back to Medieval days and the arts of herbalism and scrying.
    A agree, I think that is Katherine Parr too, a most fortunate woman 🙂 The rose garden is looking luscious!!

  4. I think I have mentioned this before but in Burley, Burley Street really, there used to be the Flying ‘G’ ranch where you could enjoy a real western ridign experience; not thjat you’d get me on one of those beasts!! https://www.susanbailey1.com/ It was fun to see them out on the forest when we went for a bug hunt with dad.

  5. Such an amazing garden you have dear Derrick. lovely to see those horses pulling the wagon.. And nothing nicer on a hot sunny day to be sitting in a beer garden sipping something cold that cools the throat that is parched.. 🙂
    Wishing you a lovely weekend to you and your good lady .. Hugs Sue xxx

  6. I love these rabbits you keep pulling out of your hat, Derrick. The ‘Wagon Ho!’ track transcended me to older days when movies like that were the rage. Those ponies, are they free as God sent them hither?

    1. Many thanks, Uma. The ponies do roam free, but they are all owned by someone who has the right of pasturage. They spend their lives in the forest. There is a health check each year when they are rounded up, branded (if they have been born that year) and their tails are cut in ways that identify their territory. The round up is featured here: https://derrickjknight.com/2016/08/30/the-drift/

  7. Love the free style life you capture Derrick, the cyclists and walkers, and the laid back rural scenes, The Coven of Witches Pub piqued my curiosity, thanks to the link the story was told.

  8. So much to love about this post, especially ballerina with her gleeful dance. But my favorite is the picture in your header. The little girl on the right reminds me of my own Shannon when she was small. Two cute little peanuts!

  9. A bit of everything in this post, Derrick–roses, a queen, horses, wagons, and dinner at the end!
    I went back to read your earlier post. What struck me besides the let down of the 1950s witch was the knowledge that dragons like to drink milk. I had no idea. 😉
    I hope the sign is Katharine Parr.

    1. Katherine Parr was a much older woman going on 40 when she married Henry.
      As you can tell the picture is of a young girl and lady Jane was but 17 when executed

  10. The Ballerina is just beautiful! The horses look much too small for Clydesdales. Perhaps, if it brings prosperity we should all have a dragon on the roof and a witch or two tucked away in a spare room!

  11. I liked the wagon and humor.
    The pink Ballerina flowers being allowed to grow unfettered tickled me pink. 🙂
    The chicken tikka sounds delicious and this may be a perfect dish to join you in. Jackie’s home cooked meals which include mushrooms, onions and omelette sound scrumptious! 🎆

  12. Oh dear, oh dear, oh very dear. It is actually a portrait of Princess Elizabeth, 1546, just before her father, Henry VIII, died. By William Scrots. It’s the Princess’ Head. She actually kept hers!

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