Last night I finished reading:

One of Trollope’s shorter works, this deals with familiar themes concerning the status of women; socio-economic inequalities; intrigue and romantic entanglements. It is a tragic love story breaching differences in fortune, in social class, in geography, and in religion. As usual the prose flows along smoothly to the tale’s surprising, if inevitable, conclusion.
Given that the action takes place alternately in England and Ireland, the choice of the sensitive, and insightful Irish novelist and poet, Maeve Binchy to write the excellent introduction was most apt.
The generous quantity of Elisa Trimby’s drawings are faithful to the text. In particular she manages effectively to convey the emotions of her subjects. I was impressed with the appropriate flattening of perspective enabling her to depict a good depth of field.

In order not to give away the dénouement I have held back the last of the illustrations.
Much of this morning was devoid of Internet connection, which rather delayed my drafting of this review; and my listening to the England v. Sri Lanka men’s World Cup Cricket match.
In order to calm my nerves took a stroll round the garden.

The first two images of these day lilies are of those purchased from which, containing our national collection, is situated very near to us.

These penstemons adorn Margery’s Bed.
This evening we dined on Jackie’s superb sausages in red wine; crisp new potatoes, carrots, and broccoli, with which she drank Hoegaarden and I finished the Pinot Noir.
The drawings are so detailed and beautiful.
I love literature and the arts.
Also that garden is just gorgeous.
Thank you very much, Cinnamon
You’re quite welcome
*accusingly* I must have caught my internetlessitis from you!
That book seems a pure delight. I do hope it doesn’t end with the protagonists flinging themselves over the scary cliffs, though.
Close, Leslie. Thanks very much.
Incredible detail in those drawings! I’ve got a long list of Trollope’s books on my Audible wish list and am having trouble deciding on which one to choose. Any suggestions? (Currently I’m listening to Miriam Margolyes reading Bleak House and loving it. She reads aloud almost exactly as I read to myself)
Thanks very much, Pauline. This is an extract from an earlier post that you have read: ‘Last night I finished reading ‘Can You Forgive Her?’ by Anthony Trollope. Originally published in serial form, like other Victorian novels, this saga of family and politics was the forerunner of today’s television series. The book was the first of the Palliser sequence. It is longer than most readers would like in the modern world, but it repaid the time investment. I won’t give away any details, but can say that the author writes fluently and keeps us interested in the interrelated lives of his protagonists.’ A cousin of Jackie’s, a former Oxford University Prof, recommended I started with that.
Thank you Derrick – I don’t have this one on my list but shall see if I can find it – and thereby follow both Jackie’s cousin and your recommendation.
Thank you for the recommendation. I have added it to my audio book list.
Exquisite illustrations; thank you, Derrick, for sharing. The Russian translation of Trollope was published without illustrations, unfortunately.
That is the beauty of The Folio Society, Dolly. Many thanks
My pleasure, Derrick
I have not read this. And it’s time to go back to Trollope. I read a number back to back in my early 30s and realized that was a bad idea as he has some stock characters that can get mixed up with characters in other books. So I always leave time between. But I do love his stories! And your Penstemons are really beautiful. I must look them up to see if they grow here.
Thanks very much, Lisa. Jackie says they are very easy. Good luck with your return to Trollope
I really love Trollope’s work, recently, for our entertainment, we have watched BBC’s productions of some of his writings and we both enjoyed it very much. The illustrations of the book are wonderous though, nothing like holding the book in your hand is there!
Holding the book is essential, Agnes. Many thanks
So much detail in the drawings…must have been time consuming. Love the sharp clarity in your photos, Derrick. The last one is so pretty.
Thank you very much, Jill
Love those drawings, Derrick. It must have taken ages to scan them
Thanks for recognising that, Mike. They have to be done individually and I have to be careful not to spoil the book
marvellous illustrations, wish I’d have had that talent;
Bangers in red wine? That’s twice this week did the Culinary Queen cook an over abundance the first time?
Thanks very much, Brian. She always does. We have the meals twice and she freezes the rest for another time
Pretty smart really, I do the same for some of the WO’s dishes that she enjoys and I abhor like a kedgeree,
After looking at those illustrations, I checked our library catologue with no success. Though there are a few other books by Anthony Trollope. Have you read his other work?
There are 40+ novels. I have them all and have read a few. The rest are on my bucket list – if I am granted the time 🙂 Thanks very much, Rupali.…5555.11314..12753…0.0..0.142.1316.10j4……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i22i30j33i160j33i21.XYOVjvykRRE
This is a google page for the Folio illustrated edition. There are other pages for other outlets from different publishers
Thanks Derrick. I have already ordered.
And thanks for the link Derrick.
There is no mistaking the photographer critiquing a work of art. The images of lilies and the penstemon are breathtaking.
Many thanks, Uma.
A garden stroll is always good for the body, mind, and soul! 🙂
Thank you for sharing the Trollope book, and illustrations with us. They are so beautifully detailed, I can stare at them for so long!
HUGS!!! 🙂
Thanks very much, Carolyn. They do repay close inspection.
The cricket was rather a shock!
Indeed. But, I think, no bad shake-up. Thanks a lot, Andrew.
I am glad you were able to calm your nerves by a walk in the garden.
Thanks very much, Albert
Why do we torment ourselves with sport?
To save the wife a job! 😉
Ha. She plays first reserve with aplomb..
What league are they in then?? 😉
🙂 Thanks a lot, Geoff
So True, Ms Trimby’s drawings masterfully capture such great depth!
I fully concur with Uma – the Day-lily and the penstamon are quite remarkably beautiful shots.
Did i hear right? Is the UK about to experience a heat wave?? 36 degrees were mentioned?? Hope the garden shades are up?? 🙂
Sorry about the cricket!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
The cricket was a timely shake-up. Thanks very much, Bob.
Amazing drawings! Such detail. Thanks for taking the time to share those with us. Almost like the old lithographs. 😀 Garden looks great!
Thanks very much, Wendy
Absolutely enchanting drawings Derrick, each on their own tells a story and each must be a perfect accompaniment to the written words, an excellent review on a book that takes us back into another time.
Cheers, Ian, mate
The drawings are very well done. She does give a good sense of depth.
The daylilies are beautiful!
Thank you very much, Lavinia
Really enjoyed seeing the illustrations from your book. Thankyou Derrick.
Thank you very much, Angela
Wonderful read
Thanks very much, Gary
Another beautifully illustrated Folio edition and a Trollope too! The daylilies and penstemons are glorious. I especially like the penstemon photo.
Thanks very much, Clare
Wonderful illustrations! I can how strolling through your garden would soothe you. Those day lilies are stunning!
Many thanks, Merril
These are beautiful illustrations. Thank you.
Thanks very much, Micheline
The illustrations are extraordinary! I noticed that for some time now I have not been receiving your posts in my feed. That is odd. But at least I discovered it and re-followed you. That should fix the problem.
I hope so, Crystal. Thanks very much
The illustrations are lovely, thank you for sharing them with us.
Many. thanks, LL/PS