21st November 2024
After Jackie had de-iced the windscreen, swathed in our warmest garments early this morning we drove into a curtain of ceaseless swirling snow and sleet all the way to Southampton General Hospital for the last of my current spell of BCG vaccine installation, only to be told once we had walked through steady precipitation to the main entrance and up to the Urology Department that I had no appointment today.
I needed to be at my firm persistent best, barely concealing my frustrated anger, to persuade the rather abrupt receptionist to check with the nurses. My appointment, despite my having been sent two reminders for it, was not on the system. Eventually, Fiona, who had been attending to another patient, came out. She of course knew I should have had one and confirmed that, although it wasn’t on their spreadsheet, she would fit me in as soon as she has seen two more people. She did and was most apologetic, as was Anna, who joined in at the end of the smoothly undertaken procedure.
The next step is for the camera to check whether all is well. This will be undertaken probably in the first week of January. I will be sent a date for that. Hopefully.
Our return journey was uneventful, except that the precipitation had turned to slush and snowballs slid from the trees overhead, slapping the windscreen. We regretted not having a camera on board as we observed that we had never seen trees bearing festive flakes and autumn splendour simultaneously.
As my concentration is more than somewhat hampered by the usual urgent after effects of this procedure, I prepared this clutch of culling a couple of days ago:
This picture of Michael & Piper from June 1977 appears in each of https://derrickjknight.com/2012/06/22/geoff-austins-shoes/ and https://derrickjknight.com/2012/06/30/piper/
These images are survivors from https://derrickjknight.com/2012/10/16/cricket-in-the-street/
These pages are survivors from https://derrickjknight.com/2014/11/27/teenage-creativity/but since I still have the originals, perhaps they should be deleted.
These pictures were a surprise from https://derrickjknight.com/2014/02/11/sneaky-little-becky/
and these from August 1964 featured in https://derrickjknight.com/2014/01/22/a-link/
So hampered was my concentration that I didn’t actually post this after we enjoyed Jackie’s wholesome chicken stewp and fresh bread