Knowing that we could expect heavy rain this afternoon, Jackie spent all morning
trimming Wedding Day on the Agriframes Arch which would be bound to be ravaged.
She completed the task as the rain began.
I carried out dead heading, a little clearing up, and photography.
Phlox are doing very well this year.
It is the season for dahlias
and Japanese anemones.
Fuchsias are enjoying it too. These examples are Garden News, Magellanica, Mrs Popple, Hawksmoor, and Sarah’s Delta.
Roses picked out by my lens include Alan Titchmarsh, Summer Time, a pink climber, Deep Secret, and Lady Emma Hamilton.
Other gems include two varieties of eryngium; blue agapanthus contrasting nicely with pale calendulas; the swamp lily Crinum Powellia; whiskery St Johns wort; White Pearl sweet peas and; potted begonias reclining on the rusty rocker, now a little unsafe to use for its intended purpose.
In addition to the clematis still sprawling on the Agriframes Arch above, we have many others, including
Polish Spirit in the Dragon Bed and on the barrier trellis, and Purpurea Plena Elegans in the Rose Garden.
Rather like the Head Gardener, bees such as these clinging precariously to lavender, to salvias, and to verbena bonariensis, were working against the rain clock.
This afternoon I posted “A Knight’s Tale (10: After the Revolution)”
Our dinner this evening consisted of chicken breasts cooked in Nando’s chilli, lemon, and mango sauce, and Jackie’s savoury rice, with which she drank Cotes de Provence rosé 2020, and I drank more of the Fleurie.